(1 more)

In the workshop, Mu Liang is studying how to deal with the feathers of the running ducks in order to stimulate all the characteristics of the material.

"It's not good to grill it on fire""

Mu Liang closed his five fingers, the flame in his palm disappeared, and his feathers were still golden.

He sighed: "Fire resistance is quite strong."

Mu Liang thought for a while, and changed his approach.

He started to boil water, took a feather and put it in the pot, and boiled it with high-temperature water to treat the feathers of the running duck.

Time passed slowly, nearly half of the water in the pot had evaporated, and the golden feathers had sunk to the bottom.


After another half an hour, the water in the pot bottomed out.

The golden feather seems to have reached a certain critical point, and the dark brown liquid body is boiled out at the root of the feather.

"It's done!!" Mu Liang's black eyes lit up.

He took out the feathers from the pot and wiped off the water stains on the feathers. The "six three seven" feathers were still golden.

"It has become lighter." Mu Liang squeezed his hands, feeling the change of feathers.

He looked at the wall of the study room, raised his hand and used it, the golden feather flew out like a sharp arrow, and shot I towards the wall extremely fast.

When the feather was about to hit the wall, Mu Liang raised his hand to control the gravity and stopped the feather.

"Come back." Mu Liang flipped his wrist and Feather turned and flew back to his palm.

After testing, the treated feathers have their own speed-increasing characteristics.

Ordinary feathers can only fly a short distance away, while the feathers of fast-running ducks are affected by their characteristics and can be as fast as an arrow shot.

"I don't know how much speed can be increased when it is made into armor." Mu Liang whispered softly.

After an hour, all his remaining feathers were processed.

There are hundreds of golden feathers on the workbench.

"It seems that there are not enough feathers. Mu Liang stretched out his hand and rubbed his chin.

His original idea was to cover the armor with the feathers of a sprinting duck, but that way, the number of feathers would need to be several hundred.

"I'm ready to make a pair of shoes."" Mu Liang's inspiration flashed and he had a new idea.

The vampire girl already has wings. It is not practical to make a full body armor. It is better to make a pair of light shoes, which can increase the speed of her movement without affecting her flight.

He rummaged among the piles of fierce animal materials, choosing suitable materials for the shoe body, which required lightness and softness.

"this is not bad!"

Mu Liang rummaged and found a piece of animal skin from the pile of fierce animal materials.

The animal skin is ice-colored, and the white contains very light blue, with lines of light blue.

This is the skin that the ice snake shed after evolving to ninth-level.

Mu Liang used a sharp tool to cut two pieces of ice snake skin to make the shoe body.

He raised his hand to condense the colored glaze, and made the frame of the sole and the shoe body to support the upper.

"The characteristics should not conflict." Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and he began to deal with the ice snake skin.

The treated ice snake skin becomes thinner, with good changes in toughness, weight, and volume.

Mu Liang covered the ice snake skin on the glass frame and fixed it with spider silk.

The next step is to fix the feathers of the fast running duck on the shoe body, stimulate its characteristics, and then successfully construct the vein.

Mu Liang did it step by step. During this period of trial and error, he gradually forgot the time.

Outside the workroom, Wei Youlan held a large colored glass jar full of processed white rice in her arms.

"Is Mr. Mu Liang still busy?" she asked softly.

The gatekeeper, Xiaomi, shook her head and said clearly, "Not yet, Master Mu Liang is making a new magic weapon, it shouldn't be so fast.

"I also want to ask how the rice is cooked, Wei Youlan regrets.

She thought about it, and decided to make buns for dinner.

Unknowingly, it was getting dark, Mu Liang was still in the studio and didn't even come out for dinner.

In the restaurant, Yan Bing, Fox Fairy and others are having dinner.

Hibbeck bulging her cheeks, Jiao Han asked, "I didn't eat lunch, and I didn't eat dinner. There will be nothing wrong with Mr. Mu Liang, right?"

The Fox Fairy glanced at the girl and said in a charming voice, "Don't worry, there is food in the studio.

"Oh, that's good." Sibeqi blinked her golden eyes.

She swept the restaurant around, and asked in surprise, "Where are Qinlan sister and Liyue?"

The fox said lightly, "They are all busy, and they should be back later."

"Everyone is busy." Sibeqi said with emotion.

"There are still twenty-five days before the virtual ghost tide completely erupts. After that, it will get busier and busier." The fox fairy tore the skin of the bun and ate slowly.

In the restaurant, everyone became a little silent.

"Why aren't everyone talking?" Alina blinked her pink eyes, and the atmosphere was a little quiet.

"Everyone is tired...Nigisha yawned and misted her blue eyes.

"Tired is not tired, just a little nervous."

Xibeiqi sighed and said, "Think about the fact that I have to face the ghost tide in twenty-five days. I have no confidence in my heart."

"I believe that Black Tortoise can survive." Mino had a pretty face, and a pair of plush rabbit ears stood upright.

"Yes, believe in Black Tortoise City." The corner of the fox fairy's lips rose, and his admiration fell on the earless girl.

"Little Black Tortoise used to be the size of a palm. Now less than a year later, it is already Tier 11." Mino reached out and gestured.

She continued with a serious face: "Little Black Tortoise can become Tier 11 within a year. In comparison, it is nothing to go through the ghost tide.

"It's hard to imagine that it took only more than half a year for the little Black Tortoise to go from the first to the eleventh order."

"If Xiao Nuo didn't say it, I wouldn't be surprised."

In the restaurant, admiration kept coming.

"Listening to you, I suddenly felt relieved." Xibeiqi smiled charmingly, with a pair of small tiger teeth showing under her pink lips.

The fox fairy raised his hand and patted, and said in a leisurely tone: "Don't worry, Mu Liang is sure. We only need to complete the tasks he assigned."

"Got it." Hibeck nodded vigorously.

She said crisply: "I am already a powerhouse at the seventh-order peak, and I can help a lot."

"You are going to catch up with me." Fox fairy raised his brows lightly, feeling a sense of urgency in his heart.

2.1 You must know that when she met the vampire girl, there was still a big gap between the strength of the two. Now only a few months ago, she might be overtaken.

"Sister Fox Fairy is much better than me. I can't catch up." Xibeiqi said playfully.

The Fox Fairy shook his head funny. With the talent of a vampire girl, it is very possible to absorb a drop of Mu Liang's blood and surpass her.

After more than half an hour, everyone left after dinner and went to work on their own affairs.

The vampire girl hesitated, turned and walked to the studio, wanting to see what Mu Liang was doing.

After she absorbed Mu Liang's new blood, she developed a strong sense of dependence on him.

"I don't know if it will disturb him. Hibbeck stepped lightly and went outside the studio.

ps: [1 more]: the second more positive code. .

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