"Plaintiff's lawyer, what else do you have to say?"

Zhao Qiuxia knew that her eloquence was not as good as Lin Chuan's, so debating with Lin Chuan was tantamount to asking for trouble, so she simply brought out the witnesses and evidence.

The people's police will not lie, and the evidence will not lie.

In the face of the mountain of iron evidence, no matter how powerful the eloquence is, it will seem pale and powerless.

At the same time,

Gao Yuliang, the head of the Political and Legal Committee, who was far away in the compound of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee, had just finished his work and was paying close attention to the live broadcast of the court case.

"Teacher Gao, I don't think Lin Chuan has any outstanding qualities. He is bound to lose this lawsuit!"

Gao Yuliang's secretary Cheng Zhiyu expressed his opinion.

He is a top student who graduated from Ludong University of Political Science and Law. Although the gold content is not as good as Lin Chuan's Kyoto Law School, it is also a 985 school, and its law major can be ranked among domestic universities.

"It's too early to tell who will win or lose."

"Lin Chuan is a very secretive guy, you can't see through him.

Gao Yuliang observed very carefully.

Facing the overwhelming evidence,

Lin Chuan���He didn't panic in court, which means he has a backup plan.


Cheng Zhiyu felt sad.

He had been working as a secretary for Gao Yuliang for a year and had never seen the head of the Political and Legal Committee speak so highly of a young man.

From this point of view,

Lin Chuan really has a bright future. His future achievements may be more than just being a lawyer.


Back at the trial scene,

Feng Jianjun looked at Lin Chuan solemnly.

With his many years of trial experience, the biggest difficulty in overturning this lawsuit is not the plaintiff Li Huihui, but the defendant himself.

Ma Ming, he personally admitted the crime of rape, and the police have the transcript and recording.

In this case, it is harder than climbing to the sky to change the confession!

Feng Jianjun thought of ten thousand possibilities in his mind, but still couldn't think of a way to crack it.

He looked at Lin Chuan, wondering why this guy was still so calm until now.

"Judge, I have also submitted evidence to the court."

Faced with Zhao Qiuxia's iron fist attack,

Lin Chuan did not panic, but raised his hand to signal


"Lawyer Lin Chuan, what you mean is... do you have evidence to prove that Ma Ming is not guilty of rape?"

The presiding judge Feng Jianjun's eyes lit up.

At the same time, everyone at the scene looked at Lin Chuan suspiciously.

The confession and the female's body fluid identification report were placed on the judge's table.

Both of these pieces of evidence were direct evidence.

If you want to overturn Ma Ming's rape charge, you have to produce more intuitive evidence.

However, according to the time of the incident,

Ma Ming's confession and

Li Huihui's physical examination report are already perfect evidence that the police can collect at the first time, and with the professionalism of the police, they will not miss any evidence.

Therefore, everyone was confused.

What exactly is the evidence in Lin Chuan's hand?

"That's right, Mr. Judge, the evidence I have is more direct than the police's evidence!"

Lin Chuan took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and shook it in front of the camera.

"The USB drive contains a surveillance video... well... to be more precise, it is a video taken without the knowledge of the person involved."

"I request that it be played in court."

Lin Chuan handed the USB drive to the law enforcement police.

The presiding judge Feng Jianjun was confused. He said it was a surveillance video, and then he changed his mind and said it was not a video of knowledge.

What exactly was the content of the video?

Feng Jianjun couldn't guess, but considering that the plaintiff's lawyer's request was reasonable, he nodded.

The law enforcement police received the order and immediately inserted the USB drive into the computer connected to the large screen.

"Brothers in the live broadcast room, what do you think is the content of the video in Lawyer Lin Chuan’s USB flash drive?"

"Isn't it easy to guess? It must be a video that is unfavorable to Li Huihui."

"Be more specific!"

"Maybe it was a video taken when Ma Ming and Li Huihui were dating, and they used this video to prove their relationship."

"Maybe it was a video recording Li Huihui's illegal activities. This is more likely."

"Yes, yes, yes, do you still remember the previous Luzhou car accident lawsuit?"

"At that time, He Tianyi insisted that the act of throwing stones was not intentional, but lawyer Lin Chuan took out a video USB flash drive, which recorded He Tianyi's behavior of deliberately throwing stones for fun."

"At that time, after the video was played, Lin Chuan turned the tide"

"That's right, the video played this time is most likely a record of Li Huihui's illegal and disorderly conduct. Since the way to change her confession is not feasible, Lin Chuan definitely wants to take another path."


In the live broadcast room, the audience was talking about it.

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room has exceeded 100,000.

The Jingzhou City People's Court officials began to restrict more viewers from entering.

If there are more people, their server will crash.

"Ms. Li, did someone film you for any reason?"

In the plaintiff's seat, the plaintiff's lawyer Zhao Qiuxia suddenly had a bad feeling.

"No, what can I use to hold you responsible?"

Li Huihui shook her head, her face full of innocence.

"That's strange. What could be in this video that made Lin Chuan so confident?"

Zhao Qiuxia scratched her head and stared at the big screen.

At this time, the computer had read the contents of the USB drive.

Then, the staff opened the video player and started playing the evidence submitted by Lin Chuan.

"Baby, I love you so much, can you give it to me tonight?"

"Ah~ no, no!"

"I beg you!"



The video had just been played and the screen was still being decoded. The screen was dark.

But the audio source of the video had been connected.

The rapid breathing and awkward conversation were clearly heard by everyone at the scene.

"Shit, the evidence submitted by Lin Chuan is not serious. Is this a legitimate video?"

"This is - you took the wrong USB drive, right? Are the videos in this USB drive the ones that Lawyer Lin Chuan uses to relax at night?"

"Hahahaha... Playing pornographic videos in court is unprecedented!"

"No, you are all too excited. Listen carefully, do the people speaking in the video sound familiar?"

"It seems... a little familiar."


The audience in the live broadcast room was boiling with excitement.

It was so amazing that

Lin Chuan actually showed a pornographic video in court!

Everyone at the scene looked at Lin Chuan with gloating, thinking that he took the wrong USB drive and caused an accident at the trial.

However, two people did not laugh, but bowed their heads deeply.

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