Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1025 I want to work in the first court of law.

(2 more)

In the inner city, the patrol guards outside the adjacent law I court have surrounded many people.

Lilena stopped outside the court, and stood on tiptoe to see what was going on inside.

She had just sent the children from the orphanage to school, and was about to go to the big market. She was attracted by the excitement.

Lilena frowned and whispered to herself: "What happened, why are there so many people today?"

She struggled to squeeze into the front of the crowd, and was blocked by the patrolmen led by Cheng Mao.

Cheng Mao shouted solemnly: "There are only ten minutes to open the court, and there are only fifty places for observers.

"Opening? Listening?" Lilena blinked her dark green eyes, and she didn't understand.

Cheng Mao said solemnly: "Now we will start to distribute the number of auditors."

"I want, I want to go in and listen!!"

"Captain Cheng Mao, please give me one."


The people shouted in excitement and began to squeeze forward.

Cheng Mao frowned and shouted loudly: "Don't squeeze forward anymore. If you are in a good line, if you dare to disturb the order, I will send you to the small black room."

When the people heard the words, they began to line up honestly.

Lilena was at the top of the line in a daze, and was the first to receive the hearing.

The patrolman in charge of maintaining order yelled loudly: "Walk inside when you got the hearing card, and remember to return your ID when you leave."

Lirina just walked into the courthouse and walked in along the long passage.

At the side entrance of the court, court staff are doing guidance work.

"The people who are watching come in from here. Be sure to keep quiet while watching."

Lirina hadn't figured out what had happened until she sat in the gallery.

Ta Ta Ta

More and more people walked into the gallery and kept quiet after sitting down.

Lilena wanted to ask what happened, but when everyone else didn't speak, she closed her mouth subconsciously.

Ta Ta Ta..

Before the auditorium, Yue Qinlan walked into the courtroom surrounded by the bailiff and sat in the seat of the judge.

The clerk and others took their seats one after another to make preparations for the opening of the court.

Lilena murmured softly, "The clerks are here, it's not easy.

"The Lord of the City is here!!" The court staff informed Yue Qinlan.

"Stand up, Lord City Lord is here." Yue Qinlan stood up and looked at the court gate.

The clerks and reviewers all stood up to welcome the arrival of the city lord.

"The Lord of the City is also here?" In the auditorium, the people stood up together, looking frantically at the gate.

Ta Ta Ta

Mu Liang walked into the court indifferently. Under the eyes of everyone, he came to sit next to Yue Qinlan, which was the highest position in the court.

Liyue guarded behind Mu Liang, while the highland guard stood outside the court's gate, adding a touch of solemnity to the court.

"Can you start?" Yue Qinlan asked with her head lowered in a low voice.

Mu Liang nodded: "Yes, let's start."

Yue Qinlan raised his hand and knocked on the table, and said coldly: "Be quiet, the trial begins. Please come up.

When Mu Liang set up the court, he adjusted the "structure" of various rules and regulations to make it more suitable for Black Tortoise City.

Ta Ta Ta

The bailiff opened the door of the room connected to the court, brought out the strange wind in a gray prison uniform, and asked him to stand in a fence more than half a meter high.

Qi Feng's face was pale at this time, and his body was still trembling.

He looked at the high platform, and when he saw Mu Liang and Yue Qinlan, his face was even more deadly gray.

Mu Liang glanced at him, and immediately made him feel like an ice cellar, his thoughts stiffened for a few seconds.

Yue Qinlan said in a majestic tone, and asked in a cold voice: "Qing Feng, do you know you don't know the crime?"

Qi Feng came back to his senses and wanted to defend himself: "I didn't commit any crime."

"Don't recognize it?" Yueqin's blue eyes were half-eyed.

She raised her hand and knocked on the table, and said majesticly: "Judge, read it to him.

The corners of Mu Liang's lips rose slightly. For this kind of convicted, the court was only to pronounce the sentence, not to make him excuse.

"Yes." The judge stood up, picked up the filled paper, and began to read.

"Qifeng has seriously violated the laws and regulations of the Black Tortoise city, the military discipline and military regulations of the city defense army, and has lost the bottom line that a qualified city defense army should stick to.

"The person on trial, in the name of reminiscence of the past, asked the inner city patrol police to go out to drink, get the patrol drunk, and ask the patrol police examination questions, so as to arrange his own subordinates to the Acropolis patrol."

The judge's words were clear and bright, echoing in the courtroom.

In the auditorium, fifty people were in an uproar, and they were shocked by the content read by the judge.

"So it's like this." Lirina opened her pink lips slightly and realized what she was doing right now.

Mu Liang looked down and listened, feeling calm and calm.

He was there just to let the people and all the city defense forces, soldiers, and patrols know that violations of laws and regulations and military disciplines are very serious.

The judge's words made Qi Feng's face paler and his body shook.

"The sinner has a strange wind, violates the laws and regulations and military disciplines and military regulations, a total of eight, sentenced to ten years imprisonment, no bail." Yue Qinlan picked up the trial hammer and hit the table hard.


The clear percussion echoed in the courtroom.

Yue Qinlan pronounced the verdict in court and convicted Qi Feng.

Qi Feng shook his body, and sat down with a squat,

"How could this be?" His face was white as paper.

"Take it down, send it to prison, and start serving your sentence from now on." Yue Qinlan waved her hand.

"Yes!" The bailiff stepped forward, set up a frightened wind, and half dragged out.

"Mu Liang, it's over." Yue Qinlan blinked her beautiful blue eyes.

"Then go back." Mu Liang stood up, generally speechless when 683 came, and left the front door of the court.

"You will take care of the rest." Yue Qinlan dropped a word, got up and followed Mu Liang and left.

After Mu Liang and Yue Qinlan left, the judges and clerk both got up and left.

"Well, everyone who is in the audience, please leave the court in an orderly manner." The staff clapped their hands and shouted.

Lilena let out a breath and eased from the solemn atmosphere of the courtroom.

She stood up and walked out. When she was about to leave the court, a staff member was holding a square basket to collect the testimony.

"Place the hearing testimony here." The staff member gestured.

Lilena put down the hearing witness and left the court along the passage.

She couldn't calm down for a long time, some yearning to sit in the upper position like Yue Qinlan, to judge a sinner.

"I'm going to work in the court!!" Lirina said with firm eyes.

She thought of the orphanage and the oasis, and she suddenly became annoyed.

"If I go to work in the court, will Elder skin me?" Lilena sighed.

Although she is in Black Tortoise, she is still an oasis.

And when I went to work in the court, whoever took care of the children in the orphanage, Mia alone would not be able to take care of them.

"Think about it again." Lirina looked back at the court, turned and left.

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization.

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