Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1002 An enhanced version of Nepenthes. (2 more)


The night wind blows gently, and the tree of life displays the Realm of life, illuminating most of the sky.

Mu Liang walked in the back garden and looked for an open space about three meters away.

He reached out his hand and took out a red plant from the portable space.

This red plant was dug out by Mu Liang from a crack in the center of the funeral valley.

"Ding! Tameable life detected, do you want to domesticate?" The familiar system prompt sounded.

"Tame." Mu Liang responded and planted it in the soil

"Ding! Level 2'trapping grass' is taming."

"Ding! Consume 10 domestication points, "trapping grass" is domesticated successfully.

"Ding! Do you inherit the talent of'trapping grass': trapping incense."

"Strange name" Mu Liang raised his eyebrows lightly, and muttered to inherit.

"Ding! "Entrapment Incense" is being improved, adapted, and passed on.

A flash of light flashed through Mu Liang's black eyes, and a warm current appeared in his body, which was fleeting.

He looked at the trapping grass in front of him, the shape did not change, and the color became much darker.

"The system will evolve the trapping grass to seventh-level." Mu Liang gave an order in his heart.

"Ding! Evolve from the second-level to the seventh-level, deducting the evolution points of 1,111,110,110.,

"Ding! The seventh-level trapping grass has evolved successfully.


"Ding! Whether to inherit the "Entrapment Grass" talent: puppet guard. "

"Inheritance." Mu Liang responded expectantly.

"Ding!" The puppet guard is being improved, being adapted, and the inheritance is complete."

A warm current reappeared in Mu Liang's body, which lasted for two breaths, and the strengthening ended.

Clogging rate~~

The size of the trapping grass began to increase. The plant height, which was originally more than 20 centimeters high, grew to 36 meters at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its appearance had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The 36-meter-high trapping grass is blood-red and has seven long beards the thickness of adult thighs.

The long beard curls up like a spring, making it impossible to figure out how long it is.

At the bottom of the trapping grass, there are seven huge sacs that are more than ten meters in size! The bags look like seven big bags.

After more than ten minutes, the evolution of trapping grass is over.

"Let me see if I use my ability." Mu Liang gave an order in his heart.

The plug room~~,

The trapping grass moved, and the curled long beard ejected 1 and curled up the nearest ornamental tree.

The bloody light flashed, and the leaves of the big tree turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The trapping grass (cdcb) withdraws its long beards, and the big scarlet tree automatically grows without wind, and its branches grow thicker and become flexible like vines.

Mu Liang thought for a while, raised his hand to condense a glass frisbee, and threw it at the big scarlet tree.


The branches of the big scarlet tree were thrown out, and the glass frisbee was accurately slapped to the ground.

Mu Liang was astonished and said, "The guard of the puppet is to assimilate other green plants into the puppet to protect itself? Or is it convenient for hunting?"

If it weren't for the hardness of the colored glaze, it would be directly shot in half by a branch if it was replaced by an ordinary beast or human.

"The ability should be more than that." Mu Liang's black eyes lit up.

He turned to leave the high ground and went to the farm.

When he came back, he also brought two second-order fold-eared fluffy rabbits, ready to use them for experiments.

Mu Liang put down the fold-ear fluffy rabbits and let them move around not far from the trapping grass.

Silently, the long beards of the trapping grass stretched out, emitting a unique fragrance, spreading to the two fold-eared fluffy rabbits.


Fold-eared fluffy rabbit raised its ears, its red eyes became redder, and stood up and looked at the trapping grass.

Immediately afterwards, the two fold-eared fluffy rabbits approached the trapping grass and soon came to the front.

The long beard of the trapping grass fell down, quickly curled up the two fold ear hairs, and put it into the huge sac at the bottom.

In less than two seconds, the fold-eared fluffy rabbit in the pouch of the pouch did not move.

"Is it dead?" Mu Liang stepped forward, approached the huge pouch, and gave the trapping grass an instruction to open it.

The sac that trapped the grass opened, he probed in and saw that two fold-eared fluffy rabbits had passed out.

A drop of red liquid came out from the surface of the capsular bag, which slid down to the bottom of the capsular bag and began to corrode half of the body of the fold-eared fluffy rabbit.

"Strong corrosive liquid, enhanced version of Nepenthes" Mu Liang thought about it.

The natural ability of trapping grass is to use the peculiar fragrance to attract the prey, then capture it and send it into the pouch, and use the juice to digest and absorb it.

At the same time, it can assimilate other green plants, making it also aggressive.

"It's very suitable for planting on the wall, and can resist the attack of foreign enemies." Mu Liang's black eyes flashed.

Just do as he thinks of it, Mu Liang uses his ability to dig out the trapping grass with its roots, put it into the portable space, and then fly into the outer city.

At eight times the speed, Mu Liang came to the towering outer wall in the blink of an eye.

This is a place that cannot be covered by the fog of dreams, and the ten thousand thorns flowers have not grown here. Only the city defense army patrols daily.

"You will live on the wall in the future."

Mu Liang lifted his foot and stepped lightly, and a crack opened in the city wall, planting the trapping grass.

He condensed clear water and watered the roots of the trapping grass.


The trapping grass gently shook the branches and was very satisfied with this place.

Mu Liang also plans to plant green plants under the city wall to facilitate the assimilation of a large number of plant puppet guards when the trapping grass uses its talents.

When he was about to leave, he saw the direction of the barracks from the corner of his eye, where the light was always on.

"Are you training at night?"" Mu Liang turned around and flew to the barracks.

The barracks were very lively at this time, and the recruits and veterans were being trained together.

"Raise your head and chest, you can stand for me." Qin Yu's blue eyes were cold, and he swept across the city defense soldiers.

Step on

The recruits and veterans hurriedly straightened their waists, raised their heads and looked straight ahead, not daring to breathe too loudly.

"There are still twenty Nine Heavens, and the tide of virtual ghosts is coming. By then, you will all have to face the virtual ghosts."

Qin Yu stopped Bo step and said with a serious face: "If you want to live, you should seize the time to become stronger instead of thinking about being lazy."

The soldiers trembled in their hearts and became serious.

"From tomorrow, military merits will be exchanged for Tier 4 and Tier 5 body strengthening secret medicines. If you meet the requirements, you can apply for the exchange at the Military Merit Department." Qin Yu said earnestly.

The Military Merit Department is a department responsible for the distribution, statistics, and exchange of military merits of the soldiers of the city defense army.

Qin Yu's words made all the soldiers present excited.

After several months of training, many of the veterans' strengths have reached Tier 3, and a small part of them even broke through to Tier 4, and can already take higher-level body strengthening secret medicines.

But the prerequisite for exchange is sufficient military merit.

In the air, Mu Liang remained invisible, watching all this calmly.

The opening of Tier 4 and Tier 5 bodies to strengthen the exchange of secret medicine was instructed by him, in order to improve the strength of the city defense army as much as possible before the arrival of the ghost tide.

Mu Liang watched for a while, and he turned and left after the training was correct.

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization. .

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