Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1063 The war is about to start.

(2 more)

On the high ground, Mu Liang stood outside the palace, looking towards the outer city.

"The ghost tide is here!" he whispered to himself.

The current Black Tortoise city is completely shrouded in blood.

The bloody moonlight penetrated through the cracks in the canopy, illuminating the entire turtle back.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

"Mu Liang, the blood moon has come!!" Yue Qinlan, Fox Fairy and others came out of the palace.

The faces of the women were solemn, waiting for Mu Liang's next instructions.

"Don't be impatient, it's okay." Mu Liang turned around and smiled at ease.

With a move of his mind, he gave instructions to the life element spirit.


The tree of life trembled gently, and the huge blades had no wind, and billions of light came from between the blades and spread out like ripples, covering the entire turtle back.

Life Realm enveloped the whole city, dispelled the bloody moonlight, and made the vision in the turtle's back clear.

Mu Liang turned his head and said, "Qinlan, you stay in the inner city and are responsible for the safety of the city residents.

"What are you going to do?" Yue Qinlan's slender eyelashes trembled gently.

Mu Liang calmly said: "I went to the outer city to see, there is a ghost coming."

Through the information sent back by the rock turtle, he knew the movement of the nearby virtual ghosts.

Yue Qinlan's face solemnly warned: "Okay, then you must pay attention to safety.

"Well, don't worry."" Mu Liang nodded.

He tilted his head and reminded: "Pay attention to the contact room. If there is danger in Weiyan and Sibeqi, please notify me as soon as possible.

Mu Liang regrets a bit now, and shouldn't let Xibeqi and Yue Feiyan go out to draw charts at this festival.

"Good." Wei Youlan nodded vigorously.

"Liyue, Yanbing, Alina, follow me to the outer city."

Mu Liang said solemnly: "Nigisha, you lead the highland guard to station in the highland.

"Yes!!" Nijisha nodded seriously, regretting in her heart that she couldn't go to the outer city to kill the virtual ghost.

Mu Liang continued to order: "Feiyan and Xibeiqi are not there, and the air force is temporarily commanded by Tecoco and Charlotte, telling her to guard the Thousand Thorns Pass, and to be dispatched at any time."

"I'll make arrangements." Yue Qinlan replied.

Mu Liang turned his head and said, "Kaina, Huxi, you also go to Shanhaiguan with me to help."

"Yes!!" Kaina nodded vigorously.

She has put on the ghost armor, and her combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

Mu Liang thought of something again, and the corners of his mouth raised: "Go contact Meshako, the opportunity for revenge is here, let him go to Shanhaiguan.

"Good." Wei Youlan turned and hurried to the contact room.

"Let Zheng An, Haidie and the others be prepared to ensure the safety of the Acropolis, and be prepared to be ready for deployment at any time." Mu Liang exhorted.

"Okay." Yue Qinlan nodded thoughtfully, and turned around to arrange something to explain.

Mu Liang looked at Yan Bing: "Is the secret medicine to weaken the virtual ghost ready?"

A few days ago, he asked Yan Bing to arrange the secret medicine.

After Yu Fei Er researched the secret medicine to weaken the virtual ghost, he put into mass production as soon as possible.

The pharmacy workshop produces secret medicines day and night, so that they can come in handy today.

Yan Bing said coldly: "Master Mu Liang rest assured, I have arranged for someone to transport the secret medicine to the major fortresses, and it should have been delivered by now."

"Very good." Mu Liang nodded in satisfaction.

He glanced at Liyue and the others, took a deep breath and said, "Let's go, go to the outer city."

"Wait for me!" Yu Feier hurriedly ran out of the palace, holding a large wooden box in his arms.

"What's the matter?" Mu Liang paused, looking at the girl with two ponytails in confusion.

"I want to go too." Yu Feier said seriously with a stern face.

"No." Mu Liang refused without hesitation.

The awakening ability of the Mist Girl is invincible, and the combat effectiveness is not high. It will be very dangerous on the battlefield, and it needs to be distracted and taken care of by others.

"Ah, why?" "Yufel puffed up.

Mu Liang raised his hand and knocked on the head of the misty girl, and asked with a smile, "Do you know how to use a sniper rifle and a military crossbow?"

"No," Yu Feier replied flatly.

Mu Liang's tone slowed down, and he said softly, "Hey, wait for us back in the high ground."

"Well, then you pay attention to peace." Yu Feier sighed and waved his little hand with pity in his eyes.

"Yes." Mu Liang said gently.

"Don't worry, I will protect you, Mr. Mu Liang." Alina joked, covering her mouth.

"Well, this is the best." Yu Fei'er didn't react for a moment, and nodded in agreement.

Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere became a little more relaxed.

"Everyone is so happy, are you waiting for me?" An elegant voice sounded.

Everyone quickly turned their heads to look around. Gallo wore a strong suit with three bone swords hanging around his waist.

Mu Liang raised his brows lightly and praised: "True Sa!'

...For flowers...

Mino stared at his beautiful blue eyes and said in surprise: "Sister Gallo, are you going to the battlefield in this way?,

"Of course." Gallo's lips rose.

She lifted her chin and said proudly: "Have you forgotten that although I am a high-level spirit tool master, I am also an eighth-level sword master."

Gallo's well-known identity is a senior spiritual tool master, and it is precisely because of this that her identity as an eighth-level master is ignored.

"Then let's kill the virtual ghosts together!" Mu Liang said with a clear laugh.

He raised his hand with a wave, and the gravity Realm spread out and enveloped the women.


Everyone rose from the ground and flew towards the outer city.

"Be careful!!"" Mino waved his small hand and shouted loudly.

The earless girl watched everyone leave, her heart was empty and worried.

She sighed lightly, praying in her heart that Mu Liang and others would return safely.

"I don't know what Big Sis is doing." Mino thought of Mia and planned to go to the children's orphanage to find her.

The ghost tide is coming, and she wants to stay with the closest person.

Mu Liang is not in the high ground, the girl with rabbit ears can only go to Mia.

On the other side, Shanhaiguan.


The drums resounded like thunder across the sky.

Diane's face was solemn, watching the sea in the distance. There were groups of virtual ghosts swimming towards the rock turtle, densely packed.

At the same time, the number of virtual ghosts flying out of the sea is also increasing.

Those who can fly to the sky are all high-rank virtual ghosts above the sixth rank. The number has exceeded a thousand, and it is still increasing.

"Chief Dai, there are too many virtual ghosts!!" Wei Geng's voice was trembling, and the number of virtual ghosts was several times more than the number of the city defense army.

"There should be a ghost's lair nearby." Dianes guessed.

Wei Geng said anxiously: "Chief Dai, if the virtual ghost is allowed to approach Black Tortoise, then Shanhaiguan Fortress and Hanging Pavilion Fortress will be dangerous."

Dianes had a cold face and said loudly: "Let Gao Cao and Zanyan hold on to me. With the Holy Beast, it shouldn't be a big problem."

She will not let the scene of the mountain city repeat itself in Black Tortoise. In any case, she will keep the ghost out of the city wall.

Wei Geng gritted his teeth and nodded, then turned to pass the command through the drum.

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization. So.

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