"Shit, someone died!"

"This person... is Choi Jung-hoon who was just abandoned by the South Korean legal team!"

"Did he commit suicide?"

"Hmm... maybe, not sure, needs UN police to check"

"If it was suicide, Choi Jung-hoon was too desperate, wasn't he?"

It's just a lawsuit, isn't it? Life is so precious!

"Haha... Do you think the South Korean government and chaebol can let him live?"

"Because of his carelessness"

"The kimchi produced in Yongguk was presented to the court"

"As evidence"

"As a result, South Korea, which had the upper hand, had no hope of turning the tables."

"Kimchi is not only South Korea's national dish"

"It is also a symbol of South Korea."

"If it is really because of Choi Jung-hoon that South Korea has lost this cultural symbol……"

"Think about his fate."


"Probably the best outcome"


The moment Choi Jung-hoon died, the international court scene was in chaos.

Then, the live camera also captured this scene, and the global audience saw the bullet hole on Choi Jung-hoon's forehead that was bleeding.

"This... is the court scene?"


"This is clearly a battlefield!"

Audiences around the world have realized one thing,

Dragon Country lawyer Lin Chuan... he is very scary!

Before"250" when Lin Chuan did not make a statement and stood up to refute, the trial scene was still normal, with lawyers on both sides exchanging verbal battles!

However, every time Lin Chuan stood up to refute, he would stir up the situation in the trial, turning the turbulent trial scene into a battlefield full of dangers! As soon as Lin Chuan made a move,


Korea's top lawyer Park Junsu was so angry that he fell into a coma, and then

Choi Jung-hoon, who was driven out of the court by Lin Chuan, was shot to death.

This is not a court, it's clearly a battlefield!!

Faced with Choi Jung-hoon's sudden death, audiences around the world were shocked, however, netizens with South Korean IP addresses did not show any grief.

Choi Jung-hoon died, and they did not mourn to their compatriots, but instead sent out barrages that felt like adding insult to injury.

"Oh my god, it’s a good thing that Choi Jung-hoon, that bastard, died!"

"That's right, he is a spy of the Dragon Kingdom. Just for this crime, he deserves to die."


"Choi Jung-hoon was killed by a bullet."

"If it weren't for this guy"

"Our legal team will not be at a disadvantage"

"Our kimchi culture will not be taken away by the Dragon Kingdom!"

"This guy"

"He deserves to die!"


What is chilling is that before any evidence was found to prove that Choi Jung-hoon was a spy for the Dragon Kingdom, his compatriots in South Korea had already accused Choi Jung-hoon of being a spy.

"Lawyer Park!"

"you're awake!"

"Cui... Cui Zhengxun, this guy is dead!"

Zhang Dongxu pinched Park Junsu's philtrum hard, and soon,

Park Junsu finally woke up from his coma.

"Dead... died well!"

Park Junsu was still a little weak, and he used up all his strength to say these three words.

In this state, let alone arguing with the opposing lawyer in court, he couldn't even speak clearly.

"Let...let me slow down"

"Try to delay the following time"

"You three can hold on."

After Park Junsu finished speaking, he took a deep breath.

He not only had high blood pressure, but also asthma.

"The three of us?"

"Can they hold off the Longguo Lawyers Group? But they still have four people."

Zhang Xudong looked at Li Yunxi guiltily.

The two were lovers.

Although they had a good understanding, they were the weakest two people in the team.

Not to mention holding off the Longguo Lawyers Group, even if Lin Chuan was alone, they were not opponents.

And Jin Canchen had the same feeling.

Lin Chuan alone was like an army of thousands.

Even if he, Zhang Dongxu and Li Yunxi joined forces, they were not Lin Chuan's opponent!

However, at this moment, one teammate was shot dead and one teammate was too weak.

On the South Korean Lawyers Group side, only the three of them were capable of fighting.


"Inside Dragon Country Lawyer……"

"When did such a horrible and perverted guy appear?"

Zhang Dongxu clenched his fists and looked at Lin Chuan and Longguo Lawyers with anger and fear.

At this time, the three seniors at Longguo Lawyers finally changed from frowning to smiling.

"How about it?"

"I said that lawyer Lin Chuan is fine!"

Cao Tianyuan exuded a sense of pride, as if

Cui Zhengxun's death and

Park Junsu's coma were closely related to him.

"The Yangtze River's waves behind push the waves in front!"

"Lawyer Lin Chuan really opened my eyes."

"The courtroom scene turned into a battlefield"

"turn out to be"

"If we lose the lawsuit, there will be blood all over the courtroom!"

Qu Xiangbo's big bald head looked like a mirror under the light.

He was really convinced this time and admired Lin Chuan to the point of prostrating himself.

"Lawyer Kobayashi takes action"

"This solved two problems for us."


"Lawyer Lin Chuan caused infighting among the South Korean lawyers, ostracizing Choi Jung-hoon, which indirectly led to Choi Jung-hoon's death"

"This is the real way of killing without using a knife!"

"If I am not mistaken……"

"Last time"

"Zhu Lin case!"

"Lawyer Lin Chuan also used borrowed knife to kill people"

"He led Jiang Yun, who was far away in Austria, to commit suicide.……"

"Cough cough cough……"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Lin Chuan Lawyer"

"Fortunately, we are Dragon people."


"Even if all the lawyers of our Longguo Lawyers Association were on the stand, they would still not be a match for Lawyer Lin Chuan!"When

Huang Xilai said this,

Cao Tianyuan and Qu Xiangbo nodded frantically.

Especially Cao Tianyuan.

In the lawsuit of Zhu Lin, he and Lin Chuan were opponents, and he had the most experience and say about Lin Chuan's oppression.

In court, facing Lin Chuan was like facing a towering mountain.

It was daunting!


"Lawyer Kobayashi is not only an expert in using a knife to kill someone,"

"He is well versed in the secrets of killing people and destroying their hearts."

"Look at Park Junsu"

"His current status"

"Tsk tsk tsk... He was so angry at Lawyer Lin Chuan that he had high blood pressure."[]

"Now he has trouble speaking."

"I guess he has no fighting power anymore!"

Huang Xilai rubbed his goatee, his eyes rekindled with confidence.


"The South Korean lawyers team is down to three people"

"A Zhang Dongxu"

"A Lee Yoon Hee"

"A golden morning"

"as far as I know"

"Zhang Dongxu and Li Yunxi are in the South Korean lawyer team"

"Very low level"

"And Jin Canchen doesn't have much ability"

"I mean"

"Don't let Lawyer Kobayashi take action later."

"The three of us old guys"

"One for each person!"

"I can definitely handle the three of them!"

Huang Xilai asked Lin Chuan to sit down and rest, and promised solemnly that from now on,

Lin Chuan would not need to take action, but only need to watch quietly..........


Lin Chuan did not intend to let any of the Korean lawyers go.

"Mr. Huang"

"Did you feel……"

"We accuse South Korea of 512 cultural plagiarism projects. Is that too much?"

"I mean……"

"Too much work"

"If we argue with the South Korean lawyers one by one……"

"I guess this lawsuit won't end until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month."

After Lin Chuan finished speaking,

Huang Xilai touched his goatee and nodded.

Cao Tianyuan and Qu Xiangbo did the same thing.

"That's right"

"The workload is too much"


"South Koreans did plagiarize 512 of our traditional cultures"

"Even the traditional culture of sesame and mung beans"

"We can't give up"


"Our traditional culture does not distinguish between the important and the unimportant."

"We must treat everyone equally"


"Even if the lawsuit lasts for three days and three nights"

"We cannot give up on recovering any of the traditional culture that has been plagiarized."

Qu Xiangbo is not afraid of the heavy workload.

He is a well-known workaholic in the lawyer circle.

"Lao Qu is right"

"We cannot give up any traditional culture that was stolen by South Korea.

Cao Tianyuan also gave his own opinion

"Lawyer Kobayashi"

"I know you just had your second fight."

"very tired!"

"But don't worry"

"The following projects do not require your help"

"Just let the three of us old guys come"

"have a rest"

"You have already brought a good start to our Longguo Lawyers Group."

"One of the opposing lawyers was killed and one was injured"

"There are only three lawyers left in South Korea"

"Just right"

"The three of us old guys one by one"

"You don't need to do anything anymore!"

Huang Xilai slapped the table, as if he had returned to his high-spirited state when he was twenty years old.

However, after listening to their words, Lin Chuan shook his head.

Because the three old men misunderstood his meaning.

In fact, he didn't want to give up any of the plagiarized traditional culture, nor was he tired.

Instead, he wanted to catch all the South Korean sticks in one fell swoop.

"Three old men"

"You misunderstood"

"Of course I know that our traditional culture does not distinguish between the important and the humble."

"We must recover all the traditional culture that was stolen by South Korea!"


"It's too tiring to argue one by one."


"This will give the opponent a chance to breathe."

"I mean"

"While Park Junsu is in a daze, let's take advantage of his illness to kill him and catch all the South Korean lawyers in one fell swoop, how about that?"

After Lin Chuan's voice fell,

Cao Tianyuan and the other two's eyes rolled around.

They roughly knew Lin Chuan's idea.

Lin Chuan wanted to reduce the number of lawyers on the other side.

In the end, there would be no one left who could fight.

By then, no lawyer on the other side could come out to refute, and only Park Junsu, who couldn't even speak clearly, would be left sitting in the South Korean lawyers' team, staring blankly!

In this way, wouldn't the 512 charges of cultural plagiarism be able to quickly resolve the battle?

However, although they understood Lin Chuan's idea.

But Cao Tianyuan and the other two thought about it for a long time, but they still couldn't figure it out.

Catch all the South Korean lawyers in one fell swoop?

It means... another one commits suicide?

Another one is in a coma?

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