"I have evidence."

"Kimchi's history in South Korea is much earlier than that of Dragon Country."

Park Junsu stood up confidently, holding a long document of evidence in his hand.

"The first evidence"

"Dragon country does not have a refrigerator specifically for making kimchi"


"The first volume of the History of the Great Empire of my country"

"It contains a detailed account of the origin of kimchi."

"The time is around 645"

"According to my research"

"There was no record of kimchi in the history books of the Dragon Kingdom at that time."


"The Chaos Tribe of the Dragon Kingdom"


"Through our visit, we found"

"Most of the Chaoshan people in Longguo don't know how to make kimchi"


"Almost everyone in our country knows how to make kimchi"


"This can indirectly explain"

"Kimchi belongs to South Korea"


"In our country's video"

"Kimchi made its first appearance in the 1912 black-and-white film"The Storm in Seoul""

"And Longguo's video materials about kimchi"

"But it only appeared in 1980"

"In summary"

"Kimchi originated in China."

After Park Junsu finished speaking, he handed a long document to the law enforcement officer.

At this time, the live broadcast room was filled with comments.

"Are South Koreans kidding me? What the hell is the second piece of evidence?"

"Dragon country does not have a refrigerator specifically for making kimchi……"


"Kimchi has nothing to do with Dragon Country"

"Oh my god! What kind of brain circuit are South Koreans thinking? Can this be called evidence?"

A netizen with an IP address in South America posted a comment

"South Koreans are so shameless!"

"I won't talk about the second piece of evidence, after all, it is historical data and can be used as evidence"


"Is the third piece of evidence serious?"

"Most of the Chaoshan people in Longguo don't know how to make kimchi"


"Didn’t kimchi originate from Dragon Country?"


"Is there a possibility that... kimchi is something only poor people in Longguo eat?"

"I have been to Longguo for tourism"

"Their country is getting richer."

"I guess kimchi has become a low-class food, right?"

A netizen with a Japanese IP address posted a comment

"I was pissed off by the South Koreans"

"The fourth piece of evidence is too outrageous!"

"Because kimchi first appeared in South Korean movies"


"Did kimchi originate from South Korea?"

"So Seoul first appeared in the American movie. Does that mean Seoul has become an American city? 660"

Netizens with the IP address of Longguo posted a barrage.

In fact, during the application process of kimchi,

South Koreans really took the video footage as evidence and handed it over to the United Nations World Heritage Organization.

What’s even more bizarre is that the World Heritage Organization also recognized this evidence as valid!!!

Because it was just a pickled vegetable lump, insignificant, and they thought there would be no controversy about it.

However, no one expected that

South Korea would be so shameless that it would even plagiarize Longguo culture for a pickled vegetable lump.……

"presiding judge"

"This is the kimchi I brought specially from South Korea"

"You can try it."

"Try it out"

"This will be of great help to the judges in understanding our country's kimchi culture."

After Park Junsu sat down, Choi Jung-hoon took the baton.

Now that the written evidence has been submitted to the court, physical evidence is needed to support it.


"You can try it."

The presiding judge, Evan Harry, nodded to indicate his permission.


Choi Jung-hoon took out a black luggage bag from behind the seat.

Inside the luggage bag were bags of kimchi. Although

South Korea's most proud kimchi is made in jars, it is not convenient to carry, so Choi Jung-hoon went to the supermarket to buy the best-selling bagged kimchi. This flavor is very popular in South Korea and has received rave reviews. Choi Jung-hoon believes that even if it is not as authentic as the jar kimchi, its taste is by no means inferior. As long as the judges and jurors in the trial taste it, their taste buds will be conquered.


In just a few moments,

Choi Jung-hoon had distributed all the kimchi in the suitcase.

Three judges and ten jurors, everyone got a share.


Chief Judge Evan Harry was the first to tear open the package.

He took a bite and gave a thumbs up.

"It tastes really good."

Then, the two judges beside him also tore open the package.

Leon Ivan, the judge from the Bear Country, took a bite and nodded seriously.

"It's delicious."

"This is the most delicious kimchi I have ever eaten!"


Japanese juror Tianchi Dahe did not speak after tasting it.

Although he also felt that the taste was very good after tasting it , the relationship between Japan and South Korea is incompatible, so he would rather side with Longguo than let the Koreans be proud.

Then, the ten jurors also gave their answers.

Basically, everyone gave a thumbs up and praised South Korean kimchi for being delicious.

After Park Junsu's verbal statement, coupled with Choi Jung-hoon's physical evidence.

At the trial scene, the South Korean lawyers team had a firm foothold, and they were even in the upper hand in terms of the ownership of kimchi culture.

At this time, Cao Tianyuan could not sit still, he stood up and refuted Park Junsu's testimony

"presiding judge"

"Regarding the testimony given by the South Korean lawyer just now"

"there is controversy"

"I don't agree"

"the following"

"That's my rebuttal."


Cao Tianyuan was fully prepared for this international lawsuit.

He knew that the ownership and origin of kimchi culture would be a tough battle between the two countries.

South Korea has always regarded kimchi as its national dish.

If the national dish they cherish is taken down in one fell swoop, the mentality of the South Korean lawyers will definitely be affected.

The subsequent battles will be easier to fight.


Cao Tianyuan was fully prepared.

Regarding the origin and ownership of kimchi culture, his statement and defense statement was about 3,000 words.

However, when he said the statement and defense word for word, it did not cause any waves at the trial.

There are two reasons.


Park Junsu's testimony came first, and the presiding judge Evan Harry did not know much about Asian culture. Therefore,

Park Junsu's testimony, whether true or false, entered the presiding judge Evan Harry's mind.

When it was Cao Tianyuan's turn to refute,

Evan Harry, who already had a preconceived idea, held a skeptical attitude and listened to Cao Tianyuan's rebuttal statement.


The South Korean lawyers were very thoughtful.

They not only prepared written materials, but also brought physical evidence, kimchi.

The three judges and ten jurors all tasted the South Korean kimchi and found it really delicious.

This also added points to the strength of the South Korean lawyers' testimony.

Therefore, these two reasons directly led to Cao Tianyuan's failure.

At the current situation at the trial, the Longguo lawyers are still suppressed by South Korea.

"Cough cough cough……"

"On the origin and ownership of kimchi culture"

"Are there any additions to the Longguo Law Firm’s team?"

"If not"

"We will proceed to the next dialectic of the origin and belonging of culture."

The presiding judge, Evan Harry, tapped the gavel lightly, his eyes resting on the seat of the Dragon Country lawyer.

"Mr. Huang"

"Don't sleep anymore……"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Think of a solution!"

"The current situation is not favorable to us"

"If there is no additional evidence……"

"The final review"

"Kimchi culture is probably over."[]

"It's really going to be snatched away by the South Koreans!"

Qu Xiangbo patted Huang Xilai who had his eyes closed.

"Old Song"

"I didn't sleep!"

"I have been thinking of a trick!"

Huang Xilai racked his brains but could not think of a good trick.

The main thing is to collect evidence to prove the origin of kimchi.

This task has always been in charge of Han Shijun.


Han Shijun fell ill when he came to the United Nations yesterday.

Therefore, all the evidence they collected was incomplete and it was difficult to compete with the well-prepared South Korean lawyers.


Old Han is sick.

"If he were here, there would definitely be enough evidence to turn the situation around!"

Cao Tianyuan said in a very regretful tone.

Under the live camera, the global audience directly saw the embarrassing state of the Dragon Country Lawyer's Seat, and

South Korean netizens were climaxing (aieb) again.

The barrage sent out was either mocking the incompetence of the Dragon Country Lawyer's Team or opening champagne at halftime.

It felt that the kimchi culture had been taken down.

Not only were the morale of South Korean netizens high, but under the camera, the five lawyers of the South Korean Lawyer's Team also showed a confident look.

Kimchi is the national dish of South Korea, and it must not lose to the Dragon Country people.

Seeing that the Dragon Country Lawyer's Seat had not responded for a long time, the presiding judge Evan Harry raised the gavel.���

However, just as the presiding judge Evan Harry was about to drop the gavel and announce the next stage of identifying the origin and ownership of the cultural projects between the two countries,

Lin Chuan suddenly stood up.

As soon as Lin Chuan stood up, the live broadcast room burst into barrages from the Longguo IP address.

Everyone supported Lin Chuan!

At the same time, the five lawyers of the South Korean legal team suddenly had their heartbeats accelerated.

For Park Junxiu and others,

Cao Tianyuan and his ilk were not a threat.

They were all old men.

Although they had a solid foundation in international law, they were young people with active thinking.

So, they were not scary.

The only opponent that really made Park Junxiu and others feel terrible was Lin Chuan!

Just now, before the trial began,

Park Junxiu and Lin Chuan fought hand-to-hand, and Lin Chuan defeated him with one move.


Zhang Dongxu took the initiative to attack Lin Chuan, but his offensive was easily resolved, and Lin Chuan took over, putting the South Korean legal team in a dilemma.

If it weren't for Park Junxiu's diversion of the topic,

Zhang Dongxu would still be embarrassed on the court.

So, although Lin Chuan has never fought any unusual international lawsuits, judging from his performance just now, he is the biggest threat to the South Korean lawyers!

Therefore, the moment Lin Chuan stepped forward, the heartbeats of the South Korean lawyers accelerated unnaturally.

"presiding judge"

"Regarding the four aspects of testimony given by Korean lawyer Park Junsu"

"I don't agree"


"He said that Longguo did not have a refrigerator specifically for making kimchi, so kimchi did not originate from Longguo."

"This is obviously wrong."


"Quite the contrary"

"Because we don't use special refrigerators to make kimchi in my country"


"This proves that kimchi originated in my country"


"There were no refrigerators in ancient times!"


"Our first piece of evidence"

"There is no refrigerator dedicated to making kimchi in Longguo"


"Kimchi belongs to South Korea"


"The Korean lawyer said that the first volume of the"History of the Great Joseon Dynasty" records the detailed origin of kimchi."

"I want to clarify here"

"The"History of the Great Dynasty" mentioned by the Korean lawyer is not a history book"

"But in 1912"

"South Koreans adapted the novel"Hwandan Guji" into a wild history"

"in addition"

"He said that this book contains"

"Kimchi appeared in South Korea around 645 AD"

"it's here"

"I want to popularize the history of Dragon Kingdom to South Koreans"

"645 AD"

"It was the time when Xue Rengui, a great man from the Tang Dynasty, went to conquer Goguryeo."


"Kimchi Culture"

"It was during the Tang Dynasty's Eastern Expedition that it spread to South Korea."


"The Korean lawyer said that the Koreans in our country do not know how to make kimchi, but almost everyone in South Korea knows how to make kimchi."


"This is indirect evidence."

"To this"

"I would like to ask the Korean side"

"Is it possible that the kimchi culture that you regard as a national treasure is not popular in our country?"


"The Korean side actually used the TV series as evidence"

"I don't have to argue anymore."

"I believe the three judges and the jury members are aware of this."

"If movies and TV shows can be called evidence"

"That is a blasphemy against the law!"

Lin Chuan refuted the four pieces of evidence from the Korean side in one breath.

Moreover, each of Lin Chuan's rebuttals was very strong and powerful.

Even the members of the jury couldn't help but nod their heads.

Suddenly, the balance of victory seemed to lean towards Longguo again.


Lin Chuan's offensive was not over yet.

Next, he was going to use a big move.

"Korean lawyer"

"Can I also taste your kimchi?"

After rebutting the testimony,

Lin Chuan suddenly made an unexpected move and asked the Korean side for kimchi to taste.

Cui Zhengxun didn't understand what Lin Chuan was up to and didn't dare to act rashly.

At this time, Park Junsu gave Cui Zhengxun a look and whispered:

"I guess"

"He must want to taste it."

"Deny that our kimchi is delicious"

"It doesn't matter"

"Let him taste"

"Anyway, the judges have already expressed their opinions, saying that our kimchi is delicious."

"Lin Chuan's opinion is insignificant."

"If we get scared at this time"

"However, it made the global audience laugh."

After listening to Park Junsu's words,

Choi Jung-hoon handed a bag of kimchi to the law enforcement officer, who then handed the kimchi to Lin Chuan.

In full view of the crowd,

Lin Chuan tore open the kimchi bag and tasted it in big mouthfuls.

Then, he made a move that no one expected. He actually gave a thumbs up to show his approval of South Korean kimchi!

"This bag of pickles tastes so good!"

"Absolutely authentic"

"Only the country where kimchi culture originated can make it."

This was like thunder.

No one knew what Lin Chuan was doing.

But Choi Jung-hoon was smiling from ear to ear.


"Do you admit that kimchi originated from South Korea?"

Cui Zhengxun looked expectant.

In his ears,

Lin Chuan's words meant that he admitted that kimchi culture originated from South Korea.


Lin Chuan gave a negative answer.

"you misunderstood"

"I mean this bag of kimchi tastes authentic, a taste that can only be made in the country where kimchi culture originated."

Choi Jung-hoon was stunned.

"That's right"

"This is the kimchi I brought from South Korea.

Lin Chuan smiled.

"The kimchi you brought from South Korea does not mean it is produced in South Korea."

Lin Chuan put the packaging bag in front of the camera.

The words on the packaging bag were clearly reflected in the eyes of every viewer.


Seller: South Korean Kimchi Culture Company.

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