Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1037 Improve motorcycles.

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Mu Liang stretched out his hand, his fingertips were shining with crystals, the green light was shining, and a drop of tenth-level angel's tears condensed.

"Open your mouth." He raised his eyes to look at Mesak, and with a flick of his finger, the angel's tears flew out.

call out!

Messak quickly opened his mouth, feeling a cool throat, and the tears of the angel turned into a clear stream, sliding down the throat and flowing to the limbs of the body.


Mesak snorted, and his body shivered slightly, feeling pain all over his body.

He gritted his teeth and endured, the scarlet lines on his body slowly faded, and a dark red mist ascending from his body.

This process lasted for more than ten minutes, until the scarlet lines disappeared completely and the dark red mist dissipated.

Mesakko slowly opened his eyes, and the first feeling was that his body was relaxed, as if he was reborn, his body was better than before he was infected by the'virtual ghost'.

"How do you feel?" Mu Liang asked calmly.

Meshako stood up and exclaimed: "I feel relaxed all over, better than ever!"

Mu Liang curled his lips and said calmly: "The infection of the virtual ghost has been cured. You can rest for two days and then go to the Acropolis to take a job."

Messak pulled off his collar and checked the wounds on his body and waist. There were indeed no terrible scarlet lines.

He excitedly said: "Thank you Mu Liang, I can go to work at the Acropolis at any time."

"Don't worry, let's rest 700 for two days." Mu Liang waved his hand.

He raised his eyes and looked outside the meeting room, raising his volume and said, "Xiao Lan!"

Wei Youlan walked into the meeting room two seconds later and asked respectfully: "Master Mu Liang, what's the matter?"

Mu Liang said calmly: "Take your Excellency Mesak down and find him a place to stay on the sixth floor."

"Okay." Wei Youlan obediently responded.

She turned to look at Mesak, and gestured: "Your Excellency, come with me."

"Okay." Meshako stood up.

He turned to look at Mu Liang, bent over to salute, and respectfully said, "Master Mu Liang, I will come again in two days."

"Yeah." Mu Liang nodded.

Messak left with the little maid, and Mu Liang also left the drawing room and returned to the study.

He stretched his hand over a piece of paper, and began to design Rizuki and Alina's new weapons.

"Let me play for a while~~~"

Outside the palace, there was roaring noises.

On the square, Charlotte and Taco are testing their motorcycles.

Charlotte and Tycoco were bored in the kitchen. They were told that dinner would take more than an hour to start, so they had to leave the kitchen to find other things to pass the time.

When the two of them walked out of the palace, they were attracted by the motorcycle sent by the Spirit Tool Workshop.

Tycoco was sitting on the motorcycle, holding the front of the car with both hands, moving forward crookedly.

"Hey eh, I'm running!!" she exclaimed excitedly.

Charlotte said in a crisp voice: "You be careful, don't break the motorcycle.

"No." Tai Keke said proudly.

She squeezed the handlebars violently, and the motorcycle jumped out quickly, blinking just tens of meters away.

"Ah, why did it suddenly become so fast?" Tai Keke exclaimed, almost throwing the motorcycle out of control.

The second batch of motorcycles, modified by Galo, added the feathers of the running duck, and the speed was more than twice as fast.

"It's all said, be careful!!" Xia Luojiao exhaled, and hurriedly fluttered her wings to catch up.

"I'm fine, I can." Tacoco said hard.

She held the front of the car, and just before flying out of the square, wings grew behind her, successfully transformed into a dragon, and flew directly into the air with her motorcycle.


Tai Keke breathed a sigh of relief. After she became a dragon, she was so powerful that it was easy to fly a motorcycle.

She flapped her wings, put the motorcycle back on the square, and succeeded in turning away the danger.

"I was scared to death." Charlotte breathed a sigh of relief, and stared at the green-haired girl with her beautiful orange eyes.

Taike turned back into a human form, and said weakly, "You play, I'm hungry.

Becoming a dragon, speeded up her hunger.

"What are you doing here?" The transportation ladder stopped on the eighth floor of the high ground, and Sibeqi came out.

She came back from the air force, ready to wait for dinner.

"Captain Hibeck, we are playing motorcycles." Charlotte said clearly.

(cdcb) The corners of Hibeck's lips raised, and she proudly said: "Riding a motorcycle, I'm good at it!!

She straddled the motorcycle skillfully, reaching out to hold the front of the car.

Tai Keke blinked his blue eyes and looked curiously.

Hibeck sighed slightly and twisted the handlebar with her right hand.

Boom boom boom~~~

In a buzzing sound, the motorcycle galloped out, surprisingly fast.

"How did the speed become faster?" Sibeqi exclaimed.

She hasn't used the ability of fast running shoes, and the speed of the motorcycle is several times faster than when she first test drive.

However, the vampire girl has experience and quickly adapted to it, and even felt that it was not fast enough.

"It can be faster." Hibbecky exclaimed excitedly.

The shoes on her feet burst into golden light, and the speed of the motorcycle soared, leaving golden light and shadow behind.

The next moment, I can't see the figure of the vampire girl.

"The speed is a lot faster~~~" Mu Liang walked out of the palace and saw Sibeqi racing on a motorcycle.

He wanted to draw a design, but he was attracted by the movement outside the palace.

Boom boom boom~~~

The vampire girl drove a motorcycle and made more than ten laps in the square before stopping.

"There is no water." Sibeqi opened the water tank on the car body, which was empty.

She got out of the car with unsatisfactory thoughts and tidyed up her hair tossed by the wind.

"How do you feel?" Mu Liang asked aloud.

"Master Mu Liang!!"

Hibbeck and Charlotte found out that Mu Liang had come out, and hurriedly said hello.

"Master Mu Liang, this motorcycle is so fast, it is five times faster than the last time." Xibeiqi said excitedly.

"That proves that Gallo's improvement is useful." Mu Liang laughed softly.

"It turned out to have been improved. I said how the speed became so fast," Sibeqi said suddenly.

"This car will be used in the palace in the future. It will be faster when we go to the outer city and the acropolis." Mu Liang said calmly.

At the moment, only motorcycles are the fastest in the city of Black Tortoise.

When the future train is built, it may be faster, but that is just an idea.

Sibeqi looked at Mu Liang with eyesight: "Master Mu Liang, can you get me one? I can go to the air force base faster.

Mu Liang laughed and said: "You have fast running shoes and can fly. The speed is faster than a motorcycle. What do you want a motorcycle for?"

Hibbeck bulged her cheeks, and said, unfortunately, "Okay."

Mu Liang smiled and said, "There are still very few motorcycles now. When they become popular in the future, you can own one."

At the moment, there are only three motorcycles manufactured by the Spirit Tool Workshop, and only one modified motorcycle.

"Okay." Hibbeck nodded with a chuckle.

ps: [1 update]: the second update for the positive code. .

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