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Knock knock~~~

Liyue knocked on the door of the palace study.

"Mu Liang, I'm here." She said crisply.

"Come in." Mu Liang agreed.


The silver-haired girl and Gallo walked into the study and saw Mu Liang looking down and writing something on the paper.

Mu Liang raised his head and stopped writing when he saw Gallo.

He asked gently, "Gallo, what's the matter?"

Gallo said clearly: "My Lord City Lord, I'm here to tell you that the motorcycle has been built, and I want you to take a look.

"The motorcycle is built!!" Mu Liang's black eyes flashed with brilliance.

With a small smile on his mouth, Gallo nodded: "Yes, it's already stopped outside the palace."

"Let's go and take a look." Mu Liang couldn't wait to get up, and strode out.

Liyue opened her mouth. Seeing Mu Liang's enthusiastic appearance, she decided to report to work later.

She followed Mu Liang to the outside of the palace and found that Sibeqi didn't know when she came and was already looking at the motorcycle.

Seeing Mu Liang came out, Xibeiqi asked curiously, "Master Mu Liang, what is this?"

"Motorcycle." Mu Liang responded casually, focusing on the motorcycle.

He stepped forward and looked at the oddly shaped motorcycle. Although it was incomparable with the motorcycle in memory, it looked decent.

The wheels of motorcycles are made of rubber and glass. The diameter of the wheels is 650 to 80 centimeters.

Gallo smiled and asked, "Sir, do you need me to demonstrate?"

"Well, demonstrate." Mu Liang nodded and turned sideways to get out of the way.

Gallo sat on the motorcycle skilfully, stretched out his hand to press the beast spar, and twisted the front handle.

Boom boom boom~~

The motorcycle started successfully and ran quickly.


"It's so fun!!" Sibeqi's golden eyes widened, her eyes moving following the motorcycle.

Liyue sighed softly, this ugly thing can run so fast.

"It looks ugly, but it doesn't run slowly." Mu Liang said in surprise.

He compared it with the motorcycle of the previous life and found that the speed of the two is not much different.

Boom boom boom~~~

Gallo stopped the car and got out of the car with his leg raised.

"I'll try it." Mu Liang straddled the car, holding the front of the car with both hands, and lifting the tripod with his heels.

He tried to unscrew the handlebars, and the motorcycle sped out at The next moment.

Mu Liang quickly controlled the front of the car to maintain balance, regaining the feeling of riding a motorcycle in his previous life.

He sighed: "Although it's a bit cumbersome, the ride feels surprisingly good.

Mu Liang rode a motorcycle, (cdcb) spinning round and round in the square.

After riding seven or eight laps, he parked the car in front of Liyue and made a sigh of relief: "Come up."

Liyue was stunned, then blushed and sat in front of Mu Liang, surrounded by him with his hands.

"Sit down!" Mu Liang twisted the handle and rode a motorcycle in front of the palace.

Liyue closed her eyes subconsciously, and then opened her eyes when she was sure that there was nothing wrong, to feel the happiness brought by the motorcycle.

The vampire girl looked yearning and wanted to be taken by Mu Liang to ride a motorcycle.

"I want to play too" Hibbeck pouted, her eyes showing expectation.

Gallo noticed the vampire girl's shoes, and said with weird eyes: "Your shoes"

"Hee hee, isn't it pretty?" Hibeck raised her foot as if showing off.

She proudly said: "These are the shoes made by Mr. Mu Liang for me. They are high-level spiritual weapons!"

"Your shoes are really ugly." Gallo said lightly.

"??" Xibeiqi's expression solidified, and the genius glared at her quietly.

She snorted, "I don't know how to appreciate, how can the shoes made by Mr. Mu Liang be ugly?"

Gallo held back a smile and said jokingly: "It's been a long time, it's not bad.

"Huh!" Hibecki Tsundere rolled her head.

Boom boom boom~~~

Mu Liang rode the car and stopped in front of the two women, let go of the handles, and let the silver-haired girl get out of the car.

Liyue Qiao's face was reddened, and her hair was blown up by the wind.

"Master Mu Liang, can I experience it?" Sibeqi asked courageously.

"Come on." Mu Liang did not refuse, but raised his hand and patted the motorcycle.

Xibeiqi's face was beaming, and she hurriedly came to Mu Liang and sat down in front of him.

"Sit down!" Mu Liang reminded, raising his hand and unscrewing the handle.

Boom boom boom~~~

The motorcycle sped out and continued to circle the square.


Sibeqi shouted in excitement, but actually felt Mu Liang's warm chest.

Mu Liang said calmly: "Xibeqi, try to start running shoes."


Sibeqi didn't think much, but with a movement of her mind, the shoes on her feet lit up with golden light, and the invisible fluctuations spread out, enveloping the motorcycle and Mu Liang.

The next moment, the speed of the motorcycle was ascension six times, and it rushed out hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye, almost flying out of the eighth high ground.

Mu Liang was taken aback, and quickly used his abilities to condense a long lane with colored glaze, extending into the air.

Xibeiqi exclaimed excitedly: "Master Mu Liang, fast running shoes can also accelerate the motorcycle!!"

"Well, unexpected joy." Mu Liang chuckled lightly.

He just thought this way, so he asked the vampire girl to try, but he didn't expect it to be possible.

At the current speed of a motorcycle, it only takes half an hour to travel from the high ground to the commercial area.

Sibeqi exclaimed: "The fast running shoes are great.

In the square, Jialuo's red lips are slightly open, how can the motorcycle run so fast?

Seeing that Mu Liang was okay, Liyue breathed a sigh of relief: "This is too fast. I almost flew outside."

Boom boom boom~~~

Mu Liang turned the front of the car, drove the motorcycle back to the square, and stopped slowly.

Gallo stepped forward in confusion and asked, "My Lord, what happened just now?"

Xibeqi proudly lifted her lower bar, and said with a bewilderment: "That's the ability of running shoes."

Mu Liang looked at Jialuo and said calmly: "You can improve the motorcycle a bit and add the feathers of the running duck to the motorcycle to increase the speed."

"I'll go back and study it." Gallo nodded thoughtfully, interested in the characteristics of running duck feathers.

She continued to ask: "Besides this, does the motorcycle need to be improved?"

"The shock absorber effect is very general. You can add two sets of shock absorber springs, the rear seat can be lengthened a bit, and it can also carry people." Mu Liang raised his hand and patted the motorcycle road.

"I see." Gallo silently remembered.

Mu Liang said: "After the improvement, ten cars will be produced first."

"My Lord, the production of motorcycles is very complicated. It takes at least ten days to build ten motorcycles." Galo said slowly.

"Well, it's good to be created before the virtual ghost tide arrives." Mu Liang nodded.

"That's okay." "Gallo replied.

She then whispered: "My Lord City Lord, if there is nothing else, I will go back first."

"Go." Mu Liang waved his hand.

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ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization. .

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