Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1080 Rare spirit beasts and fierce beasts.

(2 more)

High in the sky~~

The blood-colored clouds twisted, and something flew past quickly.

This is a strange bloody cloud with an oasis inside.

"Good luck, I haven't encountered a virtual ghost yet!" Oasis Four Elder stood on the top of the oasis, looking sideways at Bellian.

Bellian said with a serious face: "You can't let your guard down."

After Oasis sent the major city owners back, they chose to return to Black Tortoise City to pick up the Oasis personnel who temporarily lived there.

"Three Elder is right." Second Elder said solemnly.

"We are in the air, and the chance of encountering a virtual ghost is not great." Oasis Four Elder shrugged, leaning against the fence relaxedly.

"Don't forget, high-rank virtual ghosts can fly." Bellian frowned and warned Elder.

"Yes, yes, I didn't forget." Si Elder yawned, turned and looked down at the endless ground.

As far as his eyes were, there was a blood-red color.

"I don't know how many days this ghost wave will last," he sighed softly.

"It will last at least three days." Bellian whispered.

According to the past, the duration of the ghost tide is no less than three days.

"I hope the good luck will continue." Oasis Four Elder exclaimed.

He turned his head and asked, "How long will it take to get to Beihai City?"

Before going to Black Tortoise City, Oasis will pass through Beihai City.

"You can be there before dark." Bellian answered casually.

She was observing the surrounding sky, and beware of ghosts.

She whispered softly: "I don't know what is happening in Beihai Dacheng now."


Bellian's eyes condensed, and he saw the horizon in the distance, and there were many black spots approaching.

"Alert!!" She frowned, turned and shouted.

"Are there any ghosts?" Si Elder shook his body, and his dangling posture disappeared.

"Well, they are all virtual ghosts above the sixth order." Beilian said with a solemn expression.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

The oasis suddenly became lively, and the guards hurriedly climbed to the top of the oasis, raising their longbows and staring at the distant sky vigilantly.

"There is no order, no one can take action." Oasis Elder appeared, his face solemnly staring into the distance.

Bellian had a stern face, ready to take action at any time.

She whispered to herself: "I hope the ghost didn't find us.

Everyone on the oasis lowered their breath, watching the virtual ghost getting closer.

Jie Jie Jie~~~

It is a group of high-rank virtual ghosts, the number is about fifty, the strongest is the seventh-order virtual ghosts, and the rest are the sixth-rank virtual ghosts.

"Fortunately, there are no eighth-order virtual ghosts." Bellian narrowed her eyes and looked sideways at Elder.

Oasis Elder shook his head and motioned not to be impulsive.

He didn't want to fight the virtual ghost in the air, it would be detrimental to the oasis.

Everyone endured, and the ghost flew closer and closer, seeming not to find the oasis covered by Erder's phantom barrier.

One hundred meters, fifty meters, ten meters!!

Jie Jie Jie~~~

The virtual ghost flying in the front stopped, his dark red eyes looked around suspiciously, and finally stared at the strange blood-colored cloud.

Bellian frowned, surrounded by wind elements, ready to take action at any time.

Jie Jie Jie~~~

The seventh-order virtual ghost roared and rushed towards the oasis without hesitation.

"Still discovered." Oasis Elder sighed, and was the first one to take the shot.

He stretched out his hand and compressed air to form an air blade, easily splitting the first seventh-order virtual ghost in half.

Oasis Elder is an eighth-level master, and his strength is naturally very powerful.

"The wind is coming." Bellian leaped softly and jumped off the oasis, the wind supported her flying high in the sky.

"Kill me." Oasis Four Elder shouted loudly.


The flying guards all faced the virtual ghost, and the battle was about to start.

Bellian waved his hand to control the wind, strangling the seventh-order virtual ghost.

"It's been a long time since I fought." She had frost in her eyes, and the wind was surrounding her, making the virtual ghost unable to get close at all.

"Resolve it early, so as not to attract more ghosts." Oasis Two Elder roared.

He took out an intermediate spirit weapon level longbow and began to shoot the virtual ghost.

Oasis II Elder can't fly and can only attack with long-range magic weapons.

The ghosts were chopped off their heads and fell into the sky, and the oasis soon gained the upper hand.

Ten minutes later, the battle was over, Oasis lost three guards, and five others were injured and infected with the'Virtual Ghost'.

Bellian was silent. The dead guards were all acquaintances, old people on the oasis, and had been in the oasis for more than ten years.

"Damn ghost!!" Oasis Four Elder was breathing fast, his eyes flushed.

"Okay, go ahead." Oasis Elder sighed and turned to leave with his cane.

"Three Elder, what should I do?" The guard who was infected with the'Void Ghost's Infection' looked at Bellian for help.

Bellian comforted: "Don't worry, when you arrive at Black Tortoise, there should be a way to cure it.

She remembered the tears of angels Mu Liang took out at the auction in Black Tortoise City, which could curb and cure the infection of the virtual ghost.

She doesn't believe that Mu Liang has only a few drops, and there must be stocks.

"Okay." The guard nodded vigorously, and his companion began to help deal with the wound.

Oasis Four Elder looked solemn, tilted his head and lowered his voice and said, "Angel's tears are rare. Will Mu Liang trade it out?"

"I don't know, this is only known when I meet him in person." Bellian sighed, and Mu Liang's appearance appeared in his mind.

How is Black Tortoise City now?

"Even if there are, we can't afford to trade so many angel tears." Oasis Four Elder turned his head and looked at the guard who was dealing with the wound not far away.

"Bellian fell silent.

The current oasis can be said to be impoverished, and there are not many 857 beast spars.

Oasis Four Elder remembered something, and said: "If you can find a special spirit beast or a fierce beast, you may be able to trade Angel Tears.

"This is a method!" Bellian's beautiful eyes lit up.

Mu Liang likes spirit beasts and fierce beasts. The rarer and more special they are, the more they like it.

Oasis Two Elder walked over, puzzled: "How did the ghost find us?"

His phantom barrier can simulate the surrounding environment and make the oasis invisible. It should be difficult to find ghosts.

Bellian guessed: "Void ghosts not only have eyes, they also have hearing and smell different from ordinary people, and they can find oasis is normal.

"Or let the oasis fly higher and hide above the clouds." Oasis Four Elder suggested.

Bellian shook his head and explained: "No, it's not realistic to go further. The air is too thin, and the temperature will drop a lot, and other people on the oasis will not be able to hold it.

"Then I can only hope that I won't encounter virtual ghosts again." Oasis Four Elder gritted his teeth.

Bellian said solemnly: "As long as you don't encounter a ninth-order virtual ghost, there should be no problem."

The ninth-order virtual ghost can easily destroy the oasis and cause everyone to die.

"How can it be so easy to encounter a ninth-order virtual ghost, unless we are unlucky." Oasis Four Elder grinned.

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization. .

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