Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1050 Feng Shui compass and chart.

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Highland Palace, in the side hall where Hoarfrost is temporarily staying.

"Damn it, I really want to beat them!!" Hoarfrost bit the corner of the quilt angrily, and raised his hand to hammer the quilt to vent his emotions.

She was overwhelmed by Miudasan. Because Mu Liang was on the sidelines, she would overturn the table early and beat them violently.


Hoarfrost was mad, lying on her back on the bed, her purple-golden eyes staring at the ceiling empty.

"What to do?" She whispered softly.

Miuda and them, it is very likely that she will have a rare opportunity to return to Hai Ting Kingdom.

She is very depressed, should she pull her face down, put her body down to beg Muda, and let them take themselves back to the other side of the misty sea?

"So annoying~~~"

Baishuang's eyes refocused, rolling back and forth on the big bed 1, the more I thought about it, the more annoying.

"Father and mother must be very worried about me, they have to go back!!" She sighed.

She was still struggling in her heart, and she was even more depressed when she thought of Miuda's proud face.

After half an hour.

Bai Shuang sat up fiercely, took a few deep breaths, and seemed to have made up his mind.

"No, I can't do it

The purple-haired girl fell on the bed again, covered her head with a pillow, and continued to fight her heart.

It was another half an hour later.

Bai Shuang slumped open the door, and walked towards Mu Liang's study 23 with a long sigh.

She has decided that she is going to talk to the three of Muda and hope they can take her back.

At the entrance of the study, Bami looked sideways and watched the purple-haired girl approaching.

She asked in a weak voice: "Miss Baishuang, are you here to see Master Mu Liang?"

"Well, is he there?" Bai Shuang asked dejectedly.

"Yes." Buff nodded.

She turned around, knocked on the study door lightly, and asked for instructions: "Master Mu Liang, Miss Baishuang is here."

"Let her in." Mu Liang's gentle voice sounded.

"Miss Baishuang, let's go in." Buff gently opened the study door, passed the car and let the purple-haired girl walk into the study.

Da Da Da~~~

Baishuang adjusted her mood, stepped into the study, and saw Mu Liang sitting behind her desk, looking at her in his spare time.

"Miss Hoarfrost, what's the matter?" Mu Liang asked calmly.

Bai Shuang said in a sincere tone: "Your Excellency Mu Liang, I would like to meet those three people at today's dinner."

"Don't you think they are liars?" Mu Liang frowned.

Bai Shuang blinked her beautiful purple and golden eyes, and said in amazement, "Didn't your Excellency Mu Liang tell them, didn't they lie?"

"... Mu Liang didn't know what to say for a while.

Baishuang said seriously: "I want to go back, they are my only way now."

"With the qualities of those three people, the lion might speak loudly." Mu Liang tapped his finger on the tabletop lightly.

He leaned back and said calmly: "And for you, it's not safe."

Hoarfrost's purple and golden eyes gleamed, and she asked jokingly, "Is His Excellency Mu Liang caring about me?"

"You are very courageous." Mu Liang laughed lightly.

"Sorry." Baishuangshan laughed a few times.

Mu Liang smiled warmly and said: "You don't have to go to them. When the ghost tide passes, Black Tortoise will also pass through the sea of ​​mist, and you can naturally go back then.

"Eh, really?" Bai Shuang's eyes widened, almost exclaiming.

"Yeah." Mu Liang nodded.

In his plan, the route here must be laid out first, so as not to lose contact after leaving.

When things are arranged and the ghost tide passes, the city of Black Tortoise will cross the sea of ​​mist.

The corners of Bai Shuang's lips rose, and he raised his hand and waved, and said in a good mood: "Great, so I don't have to beg those three bastards!"

"You hate them?" Mu Liang smiled lightly.

"Well, they are not good people at first sight." Hoarshuang nodded vigorously, not concealing his dislike.

Mu Liang smiled, and the purple-haired girl can be regarded as a true temperament.

Baishuang remembered something, and said nervously: "Your Excellency Mu Liang, do you know how to get to the Misty Sea? Do you know the route?"

"It's not difficult to know, I have a way." Mu Liang smiled calmly.

Adazhu has already gone to the first floor of the high ground, and there will be detailed information tomorrow at the latest.

"That's good, I believe you." Bai Shuang chuckled lightly.

Mu Liang said gently: "It's getting late, go and rest."

"Yeah, Your Excellency Mu Liang also rest early!!" Bai Shuang smiled and waved his hands, turning around and leaving in a happy mood.


The study door was closed, and the door became quiet.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand and pulled a piece of paper, and tapped the surface of the paper lightly with his finger.

"Before going to the New World, we must perfect the route here. He whispered softly.

This side has been working so hard for so long, and you can't give up just because you go to the New World. You have to find a way to establish contact with the New World.

The first thing Mu Liang thought of was to transport the spacecraft.

Only if the number of transport spaceships is enough, can we keep contact and continue to earn him a steady stream of fierce beast spar.

"There are too few transport spacecraft now, so we need to speed up the construction.

Mu Liang's hand tapping action stopped, and he decided to send additional manpower to the shipbuilding workshop.

He immersed himself in writing a plan.

Time passed slowly.

I don't know how long it took before the door was knocked.

Knock knock~~~

"Mu Liang, are you still busy?" Mino's delicate voice came in.

Mu Liang raised his head, stretched his waist, and said clearly, "Come in."


The study door opened, and the earless girl walked into the study with pastries and hot tea in her hands.

"Mu Liang, I'm so busy today again." Mino came to Mu Liang's side and put the cakes and hot tea by his hand.

"You haven't slept yet." Mu Liang reached out and picked up the girl with rabbit ears, letting her nest in his arms.

The rabbit's earlobe is under the plush rabbit ears, and the forehead is against Mu Liang's neck and neck.

Mino said in a soft voice: "I'm already awake, and if you guess you didn't sleep, I will make you pastry."

"I'm not sleepy." Mu Liang smiled and raised his hand to rub the head of the girl with rabbit ears.

Mino's small nose moved, and he smelled Mu Liang's body, which was very refreshing.

She blushed, and said softly: "You can get busy with something to eat."

"Okay." Mu Liang put down his pencil and took a bite of the pastry.

The pastries are dense in the mouth, as if tasting marshmallows.

He chewed, and asked in surprise: "New learning?'

747 "Well, it's made with the egg white of Sancai Chicken, and I don't know if it will be successful." Mino nodded and said obediently.

In the recipe Mu Liang wrote to her, it is stated that egg whites can be used to make cakes, but the egg whites must be completely'sworn'.

"It's delicious." Mu Liang praised.

He dug out a piece of cake and brought it to the lips of the girl with rabbit ears.


Mino opened his mouth and held the glass fork, tasting the taste of the cake.

"Wow, it's really delicious!" Mino's blue eyes lit up, and I felt a little proud.

Mu Liang asked warmly: "How long did you do it before you succeed?"

"It didn't take long, less than three hours." Mino said indifferently.

"Awesome!!" Mu Liang admired inwardly.

Three hours of self-study can make cakes. I can only say that the rabbit-eared girl is very talented.

"Mu Liang, keep busy after you eat, I should be here to disturb you." Minuo sat up and was about to leave Mu Liang's embrace.

"It's okay, just sleep here, don't disturb." Mu Liang said tightly.

" All right."

Mino bent his eyebrows and closed his beautiful eyes contentedly, not knowing whether he was really sleeping or pretending to be asleep.

Mu Liang lowered his head and left a kiss on the earless girl's forehead, and continued to work happily.

"Before going to the New World, you have to find a way to get the Feng Shui compass and chart out.

Mu Liang has a lot of thoughts, and thinks of many things that he has not done yet.

o o o o o oo o o

ps: [1 update]: the second update for the positive code. .

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