After Lin Chuan finished his first appeal, the whole audience fell silent.

In the judge's seat, the three judges and the jury members were sweating on their foreheads.

Lin Chuan's appeal was too scary!

In theory, sentencing Li Liming to death was basically a done deal, reasonable and legal, after all, she was a spy for an enemy country.

But to hold the National Education Department and the National Environmental Protection Agency accountable... it would be a bit difficult.

These two departments are both national functional departments, and the Luzhou Municipal People's Court is only an intermediate court. According to common sense, it does not have sufficient trial power.

To put it simply, it is not qualified.

Although the law allows it to be accepted, it is just an official slogan, almost like the slogan of equality for all.

In reality, various factors must be taken into consideration.

Therefore, at least a higher people's court is barely qualified, and usually the Supreme People's Court accepts such a lawsuit.

Therefore, even if what Lin Chuan said makes sense and the Education Department and the Environmental Protection Bureau were seriously negligent in the case of Li Liming, the judges in the court...���Don't dare to act rashly

"Is Lin Chuan crazy? He wants to sue two national departments!"

"Is this your first day meeting Lin Chuan? He had previously complained to the police in Jinghai... Didn't he also bring down a director-level official?"

"How can it be the same!"

"The police in Jinghai are only local administrative units."


"Lin Chuan was accusing the National Department of Education and the National Environmental Protection Agency!"


"Didn’t Lin Chuan withdraw his complaint against the Jinghai police last time?"

"That's his tactic."

"In fact, his real purpose at that time was to drag the interrogator Yang Yong into the water!"

"Hahahaha... Just watch it for fun. Even if Lin Chuan's words make sense, the judges dare not rule."

"The following guilty!"

"A small intermediate court in Luzhou"

"How dare you offend a national-level functional department, and offend two at once, this matter is probably hopeless."


Although the audience in the live broadcast room do not understand the law, they know very well that the prefixes of the names of the National Department of Education and the National Environmental Protection Agency represent their status.

National level!

And what is the prefix of the Lvzhou People's Court?


It is just a city in Handong Province.


The audience in the live broadcast room basically thinks that there is no hope, but there are also die-hard fans of Lin Chuan who have always believed that Lin Chuan can succeed in the lawsuit.

"Plaintiff's lawyer……"

"Does your lawsuit request need to be amended?"

"Cough cough cough……"

"The court can give you another chance to amend the rules."

The presiding judge Niu Weijun blinked frantically and sent a distress signal to Lin Chuan.

"Don't make it difficult for us.……"

"Yeah, don't make it too hard for us."

"The Education Department, the Environmental Protection Bureau, our children are still in school... We really can't afford to offend them."


At the same time, the jurors murmured in low voices.

They all hoped that

Lin Chuan could modify the lawsuit request and delete the part that accused the National Education Department and the National Environmental Protection Agency.

Otherwise... in the final trial of the court later, they might be in a dilemma and unable to save face.


Lin Chuan saw the judges' dilemma.

He was also struggling with his thoughts.

As a lawyer, his sense of responsibility told him that he was doing the right thing.

But from the perspective of human relations, it was not easy for everyone, and he should give the judges a way out.

"All right"

"I will revise the statement of the lawsuit."

Lin Chuan finally decided to compromise and leave a way out for him.

We can meet again in the future. (aead) Besides, his main target is the spy Li Liming.

As long as Li Liming is sentenced to death, the rest is not important.

This feeling is like a stone stuck in the shoe, which is not very comfortable.

When Lin Chuan gave in, everyone in the judge's seat breathed a sigh of relief.

One by one, they cast grateful eyes at Lin Chuan, and almost knelt down to him.

At this moment, the staff behind the court hurried to the judge's seat.

"presiding judge"

"Teacher Gao Yuliang from the Political and Legal Committee wants to connect the court trial phone."

Hearing this, the presiding judge Niu Weijun was shocked.

Gao Yuliang is the head of the Political and Legal Committee of Ludong, the boss of Niu Weijun's boss, and is in charge of the public security, procuratorial and judicial organs of Ludong Province.

In Ludong,

Gao Yuliang's strength can be ranked third.

Presiding judge Niu Weijun did not dare to neglect it and immediately allowed the call to be connected.

"Hello, I am Gao Yuliang from Ludong"

"The three judges and jurors who presided over the trial, what did you do just now?"

Gao Yuliang came up and scolded them.

He had been following the trial the whole time.

When he saw that the judges in the court actually hinted that Lin Chuan would modify the lawsuit statement, he was a little angry.

But after thinking about the reason carefully,

Gao Yuliang could understand it.

But according to his gossip, Longguo will fight a lawsuit related to the country's image in an international court recently.

Lin Chuan seems to have been included in the list of lawyers to fight on behalf of the country!

Therefore, at this juncture, even the Department of Education and the Environmental Protection Bureau have to keep a low profile in the face of Lin Chuan (to read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!


Therefore, the court should make the judgment as it should, and there is no need to worry.

No one dares to mess with Lin Chuan now.

When the higher-ups ask about it, Gao Yuliang will use Lin Chuan as a shield, and the Department of Education and the Environmental Protection Bureau will not dare to say anything.


"Don’t suggest that Attorney Lin Chuan modify his litigation statement!"

"Judge as you should"

"The sky is falling"

"I'll take care of it."

Gao Yuliang spoke domineeringly, and the audience at the trial and watching the live broadcast all cheered.

But everyone didn't know that

Gao Yuliang actually borrowed Lin Chuan's power to dare to speak like this.


"Teacher Gao"

"I understand!"

With Gao Yuliang's words in front of him, the presiding judge Niu Weijun instantly gained confidence.

He hung up Gao Yuliang's phone. Niu Weijun announced that the trial had entered the final sentencing phase. The courtroom fell silent, with only the sound of turning pages of legal books. Five minutes later, the presiding judge Niu Weijun struck the gavel and solemnly read out the verdict.


"I will read out the sentence of the suspect Li Liming."

"Lvzhou Intermediate People's Court, trial personnel: Chief Judge Niu Weijun, Judge Jiang Lihua, Judge Zhang Dahai……"

"After the case statement, litigation rebuttal, and the final court hearing"

"After careful consideration, multiple weighings, and legal comparisons, the court has now issued the following sentencing results for the suspect Li Liming:"

"First appeal to plaintiff Fang Linchuan"


"According to our laws"

"The president of Shanlu University, Li Liming, has been sentenced to death! Deprivation of political rights for life, no suspended sentence, to be executed immediately"

"in addition"

"The Environmental Protection Bureau and the Education Department failed to fulfill their responsibilities"

"The spy Li Liming's sabotage operation was successfully carried out"



"The Environmental Protection Bureau and the Education Department should take the initiative to admit their mistakes and apologize to the public on their official websites."


"The Environmental Protection Bureau will initiate compensation for Chinese farmers"

"The Education Department must immediately abolish the study partner system and stop using the number of foreigners in schools as an indicator in university evaluations."


The presiding judge, Niu Weijun, read out the sentence aloud.

When Li Liming heard the death penalty, she was so frightened that she almost fainted.

"You have no right to sentence me to death!"

"I am a Japanese intelligence officer."

"You must hand me over to the Japanese government."

Li Liming shouted loudly, but no one paid any attention to her. Only countless pairs of white eyes came towards her.

"Dog spy! He deserves death!"

"Support the death penalty. Shooting her ten times is not enough."

"Still counting on Japan to rescue you? Do you think it's still the Qing Dynasty?"


The audience was very excited and started to curse.

At this moment, the staff from the backstage of the court came to the presiding judge Niu Weijun.

"Teacher Gao is not satisfied again?"

Niu Weijun thought that Gao Yuliang was not satisfied with the verdict.

"This time it's not Teacher Gao"

"It’s a comrade from the National Security Bureau!"

"They demanded that the spy Li Liming be taken away immediately for secret interrogation."

Hearing this, the presiding judge nodded slightly.

This situation had happened before, but last time it was not comrades from the National Security Bureau.


"Let them come in and take her away."

With permission, four National Security Bureau police officers came out from the backstage of the court.

Under everyone's gaze, they walked to Li Liping and handcuffed her neatly.

Then, one of the National Security police officers walked straight to Lin Chuan and saluted.

"Lin Chuan Lawyer"

"Thank you for your contribution to our country's counterintelligence cause"

"On behalf of the National Security Bureau and all national security comrades, I would like to express my gratitude to you!"

"This is a medal of honor for you."



Lin Chuan took the medal of honor calmly.

He showed no emotion.

Then, the national security officer handed Lin Chuan a bank card.

"Lin Chuan Lawyer"

"To express our gratitude, there is a 1 million yuan reward for reporting spies in the bank card."

No... You are not reporting"

"You did our job directly, caught the spy and found the evidence!


"Please accept this million bonus!"


There is a bonus, one million!

Lin Chuan's mood finally changed.

The corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

For him, the medal of honor awarded by the National Security Bureau was dispensable.

However, if there was a bonus of one million,

Lin Chuan's favorability towards the National Security Bureau would be maxed out, 999+

"Damn, Lin Chuan is so realistic!"

"Just now, the police officer was so cold when he awarded him the Medal of Honor, but when he saw the one million bonus, he smiled.……"

"In this day and age, what’s the use of medals of honor? Money is more important!"

"Yes, even kindergarten children don’t like red flowers now, let alone adults."


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