Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1017 Dismissal investigation.

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Mu Liang said gently: "Try using a stone mill first."

He remembered that in ancient times, the processing of grains was stone milling and whitening.

There is a ready-made stone mill palace, and you have to do it.

"Is it the same way as wheat?" Wei Youlan asked softly.

For the treatment of wheat, stone milling and stone milling are used. The former is suitable for hulling and the latter is ground into flour.

"Yeah." Mu Liang nodded.

"Okay." Wei Youlan replied, holding the basket to handle the rice grains.

"I don't know if I can eat rice at noon." Mu Liang whispered to himself.

He left the palace, soared into the air, and flew towards the outer city.

Mu Liang plans to go to the outer city, find some feathers for the fast running duck, and then drop by to visit the acropolis.

Since Haidie Island moved into the Acropolis, he hasn't visited it yet.

Yue Qinlan has been busy these days, mainly with the Acropolis.


Not long after Mu Liang arrived in the outer city, the sprint duck rushed from a distance, at an amazing speed.


When the running duck approached Mu Liang, its body leaped sharply, and its big, flat mouth bit into Mu Liang's head.

"... Mu Liang's mouth twitched. I can't teach this fast running duck.

He moved his body sideways, avoiding the "love bite" of the running duck.

Ga 620 Ga?

The running duck landed, tilted his head and looked at Mu Liang incomprehensibly.

"Hey, just touch it." Mu Liang stretched out his hand and rubbed the head of the running duck.


The running duck grinned contentedly and made a crisp throat.

"Hey, let me pull a little feather." Mu Liang patted the running duck on the head.

With a movement of his mind, the mist and pollen spread out, causing the Quick Running Duck to fall asleep.

Mu Liang moved and pulled nearly a hundred golden feathers from the running duck.

At first glance, the feathers on the running duck show a lot.

"Well, it should grow again?" Mu Liang blinked his black eyes.

As compensation, Mu Liang fed a thousand evolution points to the running duck, and also fed two drops of angelic tears to help it recover.


Running Duck quickly regained consciousness and did not seem to notice any changes in his body. He still acted like a baby with Mu Liang.

"Hey, I have something to do. Go and play by yourself." Mu Liang finally rubbed the chin of the running duck and turned and flew towards the Acropolis.

Acropolis No. 1 is managed by the mermaid tribe.

Nine colors appeared on the surface of Mu Liang's body, a flash of light flashed, and his body entered a state of invisibility.

He wants to visit the Acropolis unannounced to see if there are any problems.

Mu Liang descended from the sky and entered from the main gate of the Acropolis. The city defense army on duty did not find anything.

On the main road of the Acropolis, many people are still looking for work. There are long lines at the gate of the Acropolis Administration, and many people come in and out.

Mu Liang stopped and watched. The gate of the Acropolis Administration was squeezed. The people were yelling, and they could hear each other's insults.

"Order is not good, what about the patrolmen in the Acropolis?" Mu Liang frowned and looked at the other streets.

He looked around and found three police officers from a restaurant, all of whom were strangers.

"What are you doing here?" came a serious voice.

Zhishan walked into the restaurant and looked at the three police officers who were eating and drinking with a dark face.

Dianshan is a sergeant in the inner city. He performed very well on weekdays. Cheng Mao was highly regarded and was transferred to the Acropolis as the minister of the branch, managing the patrol branch of the Acropolis.

He was very angry at this time. The three patrolmen in front of him were all selected by him, and they were all patrolmen who passed the assessment.

I thought it was a good seed, but I didn't expect it to be someone who only knew be lazy.

The youngest patrolman hurriedly got up and said with a dry smile: "Why is Chief Huo Bu here? Sit down and eat together."

"Yeah, it has been a hard morning. Sit down and eat something." The other two patrolmen also stood up reflexively.

Without hitting the mountain air, he said angrily: "Do you know how chaotic the Acropolis is now? Can you still eat it?"

The young police officer laughed and said, "Oh, when we are full, we have the strength and energy to maintain order."

"Minister Huo, we have only been in office for three days and haven't adapted yet."

The three patrolmen said a word to me, and Huo Shan's face was as black as carbon with anger.

Mu Liang looked at him coldly. In his eyes, these three police officers had been fired.

He wanted to see how Huo Shan would deal with it (cdcb), and if he was shielded, he would also be dismissed.

"Breakfast has only passed for less than two hours. You told me that I was hungry?"

Zhishan said angrily: "You damn it, Lord City Lord pays you wages, not for you to be lazy.

The young policeman shrank his neck and said with a smile: "Huo Bu is a long time, calm down, we will go to patrol after eating.

"Yes, go after eating." Another patrol nodded vigorously.

Dianshan asked with a black face, "Also, you haven't paid any wages yet, where are the Black Tortoise coins used for consumption?"

The food for the three people in front of them is not cheap, and one-third of the monthly salary is eliminated for one meal.

"This" the three patrolmen hesitated and couldn't say a complete sentence.

Kai Shan thought of something, staring at the three people with wide-open eyes, and asked, "Say, where does the money come from?"

"Minister Huo, we just "borrowed' fifty yuan from some people, and we will pay them back when the salary is paid," the young policeman explained stiffly.

Mu Liang raised his brows lightly, and he dared to accept bribes

Dianshan yelled, angrily said: "You are really bold."

The three patrolmen flushed, and they couldn't say anything to refute them.

"You have been dismissed from now on.

Nai Shan took a deep breath and said every word: "I will report to Master Cheng Mao, you can wait to go to court!"


The three patrolmen exclaimed, their faces changed drastically.

The senior patrol said anxiously: "No, this fifty yuan was forced to us by others, so why should we be dismissed and sent to court?"

"You were chosen by me. I am your boss and have the right to dismiss you." Huo Shan said with a cold face.

He stared at the three of them coldly, and continued: "According to Black Tortoise City Laws and Regulations, Article VI, Point 7, it is strictly forbidden to do anything that harms the interests of Black Tortoise City."

"The disciplinary rules and regulations of patrol guards, Article 3, point 4, prohibit negligence of duty."

Dianshan counted the mistakes made by the three police officers one by one.

Every time there is one more one, the three of them will turn white.

"No, that's all you said nonsense." The young patrolman trembled, and took two steps.

"Before you joined the job, you had memorized the "Black Tortoise City Laws and Regulations" and the "Patrol Guard Discipline and Regulations", let alone you don't know. "

Huo Shan said indifferently: "The mistakes you committed are enough to make you go to jail for three years.

"Master Huo, please don't revoke our position. From now on, we will perform well and will not let you down."

"Yeah, I finally became a patrolman. I can't go to jail.

The patrolman burst into tears and began to cry for mercy.

"...Huo Shan's eyes flickered.

The three patrolmen were overjoyed when they saw this, and quickly continued to plead.

"Shut up, Lord City Lord has provided us with such a good life environment. If you don't cherish it, then go to jail."

A touch of determination flashed under Kaishan's eyes, and the three of them were cut off.

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization. .

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