Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1057 Ability to absorb physical strength. (2 more)


The carriage slowed down through the inner city gate.

The inner city is much more prosperous than the outer city, and there are people coming and going, and the speed of the carriage cannot be too fast.

"A lot of green plants!!" Luyan's gray eyes were shining, and her heart was amazed.

She looked up and saw the huge tree of life, she was shocked and speechless.

"What a big tree!!" Lu Yan exclaimed.

She was relieved from shock until the carriage stopped on the inner city square.

"The inner city square is here. Get off the bus." The coachman turned his head and shouted.

Da Da Da~~~

The passengers in the carriage got up and got out of the car.

Lu Yan watched them leave, standing alone on the platform, looking around curiously.

"It's so prosperous," she exclaimed in a low voice.

"Let's go to the bureau first, I don't know where it is?"

Lu Yan blinked her gray eyes, stepped off the platform, and strolled along the outer edge of the square.

Not long after she walked, she paused, and Meixou saw the building opposite the small square, with the words'Administration Administration' on the outer wall.

"Found it!!" Lu Yan became energetic and ran to the Inner City Administration Bureau.

Soon after, she stood still outside the gate of the inner city administration, raised her eyes and looked at the single-family three-story glazed building, feeling a little nervous in her heart.

760 "This is too extravagant."

After Yue Qinlan's proposal last time, Mu Liang renovated the Inner City Administration Bureau, and the whole body was built with colored glaze.

In Yueqinlan's words, it is to establish the image of the bureau.

"Go in first." Lu Yan took a deep breath and walked into the administration.

On the first floor of the Administration, there are rows of windows in the external service hall, and many people are queuing to handle business.

The staff noticed Lu Yan and stepped forward.

"Hello, what kind of business are you here for?" the staff member asked with a smile.

Lu Yan said nervously, "I'm not here to handle business, I want to see the clerk."

"Are there any appointments?" the staff asked casually.

"Do you want to make an appointment?" "Lu Yan was stunned for a moment.

The staff explained: "Of course, the clerk is very busy. He is not at the bureau every day. You need to make an appointment."

"I, I didn't have an appointment." Lu Yan said embarrassedly.

"That's it"

The staff thought for a while and asked curiously: "Then why do you want to see the clerk?"

"I want to find a job, and I also want to see Lord Santos."

Lu Yan said with a serious face: "I would like to ask if there is any secret medicine that can treat "Vugui's infection". "

"The infection of the virtual ghost?" "The staff was dumbfounded.

She looked serious, and said in a serious tone: "Your clerk happened to be in the bureau. I'll go and ask for you. If your lord is free, I should meet you."

Lu Yan showed joy in her eyes and said gratefully: "Okay, thank you.

"You're welcome." The staff waved their hands.

She turned around and walked up the stairs, stepping up to the second floor in two steps.

Lu Yan stood on the spot, looking at the clothes other people were wearing, her thoughts were a bit complicated, and she felt a little out of place here.

She thought to herself that she had to buy new clothes to go back later.

It didn't take long for the staff who had left to return.

The staff member said clearly: "Miss, the clerk has received you, come with me."

"Great." Lu Yan's beautiful eyes lit up, and she quickly followed the staff to the second floor.

The clerk's office is on the second floor, and the third floor is the office of the city lord. Even if the city lord does not come once a month, there will still be an office.

The two came to the second floor, passed through the two meeting rooms, and came to the innermost office.

Knock knock~~~

"Your clerk." The staff knocked on the office door.

"Come in." Yue Qinlan's elegant voice sounded.


The staff pushed open the door and waved for Lu Haoyan to follow.

"My clerk, I have brought you." The staff bends slightly.

Lu Yan looked at Yue Qinlan, feeling surprised in her heart that the secretary was so beautiful.

(cdcb) "Well, you can go out." Yue Qinlan raised his eyes and gave the staff a look.

"Yes." The staff turned and left, closing the door easily.

Yue Qinlan looked at the green-haired woman, with her slender legs folded and her body leaning on the soft chair.

She asked gracefully: "How do you call it?"

"Lu Yan." Lu Yan lowered her head slightly.

Yue Qinlan inadvertently exudes too strong aura, which makes her a little uncomfortable.


Yueqinlan's fingers paused, and said in surprise: "Are you the owner of Yudao?"

She remembered the name Luyan, who had arrived in Black Tortoise with Miuda the other day, and the Fox Fairy had told her.

Lu Yan was stunned, and asked in surprise, "Your clerk knows me?"

"Not knowing, just knowing your existence."

Yueqinlan pulled out a file on the desktop, and when it was opened, she saw the information of Luyan and other islanders, and the detailed address of them living in the Acropolis was behind it.

She closed the file and said gracefully: "I have been very busy these days. I didn't care about the No. 4 Acropolis, but I was negligent."

There is no administrator in Acropolis No. 4, and many things need to be handled by the inner city administration.

"...Lu Yan moved her lips, not knowing what to say.

"Let's talk about it, why do you want to see me?" Yue Qinlan put down her overlapping long legs, her beautiful aqua-blue eyes calm and quiet.

"I want to find a job, and I want to see Lord City Lord!" Lu Yan said sincerely.

"Look for a job...

Yue Qinlan tapped his finger on the desktop and asked, "What strength are you now?"

"Sixth-level Intermediate." Lu Yan answered truthfully.

"Is it a Tier 6 Intermediate? Not bad?"

Yue Qinlan thought for a while, then asked: "What is the awakening ability?"

Lu Yan said crisply: "The people I meet will have no strength, and it will only be effective for people of the same level and weaker than me."

Yue Qinlan raised her brows lightly and praised: "Very good awakening ability."

"It's okay." Lu Yan pursed her red lips.

Yue Qinlan tilted her head for a moment and said gracefully: "You are the owner of Yudao, so you should have management experience."

Lu Yan blinked her beautiful gray eyes, not knowing what Yue Qinlan meant.

"There is a job that suits you well.

Yue Qinlan raised his eyes and said: "Go to be the manager of the No. 4 Acropolis, with a monthly salary of 1,000 yuan."

"Eh, let me be the manager of the Acropolis?" Lu Yan was stunned with her big beautiful eyes.

"You can go back and think about it and give you one day.

Yue Qinlan waved her hand and asked indifferently: "Now I have another question, what's the matter if you want to see the city lord?"

Lu Yan came back to her senses and quickly explained: "I want to see Lord City Lord, it is the secret medicine for the treatment of the'virtual ghost's infection'."

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization. .

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