"Judge, he forged the evidence! I request professionals to identify it!"

Tang Fuming panicked.

At that time, after using the spectrometer to test the chemical elements of Zhu Lin, Tang Fuming destroyed the spectrum test chart as soon as possible.

Then he used the method of replacing the prince with a cat to replace the spectrum test chart of a normal person.

But where did the chemical element spectrum test chart in Lin Chuan's hand come from? Tang Fuming was cautious and destroyed the evidence himself, and his memory would definitely not be wrong.

Therefore, the only possibility that popped up in Tang Fuming's mind was that this spectrum test chart was forged!

"The defendant Tang Fuming requested reasonable"

"Plaintiff's lawyer, please submit your evidence to the law enforcement officer. A professional will conduct an appraisal later."

The presiding judge, Nie Zhengyang, knocked the gavel.

The law enforcement officer walked to the plaintiff's seat, and

Lin Chuan confidently handed over all the evidence.

The staff responsible for the appraisal used professional instruments to check the spectrum and the hospital's admission records.

During this period,

Lin Chuan did not stop his offensive.

"Dean Tang"

"You are a medical expert, but you have no medical ethics."

"Facing the dying Zhu Lin"

"I know that a bottle of Prussian blue worth ten dollars can save my life."

"Why choose silence?"

"Did someone give you a benefit?"

"Or do you think that for your future, you can even regard the patient's life as worthless?"

Lin Chuan asked questions like a machine gun, but the person involved, Tang Fuming, ignored him.

He stared at the evidence presented by Lin Chuan.

Before the appraisal results came out, he would not answer any questions from Lin Chuan.


Lin Chuan's next words made Tang Fuming's pupils tremble.

"Spring 1997"

"You published a paper on thallium poisoning in the Lancet"


"This is the first paper on thallium poisoning in China, and you became famous because of it."

"Directly promoted from deputy director of internal medicine department of Peking Union Medical College"


"With the help of a noble person, your career will be even more prosperous."

"Dr. Tang"

"I want to ask you a sincere question."

"Is the blood-stained steamed bun really delicious?"

When Lin Chuan said this,

Tang Fuming's pupils had a big earthquake.

At the same time, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded.

"Damn, if Lin Chuan hadn't spread rumors, Tang Fu knew that Zhu Lin was poisoned by thallium, but he didn't rescue her.……"

"It’s to publish a paper in The Lancet!"

"I am a doctor in a tertiary hospital."

"As far as I know, not only was there a lack of relevant papers on thallium poisoning in China at that time, but even the relevant literature abroad was incomplete."

"If domestic doctors really have a chance"

"It can observe all data of patients with thallium poisoning and their clinical symptoms throughout the whole process."

"The first to write a paper"

"He is not only famous in China, but also famous abroad."

"This is a huge temptation!"

"Even if it were me...I wouldn't necessarily be able to stick to the bottom line of a doctor."


In the live broadcast room, the audience basically understood why Lin Chuan wanted to take action against Zhu Lin's attending physician.

If it was just because of insufficient medical skills that delayed Zhu Lin's treatment time, there would be nothing to pursue.

However, if it was true as Lin Chuan said,

Tang Fuming, for the sake of his future and career, knew that Zhu Lin was poisoned by thallium, but chose to watch her die without saving her, just to be the first person to eat crabs.

Then the nature of the matter has changed, and he is definitely eating human blood buns!

"You...you shouldn't spit blood on me!"

"I didn't stand by and watch you die. You have a dark heart... If I didn't write the 1997 paper, someone else would have done it."

"Rather than letting foreign doctors take the lead"

"I might as well be the first to write it and bring glory to my country."

"This is my patriotic act!"

Tang Fuming clenched his fists excitedly, tears streaming down his face.

At the same time, the results of the appraisal of the evidence submitted by Lin Chuan came out, and the court judged it to be true!

When the presiding judge Nie Zhengyang announced the result,

Tang Fuming, the deputy director of Wanhe Hospital, could no longer hold on, and suddenly burst into tears, with turbid tears falling to the ground.

The courtroom was silent.

Everyone's eyes were focused on this medical master.

Thirty years ago, he should have used a scalpel to treat patients, but because of a moment's thought, he used the scalpel as a murder weapon.

"Bastard! Damn old man, a dog with no medical ethics!"

"It's so scary. I didn't expect that in Tang Fuming's eyes, Zhu Lin was actually a specimen for the experiment."

"I'm afraid that when Zhu Lin was sent to Wanhe Hospital, in Tang Fuming's eyes, she was already a corpse?"

"Are there really doctors who are so crazy as to climb up the career ladder?"

"It's so abominable. He took advantage of Zhu Lin's blood. This behavior is even more hateful than poisoning people."


The live broadcast room was filled with curses.

Three minutes later,

Tang Fuming's tears dried up.

He hunched over, not daring to look directly at the camera. At this moment, he looked like a mouse in the sun.

"Yes...I'm sorry!"

"Lin Chuan was right. I was obsessed with fame and didn't save Zhu Lin in time."

"I'm sorry Zhu Lin!"

"I'm sorry to the Zhu family!"

"Thirty years have passed. During these thirty years, my conscience has been condemned all the time. I have never had a good night's sleep."


"I can finally sleep peacefully."

Tang Fuming knelt on the ground, choking with sobs.

Facing the ironclad evidence, he could no longer refute it, nor did he want to refute it. Although

Tang Fuming's career had reached a higher level because of that paper, the flowers and applause could not cover up the thirty years of suffering in his heart.

"The defendant, Tang Fuming, confessed to the crimes committed in the Zhu Lin case"

"Now order the law enforcement officers to take him into custody"

"At the sentencing stage of the trial, the judge and the jury jointly discussed and weighed the details of sentencing from all aspects."

The presiding judge Nie Zhengyang slammed the gavel heavily.

He never expected that under the bright and beautiful clothes of the medical master, there was actually a broken and decayed body.


The law enforcement police immediately stepped forward and put silver handcuffs on Tang Fuming.


""I would rather bear the blame alone than betray the Jiang family."

Lin Chuan sighed softly.

According to the truth he knew, the thallium poisoning paper report was only one of Tang Fuming's motives for disappearing.

On the other hand, the Jiang family had promised that as long as Tang Fuming did not treat Zhu Lin, the Jiang family would support his career.

"Defendant Tang Fuming, do you have any additional statements?"

"if there is not"

"Please ask the plaintiff's lawyer to continue with the next appeal."

The presiding judge Nie Zhengyang's eyes fell on Tang Fuming.

After thinking for a while,

Tang Fuming wanted to seek a reduction in sentence, so he said

"presiding judge"

"When Zhu Lin was sent to the hospital, I examined her and found that she was already in a critical condition."

"Even though I gave her Prussian blue"

"Most likely it won't help."

"Her brain stem and cerebral lobes were damaged to varying degrees."

"Even if she were injected with Prussian blue to remove the thallium from her body, her brain would return to normal."


"At that time, I thought that even if I saved her, she would become a vegetable."

"It's better to let her die with dignity."

"I made the decision not to rescue her under these circumstances, so can my sentence be lighter?"

Tang Fuming wanted to reduce his sentence and expressed his inner thoughts at the time.


But Zhu Jiangguo, who was in the plaintiff's seat, couldn't stand it anymore and rolled up his sleeves to beat Tang Fuming.

"Silence! No unauthorized actions are allowed in the courtroom!"

Nie Zhengyang immediately banged the gavel and took control of the courtroom.

At this time,

Lin Chuan suddenly opened his mouth and scolded

"As a doctor"

"You only have the obligation to save the dying and the wounded, and you have no right to decide the life and death of others"

"Only the law"

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