Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1027 Eat virtual ghosts? (1 more)

On the mast, Kodola stood up, his eyes lit up, looking at the light on the sea level in the distance.

In his eyes, the darkness was constantly magnified, and the light seemed to be right in front of him.

"Is that firelight?" Kodola frowned and murmured.

The sky has been completely dark, and the light is the most conspicuous in this environment. Apart from the fact that it is an island, you can't see anything else.

On the deck, the adventure team members shouted excitedly: "Kodora, is there an island in front of you?"

"There is an island, but it doesn't look right." Kodola lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

"What's wrong?" Someone asked puzzledly.

Kodola said solemnly, "It seems that there is a fire on the island, which is not normal."

"on fire?"

The crew ridiculed: "Kodora, could it be that you read it wrong? It may be that people on the island are holding a banquet waiting for the fire."

There is fire on the island, which means that there are people on the island.

"It's too dark and too far away, maybe it's a bit unclear." Kodola was also a little uncertain.

"Then take a closer look!!" someone suggested.

Kodola nodded and said, "Well, go ahead, slower."

The captain and deputy captain were both unconscious and he temporarily took charge of the adventure team.

"go ahead!!"

The team members shouted loudly and couldn't wait to get close to the island, and then landed to relax and relax.

"Don't let your guard down," Kodola said loudly.

The captain and the deputy captain were in a coma, and the strength of the adventure team was greatly reduced. Whenever encountered danger, it is likely to be destroyed.

"I see, don't worry." The team members responded grimly.

The fleet is getting closer and closer to the island, and the flames can already be clearly seen.

Standing on the mast, Kodola looked up to the sky above the island, vaguely seeing a few shadows whizzing past.

He suddenly became tense, his breathing slowed down subconsciously, what was the shadow that just flew by?

"Stop the ship!!" Kodola lowered his head and shouted. 683

"What's the matter?" the team member asked suspiciously.

Kodola said with a stern face: "Something's wrong, I have a bad feeling."

The three big ships came to a halt slowly, only more than a thousand meters away from the island.


The sea breeze brought the smell of flame.

"The island is indeed on fire!!" Kedora said in surprise.

"Then shall we go to the island to see?" the team member asked in surprise.

Kodola hesitated for a moment, then hesitated: "I'm afraid there is danger on the island."

But if you don’t go to the island, you may miss the opportunity to replenish food. After all, no one knows where the next island will be.

The team members suggested: "Let's go to the island and take a look. If we are in danger, we will leave. If not, we can still add food."

Kodola frowned and hesitated.

He thought for a while and ordered: "Wait a minute, first go and see if the captain and deputy captain are awake."

"I'll go." The young team member responded and turned and ran back into the cabin.

Not long after, he came out of the cabin and said regretfully: "The captain and the deputy captain are still asleep and can't wake up."

"Trouble." Kodola felt a big head.

He didn't dare to order the landing on the island, because he was afraid that he would encounter danger on the island and put all the teammates of the adventure team in danger.

"Kodora, don't be so persuaded. We are adventurers. If we don't want to risk any danger, what would we call an adventurer?"

"Yes, let's go to the island."


The players strongly demanded, which made Kodola even bigger.

He gritted his teeth and made up his mind: "Then get on the shore and go to the island to have a look."

"It's great, get to the beach, take your weapons and magic equipment, and prepare to land on the island.

"Finally I can set foot on the ground, I am almost vomiting on the boat."

The members of the adventure team cheered.

The fleet slowly approached the island, the fire illuminating the surroundings, but the view was blocked by a few huge reefs, and the situation on the island could not be seen.

"Stop the boat and take the boat ashore." Kodola shouted.

If the big ship continues to move forward, it is likely to hit the rocks, and then it will be dangerous.

"Put the boat and go ashore!!" Everyone moved and put the small wooden boat down.


Kodola waved: "Leave half of the people to watch the boat, and the rest will go to the island with me to check the situation."

He got off the big boat and approached the island in a small boat with a dozen team members.

Soon after, the boat drew ashore and everyone got off the boat.

Ta Ta Ta

Tie the boat to the rock with rope to avoid being washed away by the sea.

"Go, go up." Kodola ordered in a low voice.

His eyes lit up, cast a "television" magic, and led the team members to the island.

Everyone turned over the reef and saw a large expanse of fire. You could see that many wooden houses were lit, and some people were fighting with unknown creatures.

Jie Jie Jie~~~

In the fire, there are many ugly-looking creatures. They are dark and black in their eyes, and they are killing human beings.

"Ah, help.

"Damn virtual ghosts, fight them!!"

"They are all low-level virtual ghosts that can be defeated.

The people on the island screamed, and ordinary people were torn to pieces by the virtual ghosts as soon as they met each other.

Everyone in the adventure team stopped and said in horror: "This is attacked by Magical Beasts. Many people have died!"

"What are these Magical Beasts, I have never seen it before!" Kodola's pupils contracted and felt the danger.

"Cordola, shall we go up and help?" someone asked in a low voice.

Another person muttered in a low voice: "So many Magical Beasts, killing a few will be enough for all of us."

"Such an ugly Magical Beasts, the meat must be ugly, so forget it." Another person curled his lips.

"If you have something to eat, it's not bad, but also pick?"

The corners of Kodola's eyes twitched, and when he saw his teammates, he was about to quarrel.

He didn't get angry: "What is the quarrel, is this the time for a quarrel?"

The team members closed their mouths, they were not convinced, they still had to endure it.

"Then what should I do now?" the team member asked, turning his head.

Kodola thought for a while and waved: "I don't think those Magical Beasts are very good. They all help, kill a few Magical Beasts for food."

"Okay." The team members started gearing up.

"Be careful, don't die!" Kodola exhorted.

"Hey, got it."

The members of the adventure team responded, overcame the reef, and strode towards the fighting area.

"Someone is here, are they here to help?" The residents of the island said in surprise.

"Be careful, the number of virtual ghosts (cdcb) is a bit too much.

The remnant islanders reminded loudly, their hands kept moving, slashing the approaching low-level virtual ghosts.

"Void ghosts? What is Magical Beasts?" Kodola curled his lips and split the approaching ghosts in half with a long knife and magic equipment.

Jie Jie Jie~~~

The virtual ghost did not die after falling to the ground, the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and continued to rush towards them.

"How can you not kill?" The adventure team member exclaimed.

Upon seeing this, the islander quickly reminded: "You have to attack your head."

"Strange Magical Beasts, go to death." The adventure team members spit, aiming at the head of the virtual ghost.

This battle lasted for more than half an hour before all the low-level virtual ghosts on the island were killed.

"Damn it, I was bitten." Kodola curled his lips, exasperated.

All the people on the island are alive, but all have suffered large and small injuries.

On the other hand, the residents on the island have killed and injured thousands of people, and only less than a hundred people are still alive.

"Ahem, thank you for your help." The island owner came to Kodola with a pale face and arched his cupped hands.

Lu Yan's face is ugly, this is because of excessive blood loss.

She is the island owner of this island, a sixth-tier intermediate strong, and the strongest on the island.

Kodola looked at the woman with long gray hair, her face was covered with blood, and she couldn't see her appearance.

He coughed twice and raised his hand: "Your Excellency, where did those Magical Beasts come from?"

"Magical Beasts?"

Lu Yan frowned slightly, and said in doubt: "Those were all imaginary ghosts just now, don't you know?"

"What is a virtual ghost?"" Kodola was taken aback for a moment.

"You don't know the virtual ghost?" Lu Yan was stunned, and also stunned for a moment.

Kodola waved her hand and asked seriously, "This is not important, I just want to know whether these ghosts can eat?"

"Do you want to eat the meat of the virtual ghost?" Lu Yan stared at her beautiful gray eyes.

She said anxiously: "Of course virtual ghost meat cannot be eaten, it will be infected.

"I can't eat it. Kodora suddenly looked down.

"What happened?" A weak voice came, attracting everyone's attention, and they turned their heads to look behind them.

Miuda was held up by the team members and appeared in front of everyone.

"Captain, why are you here!?" Kedora said in surprise, and quickly stepped forward to help the captain.

"I just woke up, don't worry about you, so I followed over and have a look." Kodola said weakly.

"That's it," Kodola said briefly and coughed.

"It turned out to be like this." Miuda frowned, and virtual ghost meat could not be eaten, which was a waste of energy.

Lu Yan listened to their conversation and understood something.

She tried to ask, "Are you looking for food?"

"Yes, there is not much food on our boat." Miuda said with an ugly face.

"We have food on the island, we can give it to you, but I have a request." Lu Yan said seriously.

Miuda asked hoarsely: "What's the requirement?"

"You have a boat, don't you?" Lu Yan asked another question.

"Yes!" Muda frowned, guessing something.

Lu Yan took a deep breath and said sincerely: "Take us out of here, I will give you all the food on the island."

Miuda said solemnly: "Take everyone on the island?"

"Yes, as long as it is safe to send us to a nearby large island." Lu Yan nodded vigorously.

She didn't dare to continue her life on the island, worried that there were ghosts in the ground, and the people on the island would have no escape.

This time the virtual ghost appeared from the ground without warning.

Miuda asked seriously, "How much food is there?"

Lu Yanjiao said: "Enough for a few days for a thousand people."

"The deal, we will send you away." Miuda's eyes flashed, and he agreed.

Lu Yan breathed a sigh of relief and gratefully said: "Great, thank you!!"

"Leave at dawn, please hurry up." Miuda said hoarsely.

"No problem." Lu Yan nodded.

She turned and left, organizing staff and starting to bandage the wounds, appease the islanders who lost their relatives and friends, and persuade them to start packing things and leave here as soon as possible.

"Many people died." Kodola sighed.

"When the blood moon comes and Magical Beasts become violent, this situation will often happen." Miuda said in a low voice.

Its eyes flashed slightly, and it looked up to the sky, the clouds spread, and the bloody moonlight shrouded it.

"Captain, I'll go back and bandage the wound first." Kodola grinned, the wound on his arm was already glowing black.

Miuda frowned and lifted one bar, and urged: "It looks serious, go back and deal with it.

Kodola grinned, and said indifferently: "Hey, a little injury, it's okay."

"Go ahead." Miuda lifted his foot and kicked him.

Kodola evaded embarrassedly and walked back lamely.

ps: [1 update]: the second update for the positive code. .

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