After the court session, the judge asked the plaintiff's lawyer what his demands were.

Lin Chuan made a shocking statement.

His first demand was to sentence the defendant He Tianyi to death.

His second demand was to sentence the defendant's lawyer Zhang Changming to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than five years, and to revoke his lawyer's qualification.

His third demand was to sentence the presiding judge Qi Jun of the court to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years, and to deprive him of his political rights for life.

The audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room were stunned.

Because the litigation demands raised by Lin Chuan were too outrageous.

Not only did he want to bring the defendant He Tianyi to justice, but he also wanted to sentence the defendant's lawyer.

What's even more speechless is that the presiding judge who presided over the trial today was actually going to be sent to prison to operate a sewing machine.

"Family members, we can’t hold it in any longer. Is Lin Chuan really a top student who graduated from Kyoto Law School?"

"Is he giving up on himself?"

"Funny, this is the first time I heard that a lawyer wants to sentence the judge!"

"Alas, free legal aid is really unreliable. I suspect Lin Chuan drank fake wine."


Because of Lin Chuan's outrageous actions, the number of comments in the live broadcast room increased sharply.

And the people at the trial were also confused.


The defendant's lawyer Zhang Changming scratched his head.

In his impression,

Lin Chuan was a very stable person.

Why did he look like a drunkard today?

"Cough cough cough!"

"Plaintiff's lawyer, the court is a solemn and sacred place. Please do not talk nonsense and disrupt the order."

Chief Judge Qi Jun slammed the table.

He knew that this was Lin Chuan's first time as a trial lawyer, and thought that Lin Chuan was too nervous and said something wrong.

"I'll give you one more chance. Please state your request again."

The chief judge looked at Lin Chuan.

"First request: sentence the defendant He Tianyi to death without a suspended sentence, to be executed immediately"

"Second appeal: sentence defendant lawyer Zhang Changming to more than three years in prison and revoke his lawyer's license"

"The third request is to sentence the presiding judge Qi Jun to more than ten years in prison, expel him from the party, and deprive him of his political rights for life."

Lin Chuan raised his voice and reiterated it without changing any of his requests. This time, the presiding judge Qi Jun's eyes turned visibly cold. Lin Chuan was unmoved. He didn't cherish the opportunity given to him, and even defied the court by making a request that was not in line with common sense.

"OK, in that case"

"Plaintiff's lawyer Lin Chuan, we will accept your lawsuit requests one by one"

"Regarding the first lawsuit request, please ask the plaintiff's lawyer to state the reasons for sentencing the defendant He Tianyi to death."

The presiding judge stretched out his hand and signaled Lin Chuan to speak.

At this time, the recorder also began to concentrate and was ready to record the testimony of both parties.

"We accuse the defendant He Tianyi of intentionally throwing stones for fun on the highway and committing the crime of intentional homicide."

""Sentenced to death."

Lin Chuan stated his reasons.

At this time, the chief judge Qi Jun's eyes fell on Zhang Changming.

"Defendant’s lawyer, do you have any rebuttal?"


Zhang Changming pushed his gold-rimmed glasses and stood up confidently.

"The plaintiff's lawyer just said that He Tianyi threw the stone intentionally"

"However, according to the confessions and evidence collected by the police during the interrogation, He Tianyi threw the stone unintentionally, and it was not intentional homicide from a subjective perspective."

"If the plaintiff's lawyer has evidence, please bring it out."

"But if there is no evidence, I will sue the plaintiff's lawyer Lin Chuan for inappropriate language and suspected of intentional defamation."

"The plaintiff's lawyer must publicly apologize to our defendant."

Zhang Changming is worthy of being one of the top three lawyers in Luzhou.

His speech was logically linked.

He first pointed out the loopholes in Lin Chuan's words and used the police interrogation testimony to overturn Lin Chuan's accusation and make it invalid.

Then, he bit back and accused Lin Chuan of slandering He Tianyi in court without any evidence as a lawyer, and asked him to apologize publicly.

This kind of murderous defense method is Zhang Changming's usual trick.

Although apologizing in court is not a heavy punishment, it can cause humiliation to Lin Chuan and is a mental attack.

"It’s over. Lin Chuan might as well not say anything. Now he’s in trouble, right?"

"He even had to apologize in court, what a disgrace!"

"Zhang Changming is really awesome. He captured Lin Chuan with just a little effort. This is the difference between a top lawyer and a trainee lawyer."

"I estimate that this trial will be over in five minutes. Lin Chuan, this young and inexperienced man, is no match for Zhang Changming at all. He is too naive!"


People can communicate freely in the live broadcast room, unlike the serious scene of the trial.

Everyone thought that Lin Chuan was caught, but unexpectedly,

Lin Chuan did not panic at all.

"Your Honor, I request that the video recording in the USB flash drive be played."

"This is the on-site video of the Luzhou Expressway car accident on September 26, which records the scene of He Tianyi throwing stones. It must be played in court."

Lin Chuan calmly handed a USB flash drive to the law enforcement officer.

""Play is allowed."

The presiding judge Qi Jun gave the order.

The law enforcement officer immediately inserted the USB drive into the computer, and the video in the USB drive was immediately played on the screen at the trial site.

"This is it!"

As soon as the video was played, the defendant He Tianyi panicked, because the content in the video really recorded the process of him throwing stones.

Once it was played, the consequences would be disastrous!

"No, where did he get the video from? Didn't dad say to destroy it?"

He Tianyi's forehead was sweating, and he struggled to rush forward to unplug the USB flash drive.

But the two police law enforcement officers around him restricted his movements. He had no choice but to look at lawyer Zhang Changming for help.

But Zhang Changming did not take any action.

In court, any reckless behavior would have to pay a price.

So he chose to stay put and wait and see.

Because even if the video was leaked, it didn't matter. After all, He Tianyi's invincible BUFFs were stacked up.

He was a minor, had depression, and was a first-time offender.

When these three labels were added together, according to Zhang Changming's legal experience, the defendant would definitely not be sentenced.

At most, he would go to a labor camp for a period of time.

At the trial scene, the scenes in the video were played frame by frame.

After the playback,

He Tianyi's disguised innocent face was finally revealed by Lin Chuan.

"Mr. Judge, members of the jury, you can clearly see in the surveillance video whether He Tianyi's behavior is suspected of intentional homicide."

"First of all, he didn't throw a stone."

"I counted carefully. From the beginning to the accident, he threw out a total of 24 stones."

"During this time, four vehicles were hit by his stones."

"I have recorded the license plate number and contacted the owner."

"Mr. Judge, if necessary, we can connect live and have the four car owners testify in court to verify the authenticity of the information.

Lin Chuan presented a form with four license plate numbers and phone numbers.


"The video is real, not AI-generated"

"We have professional technicians who have conducted the evaluation, and the results they gave are true."

The presiding judge Qi Jun shook his head, and then his eyes fell on Zhang Changming.

Zhang Changming felt the pressure for the first time, and silently thought about what to say.

But Lin Chuan did not give him a chance to breathe.

He asked questions like a machine gun.

"He Tianyi threw more than twenty stones in a row. Was it an unintentional act?"

"When the stone hit the car on the highway, He Tianyi laughed heartily. Wasn't he making fun of other people's life safety?"

"Lawyer Zhang, you are a senior, please answer directly."

Zhang Changming was forced to stand up, facing Lin Chuan's sharp eyes, sweating profusely.

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