
"Court to hear next case of Dragon Kingdom plagiarism against South Korea"

"Dragon Boat Festival"

"Please ask lawyers from both sides to make a statement and rebuttal"

"Submit relevant evidence."

Presiding Judge Gilbert touched his hooked nose and dropped the gavel.

"Lawyer Kobayashi"

"Don't let us be cheerleaders anymore"

"Let's have some sense of participation! -"

Qu Xiangbo also wanted to show himself, so he asked Lin Chuan for his opinion.


"Only Park Junsu is left, half dead."

"We three old guys"

"Beat him up alone"

"no problem"

"The remaining 511 cultural plagiarism charges"

"Just leave it to us!"

Cao Tianyuan is not ostentatious, he just has no sense of presence, just like a spectator


Lin Chuan nodded.

Now that the overall situation has been decided, he believes that Cao Tianyuan and the other two can definitely deal with a low-health Park Junxiu.

However, as the trial continued,

Lin Chuan still overestimated the ability of Cao Tianyuan and the other two.

Even when facing a low-health Park Junxiu, the three of them occasionally fell into a disadvantage.


"Relay, relay!"

Cao Tianyuan was sweating profusely and asked Lin Chuan for help.


Lin Chuan rubbed his temple, stood up, and easily overturned

Cao Tianyuan's argument that he could not refute with just a few words. The Longguo Lawyers Team once again gained the upper hand. At this time, Qu Xiangbo stood up again.

"Lawyer Kobayashi"



"Let me show you my skills!"

Lin Chuan looked at Qu Xiangbo suspiciously.

To be honest, he really doubted the strength of the three seniors.

However, out of respect for the seniors,

Lin Chuan nodded.

Qu Xiangbo was happy to fight, but he was only handsome for three seconds and fell into a big disadvantage again.

It was still a familiar voice.

"Cough cough cough……"


""Relay! Relay!"

Lin Chuan shook his head helplessly, sighed, and stood up.

His gestures exuded a confident glow, and he walked leisurely, unrestrained and calm.

"presiding judge"

"Regarding the statement and evidence submitted by South Korean lawyer Park Junsu"

"I don't agree"


"I also have evidence"

"The culture of the five-zhu copper coin originated in Longguo and is a branch of the Longguo copper coin category."

Lin Chuan glanced at Park Junxiu, who was taking blood pressure medication like crazy.

Now, he was the only one left in South Korea. Although the defeat was certain, he had to keep one or two of the traditional cultures that South Korea had stolen with great effort before he could report back. Otherwise, when he returned to South Korea, only death would greet him.

"On the Ownership and Origin of Wuzhu Money Culture"

"The evidence mentioned by the Korean lawyer just now is:"

"18 years"

"Three bronze spears were unearthed from a royal tomb in Sangbuk-do, South Korea"

"And on top of the bronze spear"

"There are 26 five-zhu coins as decoration"

"South Koreans believe"

"The Wuzhu coin has never appeared in the world"

"It is a very rare historical relic."


"South Koreans regard the Wuzhu coin as a national treasure!"

"And carried out heritage application activities"

"To this"

"I want to explain"


"The five-zhu coin is not precious."


"The Wuzhu coin was not first discovered by South Koreans"

"15 years"

"Wuzhu coins were unearthed from the tomb of Haihunhou in Long State"


"This is the five-baht coin I brought from the museum."


Lin Chuan grabbed a handful of five-zhu copper coins from his briefcase and put them on the table with a bang. On the other hand, Park Junxiu was standing opposite him.

He was holding a box carefully in his hand, and inside the heavily protected box was a five-zhu coin.

You know,

South Korea only has 26 five-zhu coins, each of which is priceless and regarded as a national treasure.

Therefore, the South Korean lawyers borrowed this five-zhu coin from the museum, and took great pains to protect it, and the South Korean museum gave the green light.

However, at this time, Lin Chuan just grabbed a handful of five-zhu coins from his briefcase , which directly shocked Park Junxiu's heart and made the South Korean audience in the live broadcast room drop their jaws.

What shocked the Koreans even more was that the five-zhu coins they regarded as national treasures, in Lin Chuan's hands, not only did not have any protection measures, but they actually slapped them on the table, which made all the South Koreans tremble with fear.

Damaging national treasures is a capital crime!

However, Lin Chuan saw the surprise of the Koreans and calmly made up for it.


"The five-zhu coin is not a precious thing in our country."

"There is too much existing"

"The Wuzhu coins unearthed from the tomb of Marquis Haihun alone weighed more than fifteen tons and more than two million pieces!"

After Lin Chuan's voice fell,

Park Junxiu's little heart almost jumped out of his throat, and the South Korean audience in the live broadcast room were so shocked that they rolled their eyes.


Did you hear it right?

The Wuzhu coins that South Korea regards as national treasures.

Fifteen tons were unearthed from just one tomb in Longguo!

More than two million pieces?

Is this true or false?

All South Koreans began to search for relevant information on the Internet, and the court staff immediately retrieved relevant information.

As a result,

Lin Chuan was not bragging.

In 2015, a large number of Wuzhu coins were really unearthed from the tomb of Marquis Haihun in Longguo.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, all South Korean netizens were silent, and all the Koreans were very depressed.

The cultural relics they regarded as national treasures actually had as many as two million pieces in Longguo.……

"But... Damn it."

A huge mistake happened, and

Park Junsu's blood pressure was rising again.

He quickly showed off his blood pressure medication, but his mind was still in a daze.

"Cough cough cough……"

"Regarding the ownership and origin of the Wuzhu coin culture, the court has received evidence submitted by lawyers from both sides."

"Next Steps"

"Let's move on to the next item."

Judge Gilbert already had the answer in his mind, and he banged the gavel.


Next, the trial returned to normal speed. Although

Park Junsu was already in a state of low health, Cao Tianyuan and the other three were old and rigid in their thinking.

Many times, the confrontations with Park Junsu were evenly matched.

However, whenever he was at a disadvantage, Lin Chuan would always stand up to turn the tide and rub Park Junsu to the ground with a few words.

After a four-hour trial, at this moment, all 512 charges of cultural plagiarism have been heard, and the court will next hear the Longguo lawyers' accusation that South Korea has tampered with history.

After four hours of recovery, Park Junsu was conscious.

He knew that most of the 512 charges of cultural plagiarism that Longguo had accused South Korea of had been established.

Now, there was no room for retreat.

He must try his best to win back a city.

At the very least, Longguo's accusation that South Korea had tampered with history (to read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) must not be established.

This time, he must win!

Taking a deep breath, Park Junxiu stood up and presented his rebuttal perfectly, with fluent words and sufficient evidence.

After presenting for about five minutes, Park Junxiu submitted the 423 pages of evidence materials he had compiled to the court.

Park Junxiu believed that this million-word evidence would help him win back a victory.

At this moment, Cao Tianyuan, Qu Xiangbo, and Huang Xilai all looked at each other in embarrassment.

After listening to Park Junxiu's statement and seeing the thick stack of written evidence, no one was sure that they could win the next victory.

At this moment, the three of them stared at each other, and finally, they all looked at Lin Chuan in unison.

Seeing this, Lin Chuan knew that Cao Tianyuan and the other two had no tricks left, so he stood up decisively.

"presiding judge"

"I don't agree with the view just stated by the South Korean lawyer."

"The evidence he submitted also lacks authenticity"

"South Korea has always emphasized"


"Dragon Kingdom is a vassal state of South Korea"

"This is pure nonsense."

At this point,

Lin Chuan stopped talking.

Under everyone's gaze, he took out a few pieces of paper and a flag from his briefcase.

Lin Chuan waved to the camera, indicating a close-up.


Lin Chuan showed the yellowed papers in front of the camera one by one.

"presiding judge"

"This is a letter of surrender from 280,000 Jizi people during the Han Dynasty. At that time, the Han Dynasty named it Canghai County."


"presiding judge"

"This is a list of vassal states during the reign of Empress Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty, among which Silla is prominently included."


"presiding judge"

"The third one is the tribute list of Goryeo during the reign of Zhao Kuangyin of the Song Dynasty"


"presiding judge"

"The fourth historical record is that during the reign of Emperor Zhu Di of the Ming Dynasty, Goryeo was officially given the name Chaozhi."

"And the list of tributes paid by the Qing Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty"


"presiding judge"

"The fifth is the letter of surrender from the Kingdom of Chaoshan to the Qing Dynasty"


Lin Chuan described in detail the origins of each yellowed paper.

The more Park Junxiu listened, the more upset he felt.

The South Korean audience in the live broadcast room clenched their fists.

Some people, who were not able to bear it, directly left the live broadcast room.

Obviously, with so much real and verifiable evidence in front of them, it was definitely more important than the million-word long manuscript submitted by Park Junxiu.


"Lin Chuan Lawyer"

"The surrender letter of the Han Dynasty, the list of vassal states of the Tang Dynasty, the tribute list of the Song Dynasty, the historical records of the bestowal of names and the tribute list of the Ming Dynasty, and the surrender letter of the Qing Dynasty."

0Seeking flowers 0


"The evidence you submitted is very strong."

"It is enough to prove that South Korea in all periods of ancient times"

"They are basically vassal states of the Dragon Kingdom."


"I have no idea"

"What is the purpose of the flag in your hand?"

The presiding judge Gilbert had sharp eyes.

He noticed that

Lin Chuan was holding a flag, but he did not introduce it in front of the camera.


"This is a white tiger flag."

"It was captured from the South Korean army when our volunteer army fought against the US and aided Korea.

" Lin Chuan explained the origin of the white tiger flag in a calm tone.

Although Lin Chuan's tone was calm, it was like an invisible shock wave that accurately hit all the South Koreans in the live broadcast room.

If the first five pieces of evidence from Lin Chuan could only make the South Koreans angry, then when the last white tiger flag appeared, all the South Koreans could not hold back, gnashing their teeth and being furious.


Park Junsu coughed up blood again.

Lin Chuan was like an executioner, holding an invisible blade, making Park Junsu experience the torture of beheading again and again.

In fact, the White Tiger flag has nothing to do with this trial and cannot serve as any evidence.

However, the reason why Lin Chuan brought the White Tiger flag to the trial was not for anything else, but to kill people and destroy their hearts!

He wanted to let the South Korean audience in the live broadcast room know that in terms of literary and physical struggles, their Thief Country is no match!

Everything was just as Lin Chuan expected. When the White Tiger flag came out, the South Korean audience in the live broadcast room felt as if their chests were cut by a knife, and it was a feeling of heartache!

Even the senior officials of the South Korean Blue House had difficulty breathing for a moment.

That was a period of not glorious years when they were pressed to the ground and rubbed by the Dragon Country.


Time passed by.

The court entered the final trial.

Due to the huge workload, all staff of the International Tribunal of the United Nations participated in the final trial.

Even so, facing the vast and complicated workload, it took four hours to reach a conclusion.


After a long final review, the hook-nosed presiding judge Gilbert's hair became thinner.

"United Nations, International Court of Justice"

"Those present at the trial were:"

"All staff of the United Nations Court"

"Longguo Lawyers Group, Lin Chuan, Cao Tianyuan, Qu Xiangbo, Huang Xilai"

"South Korean lawyers, Park Junsu, Jang Dong-wook (expelled from court), Choi Jung-hoon (shot dead), Kim Chan-chen (left court without permission), Lee Yoon-hee (lawyer turned defendant)"

"And on-site audience……"

"Through the efforts of court staff"

"Now announcing 512 charges of cultural theft by the Ryūya Kingdom against South Korea, and charges of South Korea for tampering with history"

"The demands of Longguo were fully approved!"

"National court sentences South Korea"


"All projects that have been or are in the process of applying for World Heritage status as part of South Korea’s plagiarism of Dragon Country’s traditional culture will be invalidated immediately!"


"South Korea must transfer the cultural property rights of the World Heritage application to Dragon Country"


"South Korea must compensate for damages to Dragon Country’s cultural image"

"A total of 51.2 billion US dollars!"

"As for the bribery of the original presiding judge Evan Harry and the bribery of South Korean female lawyer Lee Yunxi, the court decided to transfer them to the United Nations police for interrogation"

"After the interrogation"

"Re-sentencing and conviction"


"The court results have been read out"

"Please invite the South Korean lawyers and the Dragon Lawyers to make the final remarks."

"End of speech"

"The court enters the adjournment phase"



Judge Gilbert slammed the gavel heavily.

It was finally over, and his waist was sore.

"I... have nothing to say."

Park Junxiu finished his words weakly.

He knew that at this moment, no matter what he said, it would be useless.

South Korea had lost so many traditional cultural projects, and if he returned to South Korea, he would only have a dead end.

At this moment,

Lin Chuan had something to say.

He said with full aura:

"All personnel on site"

"Live broadcast room audience from various countries"

"What is the less people there are?"

"The more you show off"

"A nation's arrogance and inferiority complex all stem from ignorance of its own history and culture."

"Only knowing your past"

"To stand in an objective position"

"Generate deep national self-esteem!"

"at last"

"I want to make an analogy with you."


"You don't realize you're stealing."


PS: The battle between Long and Han is almost over. In the next chapter, Lin Chuan goes to Japan alone and lives a miserable life.

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