"Oh no, I was fooled by this guy!"

Nie Zhengyang suddenly realized that a lawyer who didn't read the legal provisions actually studied the art of war, who could prevent this?

"Cough cough cough……"

"Summon the interrogator at that time, Officer Yang Yong."

Nie Zhengyang reluctantly dropped the gavel.

All the conversations in the courtroom will be recorded and have legal effect.

If you want to favor your colleagues in the public security department at this time, it will definitely not work under the watchful eyes of the public.

There is no other way.

As long as Lin Chuan really has evidence,

Yang Yong will be sentenced as he should be. No human feelings will be taken into account. There will be no leniency.

""Judge, I am Yang Yong, who took Zhu Lin's statement back then."

Yang Yong was wearing a police uniform, with two stripes on his shoulders representing his rank.

Thirty years have passed, and he has risen from an interrogator to the head of a department in the Municipal Bureau.

"Is the case just stated by Lin Chuan true?"

"As an interrogator, did you neglect your duties or even intentionally destroy evidence during the law enforcement process?"

The presiding judge Nie Zhengyang's face was serious.

The police are members of the political and legal system and have special legal training before taking up their posts.

Therefore, if Lin Chuan did not lie, Yang Yong's behavior was a violation of the law, which was tantamount to discrediting the public security system.

"presiding judge"

"I heard the plaintiff's lawyer's statement very clearly."

"His words are pure lies!"

Yang Yong straightened his back.

In such an occasion, even if he felt guilty, he could not lose in terms of momentum. What happened back then was a thing of the past. As a police officer, he had received professional training and knew that he could not leave any clues. Therefore, he had destroyed all the evidence, leaving no evidence behind.

"Police Officer Yang Yong!"

"At this point, you still don't admit your crime?"

Lin Chuan's eyebrows stood up in a V shape.

Yang Yong, as a police officer, did not repent for the crime he committed back then and chose to escape. Lin Chuan felt disgusted and contemptuous of this cowardly behavior.

"presiding judge"

"I suspect that the plaintiff's lawyer has impure motives and is deliberately spreading rumors and slandering me!"

"I represent thousands of police officers."

"Our dedicated work"

"But I didn't expect"

"What I got in return was insults and slander from others"

"Lin Chuan's actions are not only directed at me, but also at all comrades in our public security system."

"presiding judge"

"Lin Chuan defamed the people's police. I ask the court to sentence him and ask him to apologize to our public security system immediately!"

Yang Yong is also a graduate of the University of Political Science and Law. He did not become a lawyer, but entered the public security system.

Therefore, he knows a thing or two about the law.

"Police Constable Yang Yong"

"First, I have to correct one thing."


"I cannot represent all police comrades!"


"The only person targeted from the beginning to the end is you. The crime you committed will be nailed to the pillar of shame in the police forever after it is exposed today!"

Lin Chuan stared at Yang Yong.

He found that

Yang Yong was much more difficult to deal with than Tang Fuming.

This man was very scheming and deliberately tied him and all the police comrades together.

Doing so would make the audience feel that

Lin Chuan's accusation just now was an offense to the public security system.


Lin Chuan was smarter than him.

Since you want to play moral kidnapping, I won't accompany you. Just throw out the evidence from that year. Justice is in the hearts of the people.

"presiding judge"

"The tape in my hand is the recording of Yang Yong's interrogation of Zhu Lin."

"There is a recording"

"I don't feel right"

"Because the gap between the beginning and the end is too long, I suspect that this tape was cut by Yang Yong."

Lin Chuan put the tape in front of the camera, and the audience in the live broadcast room could see it clearly.

"Hahaha, these are all memories of my youth. How many years has it been since I last saw a tape?"

"Yes, the girl behind the scenes in the live broadcast room definitely doesn’t know about this thing, right?"

"It's called tape!"

"I used to use this thing to play songs, it was awesome"


The middle-aged people in the live studio are all familiar with cassettes. In the 1990s, cassettes carried so many musical memories.

However, with the rapid development of technology, cassettes have gradually faded out of history.

But in those days, cassettes were an important tool for the police to record confessions.

"The law enforcement officer played the tape recording.

Nie Zhengyang looked at the tape attentively.

There was a sticker on the outer shell of the tape, which recorded the specific time and case name of the tape recording.

This recording was borrowed by Lin Chuan from the archives room of the Gangcheng District Police Station.

""Okay, presiding judge."

The law enforcement officer took the tape from Lin Chuan, but the staff in the backstage became flustered.


I haven't seen this thing for many years.

What did you use to play it, a tape player or a walkman?

The staff in the backstage of the court searched through boxes and cabinets, and finally found a tape player in the tool storage room. The body was covered with old dust.

Obviously, this machine has not been used in the trial scene for many years.


Three minutes later, the law enforcement officer put the tape into the player and pressed the play button.

The gears started to creak and turn.

At the same time, the speaker of the machine began to vibrate and make noises.

In that era, technology was not yet developed.

Tapes were the most common recording tool.

The quality of the sound source was not so important at that time. As long as the recording was complete, it was fine. People paid more attention to functionality.

But now, with the development of technology, recording tools have been updated and the quality of recording has become better.



There is a noise coming from the player

"Zhu Lin, you are awake. I am Yang Yong, a police officer from Gangcheng District Police Station."

"You have been diagnosed with thallium poisoning, and your father suspects that someone deliberately poisoned you. I would like to ask you a few questions."


"Uncle policeman, you...you ask, I am in so much pain"


"How is your relationship with your roommates in the dormitory? Have you ever had any conflicts or frictions with your roommates?"

"Hey Hey hey?"

"Are you still listening? I'm in a coma again!"





"Uncle police, I... I have never had any conflicts with my roommate... I am in so much pain, can I still live?"


"Please think carefully again, has your roommate ever touched your cup?"


"I... All the toothbrush and cups in my dormitory are placed on the sink. I don't know if anyone has touched my cups."




"Wake up! Wake up! Have you observed your roommate's abnormal behavior? Think carefully, as these are important clues!"

"Hey! Wake up!"


The 30-minute recording actually didn't contain much dialogue.

When the recording reached a certain point,

Lin Chuan suddenly raised his hand to signal

"right here!"

"Five minutes of silence"

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