Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1073 Population has always been the foundation of development. (3 more)

"you have?"

Mu Liang turned around and stared back at Xia Luotai.

Xia Luotai nodded and explained: "Yes, just last month, I got it from a merchant who was in trouble."

He saw that the fog beast was very cute and wanted to give it to Little Sister as a birthday present after being domesticated.

"Where is it?" Mu Liang asked Mu Clone.

"Just in the transit base, Master Mu Liang will follow me." Xia Luotai said respectfully.

"Let's go." Mu Liang nodded.

Shanan took a deep breath and yelled, "Master Mu Liang is here, open the door to greet!!"

"Master Mu Liang is here!" The gatekeeper was surprised.

"Open the door quickly.

The strengthener hurriedly turned the huge gear, and amidst a roar, the gate of the base-ground was completely opened.

Mu Liang walked into the transit base, and the city defense troops stationed here respectfully salute.

"My Lord City Lord!" The uniform voice resounded across the transit base.

"En." Mu Liang raised his eyes and responded.

He looked around at the transit base, frowning slowly, and saw many people crowding outside the "forbidden area" gate of the transit base.

"What are these people doing?" Mu Liang looked at Shakov.

Shakov froze and answered truthfully: "My lord, these people want to enter the'Forbidden Land', but I have stopped them."

"Whoever wants to go in, throw it out." Mu Liang said coldly.

The Star Tree and Crystal Fish are the basis for the operation of the transit base, and are the foundation of Black Tortoise City. No outsiders are allowed to enter.

"Yes!" Shakov squeezed a cold sweat in his heart, and quickly replied respectfully.

The faces of the people who had made trouble before changed, and bowed their heads in fear.

"Master City Lord, I'm going to fetch the fog beast?" Xia Luotai asked respectfully.

"Yeah." Mu Liang Mu Chibi replied.

"Yes!" Xia Luotai breathed a sigh of relief, turned and walked away quickly.

Mu Liang looked around and made a simple inspection.

After more than ten minutes, Charlotte was walking quickly with an iron cage.

The iron cage was small, only half a meter long and wide, and contained a listless beast inside.

The fierce beast is small in appearance, like the long-haired puppet cat of the earth, but the whole body is gray, the eyes are black, and the pupils are slightly white.

It has three tails that are longer than the body, which are fluffy and look like fox tails.

"My Lord, this is the fog beast." Xia Luotai handed the iron cage forward.


The fog beast opened his mouth and shouted weakly, and he could see that it was very weak.

"It sounds like a cat." Mu Liang reportedly pursed his mouth.

He turned his head and asked, "What's wrong with it?"

"Forehead "

Charlotte's face was sullen and embarrassed: "It hasn't eaten well, and only eats meat every three days."

Mu Liang nodded slowly, reached out his hand to take the iron cage, and reached out to open the cage door.


The cage door opened slowly, the fog beast's half-squinted eyes widened, its body arched, and its three tails were swinging uneasy.

"Come out." Mu Liang Mu Clone spoke indifferently.


The fog beast roared in a low voice, and its eyes lit up with gloomy light, and a large cloud of mist gushed out of the hair, covering the surrounding ten meters in the blink of an eye.

"No, it's going to run!" Charlotte exclaimed.

"Calmness." Mu Liang reached out his hand, accurately forbidden the fog beast from the fog.


The fog quickly dissipated, and the fog beast was confined in the air, struggling with all its limbs.

Xia Luotai and others breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing this.

Mu Liang reached out his hand and gently touched the fog beast's head.

Quiet, the expected system tone did not appear.

Mu Liang's wooden clone frowned, the wooden clone can't domesticate the beast?

He spouted spider silk to tie up the mist beast, lest it escape again.

"How do I send it back to the main body?" Mu Liang's Mu Chibi looked down and thought, is it necessary for the Mu Clone to run by himself?

Shakov asked respectfully: "My Lord of the City is here, will Black Tortoise be in danger?"

"No." Mu Liang replied casually.

The Black Tortoise city has Mu Liang's main body, and the possibility of danger is unlikely.

Shakov asked weakly, "How long will the Lord of the City stay here?"

"Leave later."" Mu Liang took a look at Shakov.

He has to go to the other two transit bases to see, it is impossible to stay in Asuka City all the time.

"That's it." Shakov sighed inwardly. What if another high-rank virtual ghost comes to attack?

Mu Liang picked up the fog beast, preparing to take it with him, and returning to Black Tortoise City when he had the opportunity.


The fog beast struggled and kept calling.

Mu Liang reached out his hand and gently flicked the head of the fog beast, and a small piece of spider silk blocked its mouth, making it calm down.

...For flowers...

Xia Luotai bit his scalp and asked, "Sir, if there are still Tier 9 virtual ghosts attacking the transit base, what should I do?"

Mu Liang said indifferently: "The reinforced glazed barrier can withstand the attack of the ninth-order virtual ghost. Don't go out without any trouble."

"Really?" Xia Luotai's eyes widened, and he could withstand the attack of a ninth-order virtual ghost. This glazed barrier is equivalent to a high-rank spiritual weapon!

Mu Liang looked at him calmly.

"Charlotte shut her mouth wisely, knowing that if you talk nonsense, you might be beaten.

"Before I leave, I will go to Wankulin to look for the virtual ghost lair." Mu Liang's wooden clone dropped a word and walked out with the fog beast.

The transfer base almost couldn't withstand the attack of the ninth-order virtual ghost, what happened to the other big cities in the woods?

He wanted to stop by and have a look, maybe he could save some people for the future.

Ren Luo has always been the foundation of development.

"Congratulations to the Lord of the City!!" Shakov bent over and bowed.

"Send Lord City Lord!"

The city defense army and staff raised their hands to salute and watched Mu Liang leave the transit base.

After Mu Liang left, the gate of the base suddenly closed.

Shanan relaxed, looked back at Shakov, and sighed, "Father, it's great that you're okay."

"I'm fine, and I can recover after two days of rest." Shakov's Adam's apple rolled.

He looked at his two sons and sternly said:" "Those who control us, don't get close to the "forbidden land". Violators will be driven out of the base."

"Yes!" Shanan and Xia Luotai nodded vigorously.

"I hope you understand the rules. This is the transit base of Black Tortoise, not your home. It's not just what you want."

Shakov looked at the people coming from Flying Bird City and said with a serious face: "If you don't abide by the laws and regulations of the transit base, don't blame me for being polite."

"Yes, yes, please don't worry, Lord City Lord, we will not mess around.

"Yes, we are all honest."


People who did not make trouble all spoke and expressed their understanding.

Those who had made trouble before, all lowered their heads in embarrassment, and did not dare to look directly at Shakov and others.

ps: [3 more]: Seek customization. So.

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