Lian Li talked to Lin Chuan a lot. If he didn't tell him, Lin Chuan really wouldn't know many things. This was very helpful for him to sort out the case. After Lian Li finished talking about Zhu Lin's case, he accidentally said something that made Lin Chuan vaguely aware of something.

"Lawyer Lin Chuan, the saddest people are actually Zhu Lin's parents"

"Their family is also a wealthy family."

"Rich and powerful"

"Both of my daughters are successful in their studies."

"My younger sister Zhu Lin was admitted to Huaqing University. She is also a swimming champion and a musician of the national orchestra. She is multi-talented."

"At that time, he was a popular figure in Huaqing University."

"Zhu Lin's sister, Zhu Meng, is even more outstanding."

"She showed an extraordinary talent for writing in high school and was called a talented girl by her classmates and teachers. As a result, she was admitted to the Department of Literature at Jingbei University."

"But unfortunately"

"A cliff fall accident took Zhu Meng's life"

"Two years later"

"Unexpectedly, tragedy struck the Zhu family again"

"Zhu Lin suffered from thallium poisoning. Although she survived after treatment, her IQ dropped to that of a seven-year-old."

"It's no different than being dead."


It was these words that made Lin Chuan feel something was wrong.

The two daughters of the Zhu family actually died in college.

If we look at it from a probability perspective, the chance is less than one in a billion.

"I have to go to the police station to check the record of Zhu Meng's fall from the cliff."

Lin Chuan's sixth sense has always been very accurate.

Both sisters died strangely, maybe there is a connection between them.

"Thank you, Lian Li."

Lin Chuan put the file in his arms and stood up to say goodbye.

"Lawyer Lin"

"Jinghai is different from other places"

"This is the center of power"

"Jiang Yun's family is very powerful, so you may encounter resistance when collecting evidence... If you encounter difficulties, call me"

"I will do my best to help you!"

Lian Li's face was full of sincerity.

It has been almost 30 years since the Zhu Lin case.

As Zhu Lin's classmate, he also wanted to know whether the murderer targeted by the police was Jiang Yun.

"Well, thanks."

Lin Chuan waved and disappeared at the door.



Three o'clock.

Lin Chuan went to the Jinghai Gangcheng District Police Station without stopping.

At that time, the Zhu Lin case was first accepted by the Gangcheng District Police Station.

Considering the major impact, the Municipal Bureau has increased the manpower of the Gangcheng District Police Station, and many well-known domestic criminal investigation experts have participated in it.

Therefore, the original backup of the confession record of the Zhu Lin case is stored in the Gangcheng District Police Station.

Moreover, after Zhu Meng fell off the cliff, it was the police officers in Gangcheng District who first arrived at the crime scene, and they had first-hand information.

When he arrived at the Gangcheng District Police Station, Lin Chuan showed his lawyer's license.

What greeted him was a long wait.

It was not until five o'clock in the afternoon, when he was about to get off work, that he got what he wanted.


At night, back at the hotel,

Lin Chuan laid out the documents on the table.

The case files of Zhu Lin, the transcript of Zhu Lin, the recording of Zhu Lin, the transcript of Zhu Meng,


Lin Chuan examined the documents on the desk and fell into deep thought.

The elder sister fell off a cliff, the younger sister was poisoned by thallium, the hospital was slow to diagnose the cause, the police opened a case and investigated, and identified the suspect as the roommate, the police encountered resistance, the trial was lost... one word after another was intertwined in Lin Chuan's mind, like a spider weaving a web.


Lin Chuan took a deep breath, and then let out a long sigh.

Next, it was the process of finding the truth.

Lin Chuan opened the file of Zhu Lin's case. The file was already tattered, and fingerprints were vaguely visible on it.

Obviously, many fellow lawyers had read this file back then.

However, no one found useful evidence from it.

""Enter the legal space!"

Lin Chuan closed his eyes and came to the legal space in his mind.

There was nothingness all around him, and directly opposite him was a huge screen.

The words in the file twisted their bodies and presented themselves on the giant screen.

Lin Chuan quickly read the file.

When he finished reading, bubble-like text prompts floated on the screen.

Lin Chuan touched them one by one, and the big screen immediately showed a detailed record of the content.

【The relationship between the Zhu family and the Jiang family】

【Jiang Yun's moral character】

【Zhu Lin's tooth cup】

【The intersection of Zhu Lin and Jiang Yun】

【Disappearing Emails】

【Thesis on Thallium Poisoning by Tang Fuming, Chief Physician of Wanhe Hospital】

【The Lost Reporter】


There were a huge number of information prompts floating around Lin Chuan.

Some of the prompts were gray when clicked, which required Lin Chuan to find a way.

After reading all the prompts,

Lin Chuan just felt cold all over.

The evidence at that time was very clear.

It was not that the Zhu Lin case could not be closed, and the criminal suspect could not be arrested, but.

The law can only be applied to the general public sometimes.

You know, thirty years ago in Longguo, the only way for people to pay attention to the Zhu Lin case was newspapers and news.

The information was blocked and the powerful were in power.

But now it is different.

After thirty years of progress, people have a strong sense of rights protection.

Although trillions of people have never met Zhu Lin, they have paid attention to the Zhu Lin case. Everyone hopes that the truth can be revealed to the world.


After reading the case file of Zhu Lin,

Lin Chuan did not come out of the legal space, but chose to play the recording of Zhu Lin's case in the legal space.

After listening to the recording,

Lin Chuan obviously felt something was wrong.

First, this recording was recorded when Zhu Lin was already terminally ill.

Because when she reported the case, the thallium element in Zhu Lin's body was seriously exceeded.

According to the toxicity of thallium, it was a miracle that she survived with the thallium content in Zhu Lin's body at that time.

Therefore, during the police interrogation, Zhu Lin's consciousness kept alternating between coma and wakefulness.

Sometimes, Zhu Lin fell asleep after answering only half a sentence.

Then there was a blank rustling sound in the recording.

Until Zhu Lin woke up again, the police continued to interrogate.

During the interrogation process of thirty minutes, the police and Zhu Lin actually communicated for less than three minutes.

What Lin Chuan felt strange was that because of her illness, Zhu Lin often fell into a coma during the interrogation with the police, so the intermittent recording was also normal.

But there was a section of the recording that Lin Chuan felt was strange, as if it had been erased.

Because technology was not developed thirty years ago, the interrogation process was recorded on tapes, so if you want to erase a section of the recording, you only need to cut the tape.

The operation is very simple.

With this suspicion, Lin Chuan activated the prompt function of the legal space again.

As expected, the prompt given by the system is:

【Disappeared tape recording]

Unfortunately, this prompt message is grayed out after clicking it, and the system also gives a key person: interrogator Yang Yong.

Only by contacting this person can Lin Chuan obtain the content of the missing recording.

And this recording content,

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