"Lin Chuan, don't go too far!"

"You say I'm hiding the truth?"

"How ridiculous!"

"My classmates back then can all vouch for me."

"I didn't have time to commit the crime because I was the first one to say I was hungry and the first one to go down the mountain."

"As for the crime of intentional wounding you are accusing"


"If you have evidence, just show it."

"If there is no evidence"

"Then you are defaming me in court. I want you to apologize and pay for the damages to your reputation!"

Faced with Lin Chuan's accusation,

Jiang Renhua did not panic.

Beifu Mountain was still a barren mountain back then.

It was not included in the Jinghai Scenic Area and there were no protection measures.

The technology at that time was not so advanced. Not to mention cameras, mobile phones were rarely seen.

Therefore, it was impossible for him to murder Zhu Meng.

"I really do not know"

"Why are you so confident?"

"Do you think there was no evidence left at the crime scene?"


"Do you think the three waves of police back then couldn't find anything?"

"Thirty years later"

"I, a lawyer, can't find any evidence against you?"

Lin Chuan actually has a question all the time, why are all the criminals unwilling to give up until they see the Yellow River?

Don't they know? There is no perfect crime in this world.

"If you have evidence, bring it out now!"

"If you don't have any evidence, apologize to me immediately!"

Jiang Renhua's eyes released dangerous signals.

As long as this lawsuit is over, as long as Lin Chuan has not left Jinghai, he will use all his strength to retaliate against Lin Chuan.

"Plaintiff's lawyer"

"Well...from my perspective, this case is only slightly related to the Zhu Lin case."

"I think"

"You can apologize to Jiang Renhua"

"Then we return to the main story and continue to study Zhu Lin's case."

Nie Zhengyang came out to smooth things over.

With his rich experience working in the legal system for many years and the countless files he has read, he has summed up a rule: the most difficult cases to solve are not the ones that are suspenseful, complicated, or brain-burning... but the ones that are the simplest and most direct.

For example, the case of Zhu Meng falling off a cliff.

If it is true as Lin Chuan said, Zhu Meng was pushed off the cliff by Jiang Renhua, then this case is indeed difficult to solve.


Jiang Renhua's tool for committing the crime was his hand, and the crime scene was in the wilderness with no surveillance.

Therefore, it is normal that the police could not find any suspicious evidence.

"presiding judge"

"Although I am not undocumented, I have witnesses this time."

Seven days ago, Lin Chuan read the police record of Zhu Meng's fall from the cliff.

When he entered the legal space, the system did give a lot of suspicious information prompts.

However, when Lin Chuan touched the prompt information, he found that the information inside was all gray!

It was impossible to view it at all.

This is because many years have passed since Zhu Meng fell from the cliff, and the scene of the crime, that is, Beifu Mountain, has experienced thirty years of ups and downs.

In 1998, the Beijing-Hai government took the lead and allocated funds for development and renovation. After extensive renovation, Beifu Mountain is now full of courtyards, pavilions, mountain roads, and tourists... It has now become one of the eight scenic spots in Beijing-Hai.


The evidence left on the wild mountains and ridges at that time has disappeared.

Even if Lin Chuan went to the scene of the crime in Beifu Mountain in person, the system did not sense any clues.

This is why the murderer Jiang Renhua is fearless.

However, although the physical evidence has disappeared, there are still witnesses.

The system reproduced the case.

Jiang Renhua was indeed the first person to say that he was hungry.

At the same time, he was also the first person to go down the mountain.

He walked at the front of the team and soon disappeared from the sight of his classmates.

The reason for doing this was to create proof of his absence so that his classmates would think that he had gone down the mountain first.


The fact is that when he got down halfway up the mountain, Jiang Renhua secretly hid in the woods.

After waiting for all the classmates to go down the mountain, he secretly returned to the mountain, found Zhu Meng, and pushed her down unexpectedly.

"Zhen Yayun, a student of the Department of Literature of Beijing University, Class of 1992"

"She was in the same class as Zhu Meng and Jiang Renhua. She was one of the students who insisted on climbing to the top of the mountain."

"Jiang Renhua lured Zhu Meng to the edge of the cliff and saw the entire process of the crime."

"She is my witness." Lin Chuan spent a lot of effort to get Zhen Yayun to testify in court.

You know, the Jiang family is so powerful that no one wants to offend them.

Therefore, although Zhen Yayun witnessed the whole process of the crime, she did not dare to say much when facing the police's questioning.

After graduating from Jingbei University, she became a media reporter for CCTV.

For more than 30 years, as a media person, she has been brooding over what happened back then.

There were many times when she impulsively wanted to report the truth of the year.

However, considering the huge power of the Jiang family, first, if the report is made, will there be any TV station or newspaper that dares to publish it.

Second, will the Jiang family retaliate against her? Will her family and friends be affected? Can she keep her job at the TV station? In the end, selfishness and weakness prevailed, and Zhen Yayun remained silent.

However, before the trial, Zhen Yayun was finally moved by Lin Chuan and agreed to appear in court to identify Jiang Renhua

"Zhen Yayun? Is she the reporter from CCTV? She is actually a classmate of Zhu Meng."

"If Zhu Meng hadn't fallen off the cliff, she would probably have a dazzling job now, right?……"

"She is a murderer. Since she knew the truth of the past, why did she come out to identify the murderer only now?"

"The Jiang family is extremely powerful, don’t you know that?"

"At that time, the Internet was not as developed as it is now, and the pressure of public opinion was not so great. Zhen Yayun was a smart person. She knew that even if she published the truth in the newspaper, it would not cause any waves."

"Indeed! Zhu Lin’s confession can be erased with an eraser, let alone the confession of a young reporter."

"The Jiang family can make Zhen Yayun lose her job in a matter of minutes!"


The audience in the live broadcast room were very surprised to hear that Lin Chuan's witness was CCTV reporter Zhen Yayun.

Zhen Yayun is a public figure and a reporter.

But she knew the truth about Zhu Meng's fall from the cliff, but she chose not to reveal it, which disappointed the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Summon the witness of Zhu Meng's fall from the cliff case, Zhen Yayun."

The presiding judge Nie Zhengyang perked up.

He thought that the case of Zhu Meng's fall from the cliff would be over, but he didn't expect that

Lin Chuan actually found a witness.


Three minutes later,

Zhen Yayun came to the trial scene from the backstage of the court.

"presiding judge"

"I am Zhen Yayun, Zhu Meng's classmate."


"I am a journalist"

"I'm sorry, everyone. I witnessed the truth of Zhu Meng falling off the cliff, but... I dare not say it... I let everyone down."

Zhen Yayun bowed with a guilty look on her face.

"If it weren't for Lin Chuan's insistence, I, a coward, would still not dare to speak out today. I want to thank Lin Chuan"

"he tells me"

"As a journalist, we should be the voice of the people and speak for them"

"Exposing the truth of society, guiding public opinion, and shouldering the mission of justice are my original intentions as a journalist."

"But in the face of power, I became a voiceless reporter."

Tears welled up in Zhen Yayun's eyes.

She recalled her original intention of becoming a journalist.

She was determined to work for the people and expose the truth of society.

However, after becoming a journalist, she found that there were many things that could not be said, let alone reported. On both ends of the scale of justice, cowardice weighed more than courage! (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Zhen Yayun, you said you witnessed Zhu Meng falling off the cliff, is that true?"

"Remind you"

"Anyone who speaks in court must bear legal responsibility"

"Do you understand?"

Presiding Judge Nie Zhengyang knocked the gavel and his eyes fell on the witness.[]

"I see!"

"Now that I have come to the trial today, I have prepared myself mentally."

"No matter what happens in the future, I will tell the truth this time!"

Zhen Yayun seemed to have made up her mind and answered decisively.

At this moment,

Jiang Renhua, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly went berserk, with two fierce eyes shooting out of his eyes, staring at Zhen Yayun viciously, and spoke with threatening intent.

"Zhen Yayun!"

"If you dare to talk nonsense today, humph!"

At this point,

Jiang Renhua shut up and used a sinister facial expression to send a danger signal to Zhen Yayun.

"Damn, too arrogant, the court���He even dared to threaten the witness!"

"This kind of person has no respect for the law. It is obvious that he is arrogant and does not take the court seriously."

"Reporter Zhen, don't be afraid of him, identify him bravely!"


The audience in the live broadcast room was filled with righteous indignation.

Although Jiang Renhua did not say it explicitly, his body language and facial expressions made his meaning very clear.

He was threatening and intimidating Zhen Yayun.

"The defendant Jiang Tianhua!"

"Threats and intimidation are not allowed in court"

"Besides, it's not your turn to speak yet!"

Presiding Judge Nie Zhengyang really wanted to hit Jiang Renhua on the head with his gavel.

This guy was too arrogant.

He dared to openly send threatening signals to the witnesses in the trial of the High People's Court. He was too contemptuous of the court.

If Zhen Yayun really identified Jiang Renhua later, he must be charged with contempt of court.


Zhen Yayun was very emotional, her heart was beating fast.

She had seen all the threats from Jiang Renhua just now, including work, family, relatives, friends... and even life.

Jiang Renhua's clenched fist told her that once she revealed that Jiang Renhua was a vicious beast, she would most likely lose her life.

Thinking of this,

Zhen Yayun couldn't help but tremble.

The consequences were serious, and she was afraid again!

At this moment,

Lin Chuan suddenly slammed the table and spoke righteously:

"Reporter Zhen, please feel free to tell the truth"

"If the court finds him guilty and he appeals, I will represent you in the lawsuit for free!"

"He appealed a hundred times."

"I will fight a hundred lawsuits with you!"

Lin Chuan's words were clearly heard by everyone in the courtroom, deafening!

For a moment, everyone felt their blood boiling.

The lawyers in the audience area could no longer sit still and stood up one after another.

"Lawyer Lin Chuan, let me handle this small case!"

"And I!"


"I'm coming too!"

"He Yubo from Jinghai Tiansheng Law Firm is willing to represent reporter Zhen in the lawsuit for free"

"I am riding on behalf of Hualin Law Firm and I am also taking this case for free."

"Tianjin's top lawyer Han Jiangxue serves as the defense attorney for reporter Zhen!"


Wow, wow, wow.

The lawyers in the audience area stood up one by one and saluted Lin Chuan.

Recalling the lawsuit against Zhu Lin, almost all lawyers in the country were silent.

All lawyers wanted to stand up, but after weighing the pros and cons, no one dared to seek justice for Zhu Lin.

At that time, on the Internet, the profession of lawyer became a joke that netizens disdained.

But fortunately, Lin Chuan stood up and let the hundreds of millions of netizens who were paying attention to Zhu Lin's case know that there are still hard bones in the lawyer circle.

Lin Chuan defended the dignity of Longguo lawyers and stood up.

Now Zhu Meng's cliff fall case has encountered difficulties again.

Does Lin Chuan, a lawyer who has just finished his internship, have to fight all the troubles alone?

Absolutely not!

At this moment, all lawyers were infected by Lin Chuan.

What kind of bullshit power?

What kind of retaliation?

What's there to be afraid of!

As a lawyer, facing unfair and unjust social phenomena, you must bravely stand up to defend the bottom line of the law.

Lin Chuan gave all the lawyers a vivid lesson.

Therefore, whether it was the lawyers in the courtroom or the lawyers watching the live broadcast on the Internet, they all had a sense of respect for Lin Chuan.


Nie Zhengyang's eyes were hot.

He was a lawyer, and only he knew what it meant for so many lawyers to stand up in court!

At this moment, the court staff hurriedly came to the judge's seat from the backstage. The presiding judge

"Public security comrades request to connect to the scene!"

Nie Zhengyang realized something and immediately connected to the court hotline. Everyone could hear the movement on the phone.

"Is it the Jinghai People's Court?"

"I am Hu Xiaolin, Director of the Jinghai Public Security Bureau. I am watching this trial online."

"Please tell reporter Zhen for me"

"There were actually doubts during the investigation of Zhu Meng's cliff fall case."

"But we sent out three waves of police, but they all encountered unknown resistance, so in the end we closed the case as an accidental fall off a cliff."


"Please feel free to tell the truth!"

"Don't be afraid! We, the Jinghai police, will escort you! If you really get into an accident in the future, I, Hu Xiaolin, will take off my police uniform and resign!"


The Public Security Bureau Chief Hu Xiaolin made a domineering speech, which gave Zhen Yayun a reassurance.

He did this not only to restore the image of Jinghai Public Security, but also because he could not stand Jiang Renhua's arrogance.

Thirty years have passed, and the Jiang family has passed away. Although the current Jiang family cannot be said to be scattered, it has lost its original power.


Hu Xiaolin stood up and supported Zhen Yayun to restore the truth of the year.

"presiding judge"

"I want to tell the truth of what happened back then!"

This time, with hundreds of lawyers standing up behind her and the support of the police chief, Zhen Yayun was no longer afraid.

"I want to identify the murderer Jiang Renhua!"

"At that time, I saw with my own eyes"

"Jiang Renhua tricked Zhu Meng to the edge of the cliff, and then pushed Zhu Meng down!"

Zhen Yayun shed tears.

After so many years, she finally had the courage to tell the truth of the year.

She is relieved now, and can finally stand up straight and be a reporter.

"You fart!"

"You are committing perjury!"

"Damn it, I'm going to kill you!"

Jiang Renhua rushed out of the dock hysterically.

Fortunately, the two law enforcement officers reacted quickly and controlled him.

"Defendant Jiang Renhua"

"It is not allowed to insult others or hit others in court!"

"Witnesses are present now"

"I accused you of deliberately pushing Zhu Meng off the cliff. Do you have anything to add to this?"

Chief Judge Nie Zhengyang glared at Jiang Renhua fiercely.

"presiding judge"

"She slandered me!"

"She gave false testimony."

Jiang Renhua's neck veins popped up.

From a client to a defendant, and then from a defendant, he was accused of murder by Lin Chuan.

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