Lin Chuan used only a few words to prove that He Tianyi's depression certificate was fake.

He Tianyi vomited blood and

Zhang Changming's blood pressure rose sharply.

The chief judge Qi Jun gritted his teeth, but he could do nothing about Lin Chuan.

But the audience in the live broadcast room was amused.

"Lin Chuan is so amazing, he cheated in court and He Tianyi actually fell for it!"

"Hahaha, look at Zhang Changming's current state, his face is flushed red. When faced with such a stupid teammate, who can lead him?"

"The point is that the judge's back teeth were broken, but he was helpless against Lin Chuan. It's so funny."

"Didn't you hear what the presiding judge said? This is at most a moral issue, but Lin Chuan directly admitted that he had no morals, which made He Tian very angry!"

"It's so damn satisfying that He Tianyi and Zhang Changming are both speechless now!"


In court, a lawyer was blatantly cheating.

Not only the practitioners in the legal circle had never heard of this, but the audience in the live broadcast room were also shocked by this amazing operation.

For a while, the barrage in the live broadcast room increased sharply, and the number of people in the live broadcast room also soared from 30,000 to 60,000

"Even if the depression is proven to be false, the hope of appealing for the death penalty for He Tianyi is actually very slim."

"Yes, now we can only say that the punishment can be increased, but it does not reach the standard of death penalty."

"There is no way. It is already amazing that Lin Chuan can turn an unfavorable situation into a favorable one. After all, He Tianyi has a golden medal of immunity from death!"


At the trial, when the audience in the live broadcast room thought that victory was in sight, the professional lawyers who were listening knew very well that He Tianyi was a minor.

According to China's criminal law, minors under the age of sixteen who commit intentional homicide shall bear criminal responsibility, but they must weigh various factors and give a lighter punishment.

In other words, after Lin Chuan's operation,

He Tianyi, who could have been released in court, has been sentenced.

But as for the death penalty, it is still not realistic.

Because the three words"minor" are equivalent to a gold medal of immunity from death in the law.

At this time, the dusty Zhang Changming suddenly found that his mobile phone vibrated.

It was a text message signed by He Xiao.

"Zhang Changming, I gave you 300,000 yuan in legal fees, and this is how you repay me?"

"If Tianyi is really sentenced and goes to prison, and has a criminal record, you will be in big trouble!"

"Remember, the worst outcome of this trial is going to a correctional facility."

"I'll slowly rescue him then."

"Don't go to jail!"


After reading the text message,

Zhang Changming wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Don't worry, Boss He, Tianyi is a minor, and I was the one who helped him get his ID card, so it's very safe!"

"As long as he has the underage identity as a cover, he can't go to jail."

After replying to the text message, Zhang Changming was sweating.

He knew that the situation of this lawsuit had turned from favorable to unfavorable. It was impossible to win. All he could do was to try to stop the loss.

"Defendant's lawyer, since the defendant He Tianyi has already admitted that the depression certificate is false, what else do you have to say?"

Chief Judge Qi Jun couldn't believe his eyes.

Facing the trainee lawyer Lin Chuan, the top three gold medal lawyers in Luzhou were silent.

In the past, Zhang Changming was not so soft. Usually, he would stand up and refute before the judge signaled. But today, he was suppressed from beginning to end.

"Mr. Judge, since my client has admitted it, I have nothing to say about the evidence of depression."

"I did not communicate with the client in depth beforehand, so I was not aware of it."


"I still have objections to the death penalty proposed by the plaintiff's lawyer!"

"my country's Law on the Protection of Minors clearly states that if a minor commits a criminal offense, he or she shall bear criminal responsibility."

"However, the intensity of criminal punishment requires multiple considerations."

"Minors are immature, and the death penalty is too severe a punishment for our client, and it is not in compliance with laws and regulations."

"Therefore, my suggestion is"

"Send our client to a juvenile correctional facility, so that he can receive ideological education and become a new man."

Zhang Changming sacrificed his pawns to save his chariot.

He knew that punishment was inevitable, so he tried his best to get a lighter punishment.

Compared with prisons, juvenile correctional facilities are more free and have more room for maneuver.

With He Xiao's power, he only needs to use his connections to easily get the person out.

He has done it before and it was very successful. He only needs to change his name after he is released so that no one can know about it.

"After all this time, you still can't sentence He Tianyi to death?"

"Sad, the kind-hearted Ms. Zheng died in vain"

"I don’t care. The law must severely punish this bad guy and cannot let him go!"

"Oh, it's all because of the Minors Protection Act. If He Tianyi wasn't a minor, with Lin Chuan's ability, he would definitely be sentenced to death."

"Forget it, Lin Chuan has tried his best, he is amazing!"

"As of last night, the lawyer fees raised through online crowdfunding have reached 800,000 yuan, but no well-known lawyer dares to take this lawsuit because they know they can’t win!"

"But Lin Chuan created a miracle and made He Tianyi, who should have been released in court, meet the sentencing standards. He is really amazing!"

"Yes, Lawyer Lin tried his best. I misunderstood him at first. I apologize to him now."


In the live broadcast room, the audience has actually accepted the current outcome.

They know that with the identity of a minor as a shield,

He Tianyi cannot be sentenced to death, and Lin Tian single-handedly turned the game around against a huge disadvantage and made He Tianyi meet the sentencing standards.

This is already a huge surprise.

Although the audience in the live broadcast room all hope that He Tianyi will die, it is unrealistic, and the current outcome is already very satisfactory.

Besides, the opposing lawyer Zhang Changming has already given in, and he even took the initiative to propose to send He Tianyi to the prison.

This sounds so refreshing!

However, Lin Chuan still did not change his mind in the face of Zhang Changming's bowing his head to show goodwill.

Death penalty!

Must be death penalty.

A rich second generation who is bad to the core, pampered, bullying, using other people's lives as toys for fun, treating human lives as grass, and repeatedly provoking the bottom line of the law!

What's more, Ms.

Zheng, as a public welfare worker, has devoted most of her life to public welfare.

Such a good person lost her life because of the brainless behavior of the rich second generation He Tianyi.

Is this fair? If Lin Chuan is sentenced, even if He Tianyi is shot ten times, he is not worth Ms.

Zheng's life.

"Mr. Judge, our demands remain unchanged."

As a legal professional,

Lin Chuan will never allow He Tianyi to escape the punishment of the law.

He wants the children in the mountainous area who are present at the trial to hear with their own ears that the judge sentences He Tianyi to death, so as to comfort Ms. Zheng's soul in heaven.

"death penalty!"

"I swear as a legal professional that He Tianyi must be sentenced to death!"

Facing the camera,

Lin Chuan held up his lawyer's qualification certificate with a dignified look.

The cover had eight hot, blood-red characters on it:

National Justice,

Fairness and Justice!

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room felt their blood boiling.

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