Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1065 My military merits are gone again. (1 more)

The Thousand Thorns Pass is located.

Tycoco and Charlotte received an order from the high ground and began to gather a hundred air forces that remained behind.

Only one hundred and thirty-five recruits survived through closed training at the beginning of the 300 recruits.

One hundred of them were the first to have flying mounts, which is the sixth-level worker bee.

It is the one hundred air force soldiers who stayed at the air base.

Yue Feiyan and Sibeqi took another thirty-five air force soldiers.

After Mu Liang evolved the Uranus to ninth-level, the number of Tier 6 worker bees reached 1,000, so the remaining air force soldiers also have flying mounts.


Swarms of worker bees hovered over Thousandthorn Pass.

Thousands of spines closed, and a hundred air force soldiers stood in a formation, staring motionlessly ahead.

Tai Keke carried his hands on his back, and began to preach with an old spirit: "The tide of virtual ghosts is here, and the time has come when you need you, guard the Thousand Thorns Pass, and resolutely don't let the virtual ghosts fly over the city wall!!

"Resolutely don't let the virtual ghost fly over the city wall!!" The air force soldier shouted loudly, his face full of excitement.

Tai Keke waved his hand and shouted: "The more ghosts you kill, the higher your military merits. Don't be reckless and don't be a deserter."

"Yes!!" the Air Force soldiers shouted again in unison.

The soldiers of the Air 23 Army are very excited and can obtain military merits, which means that their ranks are likely to be ascending, and their remuneration will change in all aspects.

Moreover, enough military merit points can be exchanged for the secret medicine of strengthening the body.

Charlotte's eyes were surprised, and she didn't expect the Bi-Fa girl to have inspiring skills, she had never noticed it before.

Jie Jie Jie~~~

Taikok turned his head and looked at the sea in the distance. Densely dense virtual ghosts were approaching, and there were hundreds of high-rank virtual ghosts in the air, the number of which made the scalp numb.

Charlotte's face was solemn, and she said in shock: "There are more virtual ghosts than imagined!"

"Don't be afraid, just kill them." Taikoko's blue eyes were gleaming, and he waved his small fists as he spoke.

Charlotte pursed her lips. Because of Taikok's encouragement, the fear in her heart weakened a lot.

Taikoko's bicolor pupils were erected, and dragon horns curved upward on his forehead, and dragon wings grew behind him, transforming into a dragon figure.

In order to be able to fight for a long time, she also ate a seven-class Star fruit, enough for her to fight for half an hour.

"Everyone, check the equipment and prepare to take off." Charlotte gave the order.

She spread her orange wings, flapped her wings and flew into the air.

"Yes!" the air force responded in unison and began to check their equipment.


The Tier VI worker bees descended from the sky, and the Air Force soldiers found their mounts and began to load them with bombs.

The bombs used by the Air Force are the same as the explosive bombs used in Tianmen Tower, except that they are smaller in size, only half the size of a head.

With the size of a Tier 6 worker bee, it can hold two to three hundred explosive bombs.

In addition to explosive bombs, there are also explosive arrows, whose lethality is second only to explosive bombs.


Soon after, the worker bees carried Air Force soldiers up high in the sky, facing the flying ghosts head-on.

"Give me an attack~~~" Tai Keke swung down the big knife in his hand.

In order to avoid being bitten by a virtual ghost, the Bifa girl asked for an intermediate spirit weapon from Mu Liang.

The broad knife is close to two meters in length and is very heavy, but it is very suitable for tacoco.

"Yes!" the Air Force soldier exclaimed, raising the crossbow and starting to reload the explosive arrows.

Jie Jie Jie~~~

Groups of virtual ghosts approached the city wall, roaring and attacking the air force soldiers.


The soldiers pulled the trigger and exploded arrows hitting many high-rank ghosts.

Boom boom boom~~~

The explosion sounded into pieces, and many high-rank virtual ghosts were seriously injured, their wings broke and they fell into the sea.

At this time, the ten thousand thorn flower moved, and the huge vine was pulled out like a whip to shoot down the virtual ghosts.

The tenth-level ten thousand thorns flower has ten main vines that are 36,000 meters long.

These ten main vines are like giant snakes, which can attack virtual ghosts flexibly.

There are many smaller vines between the main vines, the number is countless, it is almost impossible for the virtual ghost to pass through it.

With Thousandthorns joining the battle, no imaginary ghost can cross the city wall.

The spines on the vines can easily pierce the body of the virtual ghosts, and the anesthetic liquid secreted by the spines makes these virtual ghosts lose the ability to resist.

Xia Luo and others were stunned, there was no opportunity for them to take action at all, and the virtual ghost was all stopped by the Ten Thousandthorn Flower.

Tai Keke looked at the virtual ghost hanging on the thorns, and exclaimed: "It's great, it saves effort."

The air force wailed. These are all military exploits. How can they earn military exploits if they are stopped by Ten Thousandthorn Flowers?

Tai Ke Ke turned his head back and ordered: "Go to both sides, Ten Thousandthorn Flowers can't take care of places that are too far away."


The air force shouted excitedly, pulling the handle of the flying saddle to make the worker bees change directions and fly to both sides of the Thousand Spines Pass.

When they came to the city wall that the Ten Thousandthorn Flower could not take care of, they saw the trapping grass controlling the puppet tree to launch an attack on the virtual ghost.

The trapping grass can only take care of the virtual ghosts on the wall, but it is not a big threat to the virtual ghosts in the sky.

"Opportunity is here, give me an attack!!" The air force soldiers screamed, raising their crossbows one after another to launch an attack.

Ho Ho Ho~~~

Suddenly, a huge shadow passed overhead, and the ninth-level magma dragon flapped its wings and flew by.

"It's the sacred beast magma dragon!" The air force soldier exclaimed, suddenly having an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, The next moment, another air force soldier was stunned.

I saw the magma dragon open its mouth, and a breath of dragon spurted out, sweeping 80% of the virtual ghosts in the air.

The air was full of burnt smell and some meaty aroma.

Bang bang bang!!

The charcoal Xugui 777 fell in pieces, smashing into waves.

"Military merit, my military merit is gone again"

The Air Force soldier exhaled again in pain. With that distressed look, those who didn't know thought that they had missed the chance to become a god.

Roar roar~~

The magma dragon roared again, the blood of the sky faded a bit, and there appeared patches of burning clouds.


The explosion sounded from the sky, and in the red clouds, huge magma fell from the sky and fell on the virtual ghosts.

There was a magma rain in the sky, and the scene was spectacular.

The low-level ghosts in the sea had nowhere to escape and were smashed to death by magma.

Jie Jie Jie~~~

The virtual ghosts wailed, but were unable to resist.

At this moment, this place became a magma purgatory, a nightmare of a virtual ghost.

The air force soldiers had a dull expression. First, they were surprised by the magma dragon's grandeur, and second, they lost their military merits.

"I said, this wave of virtual ghosts doesn't seem to be as terrible as I thought," an air soldier said bitterly.

"Yeah, it's not our turn to take action." The soldiers Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

As soon as the magma dragon appeared, it would destroy the virtual ghosts, how can it be beaten?

On the other side, the city wall guarded by the Fire Feather Eagle is the same. No ghost can enter Black Tortoise.

o o o o

ps: [1 more]: ask for customization. .

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