"Look at it"

"I will only demonstrate it once!"

After Lin Chuan finished speaking, he disappeared from the screen of the live broadcast room.

"What did the host say just now - what does it mean?"

"Do you want us to watch it carefully?"

"What on earth do you want us to see?"

"The live broadcast was going well, but no one is here……"

"The anchor isn’t really going to prove his abilities on the spot, is he?"

"It's possible"

"Feeling like a car overturning……"


Lin Chuan said something confusing and suddenly disappeared from the camera.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't understand what Lin Chuan meant.

"Hey... Lao Cao!"

"Why didn't you speak more tactfully just now?"

"It's almost like a provocation!"

"You know...Lawyer Lin is now known as a national-level genius lawyer. He has an idol burden.……"

"You speak so directly"

"How can he step down?"

Wan Qinian, the No. 3 microphone, couldn't help but complain.

He is a top lawyer in Sujiang Province, and he and Cao Tianyuan are old friends.

The two have a good relationship, so he dared to speak like this.

"Lao Wan"

"Wasn't what I said just now tactful enough?"


Cao Tianyuan felt very guilty.

He had originally intended to let Lin Chuan back off, but he had never expected that

Lin Chuan had not understood the meaning of his words.

"do not talk"

"Actually, it’s not Cao’s fault."

"I just smoothed things over for Lawyer Lin Chuan……"


"He seemed to really want to prove to us... He can master international law within a month."

Huo Changhong is famous for his high emotional intelligence in the lawyer circle.

At the beginning, when Cao Tianyuan and Lin Chuan were communicating, he had already noticed that Cao Tianyuan spoke too directly.

Although Cao Tianyuan's original intention was good, if he spoke without skill, being too direct would become a provocation.


Huo Changhong took advantage of the opportunity to smooth things over.

But unfortunately,

Lin Chuan did not take advantage of the situation.

Others thought that Lin Chuan did not understand the ways of the world and did not understand the meaning of Cao Tianyuan and Huo Changhong's words.

But Huo Changhong knew that

Lin Chuan was so smart, how could he not hear the meaning of their words?

Lin Chuan definitely had his own ideas!

It is estimated that he really wanted to prove to the four old guys in the live broadcast room that one month was enough to master international law!

"Old Huo"

"Stop kidding me"

"We have all studied international law."

"Everyone should speak with conscience"

"Study International Law"

"From the entry level to full mastery, and then to flexible application in court"

"How long did it take you all?"

"Anyway, I'm not afraid of losing face!"

"I'll say first"

"Eight years!"

Gao Changlin, vice president of the Longguo Lawyers Association, is a straightforward person who speaks his mind. Although his talent may not be comparable to Lin Chuan's, he is definitely outstanding in the lawyer circle! However, even with such outstanding talent, it took him eight years to fully master international law.

"I'm eight years old"

"Nine years……"

"It's better than your situation. I've been in law for more than seven years."

Upon hearing this,

Cao Tianyuan, Wan Qinian, and Huo Changhong all gave their answers.

Although the audience in the live broadcast room had never studied law, Cao Tianyuan and the other four were all well-known lawyers in China.

They were extremely talented and one in a million.

It was difficult for them to study international law, not to mention lawyers with average talent.

Even if they spent their entire lives, they would only master a part of domestic law.

They could only fight lawsuits in China.

As for international lawsuits, ordinary lawyers dare not even think about it.

That is absolutely a high-end game!


"Do you really think that Lawyer Lin can master international law in one month?"

Gao Changlin shook his head and asked a rhetorical question. Cao Tianyuan, Huo Changhong and Wan Qinian were all silent about this question. At this moment , Lin Chuan kicked the door open and staggered back to the audience with a pile of law books in his arms.

"Damn, Lin Chuan is serious!"

"Tsk tsk, did Lawyer Lin fall for Cao Tianyuan's provocation? Does he really want to prove himself in public?"


"In case of a car overturn"

"Lawyer Lin Chuan will not only be expelled from the national team……"

"I guess his fans will drop by a million."

"You guys are a bunch of fence-sitters."

"Do you really not trust Lawyer Lin Chuan?"

"He often creates miracles!"


"The guy upstairs is not from our lawyer circle at first glance"

"never mind"

"I won't argue with you"

"Let Lawyer Lin Chuan open the international law book later, and you will understand what is going on."


Among the audience in the live broadcast room, only a small number of die-hard fans believe in Lin Chuan.

However, there are many colleagues in the lawyer circle in Lin Chuan's live broadcast room.

As lawyers, they are the most qualified to speak. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In fact, ordinary people don't understand how difficult legal books are.

For example, legal provisions are ten times more obscure and difficult to understand than the classical Chinese learned in school!

"I was planning to study international law after I finished streaming."[]

"Since the four seniors are worried……"

"Then I'll prove it"

"Give you, your colleagues, the audience, and the country... a reassurance.

The more than 2,000-page book on international law is divided into ten volumes.

Each volume has a different title.

《General Principles of International Civil Law》、《International Law Contract Law》、《International Law Criminal Law》、《International Law Administrative Litigation Law》、《International Law Evidence》……

And three categories of general outline

《Public International Law》

《Private International Law》

《International Economic Law》


Lin Chuan displayed the legal books one by one in front of the camera.

In the live broadcast room, everyone could see���Clearly, every law book was still wrapped in its cover, unopened.

Lin Chuan picked one at random.

《Public International Law was placed in front of the camera and the first page was opened.

【Public International Law:】

【International law P3, or international public law, refers to the body of legally binding principles, rules and systems governing relations between states, primarily between states. 】

0Seeking flowers

【Sources of international law. 】

(I) International treaties

(II) International custom


Lin Chuan showed the legal book"International Public Law" page by page to the audience in the live broadcast room.

At first, everyone could understand what it meant, after all, the first chapters of"International Public Law" were all prefaces.

But after turning three pages, there was no preface or concept, and instead there were specific legal provisions.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room could not stand it anymore.

"What the hell is written here?"

"Alas...isn’t the legal provision too obscure?"

"I can’t remember! I can’t remember at all!"

"Don't show it to me, it gives me a headache. Is the person who compiled international law a pervert? It's so hard to read, let alone remember!"


"I know all the words in this book."

"but why?"

"After putting them together, I don't understand what it means."


At first, the audience in the live broadcast room showed great interest in the law book. They concentrated and took notes while reading.

But after three minutes, everyone lost interest in the law text and cursed.

The law book was simply too obscure.

Not only was it very difficult to read, but you couldn't understand what it meant after reading it once.

You had to read it again, twice, three times, or even seven or eight times, before you could barely understand the content of the law text.

"Anchor, please stop showing it to us. I’m going to vomit!"

"I'm a bit nauseous too."

"Host, please put this book away, or I will unfollow you!"


Lin Chuan stared at the comments in the background and couldn't help laughing.

Indeed, for ordinary people, the process of studying legal books is very boring.

But for him, with the powerful support of the system, it is simply too easy.

"Look at it"

"I will only demonstrate it once."

Under the camera,

Lin Chuan put the book"International Public Law" on the table.

Under the gaze of everyone,

Lin Chuan began to study.


Five seconds.

Lin Chuan flipped through a page. The audience was stunned by this speed. They all thought that Lin Chuan was doing a show effect. Sha~ The speed of the second page was even faster. Less than four seconds. Then. Sha~ Sha~ Sha



Lin Chuan flipped through the law book faster and faster, and even his fingers left afterimages.

"Oh shit!"

"This is faster than I can read online novels!"

"Lin Chuan is more like reading a menu……"

"Are you sure you're not doing this for show effects?"

The audience in the live broadcast room dropped their jaws.

The four top domestic lawyers who were connected to the microphone,

Cao Tianyuan,

Wan Qinian,

Huo Changhong, and

Gao Changlin, all opened their mouths wide and took a deep breath.


Is this true?

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