Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1084 The strongest person in the world.

(3 more)

Black Tortoise city, inner city, in the underground air-raid shelter.

Mino and Mia are staying together, comforting the children in the orphanage.

The air-raid shelter is very large, but at this time it is full of large and small animal skin tents, which are temporary shelters built by the city residents.

In the middle of the air-raid shelter, there are two larger animal skin tents where children from the orphanage gather.

In the tent, Mia is distributing dried sweet potatoes to the children for today's dinner.

"Thank you Mia Big sis" The little girl with a runny nose took the dried sweet potato.

She raised her face and stared at Catwoman, and asked in a weak voice, "Mia Big sis, when can we go out?"

"Wait a few more days, it's not safe outside now." Mia said softly.

"Is it safe to stay here?" The little girl's fleshy face became tense.

"Of course, this is a refuge built by the lord of the city, and the ghosts can't enter." Mia reached out and rubbed the head of the little "eight-eight-seven" girl, speaking to comfort people.

Mino blinked his beautiful blue eyes and tilted his head to look at Catwoman. He rarely saw such a gentle side of Big sis.

Another child raised his hand and asked curiously: "Mia Big sis, is the lord of the city also here?"

Mia was stunned and looked sideways at Little Sister.

"The Lord of the City is not here, he is going to resist the virtual ghost." Minuo Jiao said.

"Is the Lord of the City in danger?" the little girl asked nervously.

"I'm going to help Lord City Lord, and I can't let the virtual ghost hurt him!!"

"The Lord of the City is a good man, I also want to protect him."


The children yelled anxiously, raising their watches one after another.

"Don't worry, Lord City Lord will not be in danger." Mino shook his head, and the fluffy rabbit ears flicked left and right.

She had a stern face, and said in a serious tone: "The Lord of the City is very powerful, no ghost will be his opponent.

"Really?" The children stared innocently.

"Of course, the Lord of the City is the strongest in the world." Mino did not hesitate to praise Mu Liang, and at the same time calm the children's emotions.

"Then I'm relieved... The nasal kid breathed a sigh of relief, and said something like a man and a devil.

With a smile in Mia's eyes, it was very strange to see Little Sister comforting a child for the first time.

The children got red and dried and ate their heads.

"After eating and practicing for a while," Mia said softly.

She was afraid that the children would be bored, so she brought both pencils and paper to the air-raid shelter, so she could read and practice handwriting when she was free.

"Okay." The children replied in unison.

Mino hugged his knees with his hands, his blue eyes were empty, thinking about what Mu Liang is doing now?

"Do you want Mu Liang?" Mia turned her head and asked in a low voice.

Minuo Qiao blushed, her eyes dodged: "Nothing."

The corners of Mia's lips rose slightly, and she reached out and poked Little Sister in the face: "Really not?"

Mino pouted and whispered: "I, I'm just worried about him."

Mia raised her brows slightly and said amusedly: "You were still boasting that he is the strongest person in the world, but now you are worrying again?"

"He is the strongest in the world, but he is outnumbered, there are so many virtual ghosts" "Minuo Fan moved her lips and swallowed the last half of the unlucky words.

"It makes sense." Mia nodded slowly, not knowing what to say for a while.


What else did she want to say, the curtain door of the tent was opened and Lirina, who had dark green hair, walked in.

"Mia, give me some paper." Lirina said crisply.

She takes care of the children in another tent.

"Are you going to practice calligraphy?" Mia said as she took out a piece of yellowed paper and handed it to Lilena.

"Yeah, otherwise it's time to cry again, or find something to do for them." Lirina nodded.

Children can only be distracted when they have something to do. They don't think about ghosts.

"Yeah." Mia nodded.

Lilena turned around and was about to leave, taking a step out, remembering something.

She looked back at the girl with rabbit ears, and said clearly, "By the way, Minuo, I just heard that someone was looking for you outside."

"Look for me?" Mino was stunned, who would come to find himself?

"Well, you go and have a look." Lilena dropped a word, turned and left the tent.

"Sister, I'll go out and have a look." Mino was puzzled and got up to leave.

Mia looked at the children and couldn't walk away for a while.

She exhorted: "You pay attention to your safety and call me if you have anything.

"Okay." Mino obediently responded, opened the curtain and left the tent.

She looked around. The tents were taller than her, blocking her vision and could not see far away.

The girl with rabbit ears bends her knees slightly, and then jumps hard, jumping three or four meters high.

"Who is looking for me?" Mino took the time to look around

"Minuo, I found you." The elegant voice sounded, attracting the attention of the girl with rabbit ears.

She looked sideways and saw a familiar figure.

Ta Ta Ta

Yueqinlan stepped on high heels and walked towards Mino with an elegant gait.

"Sister Qinlan, were you looking for me just now?" Mino's beautiful blue eyes were shining, and he greeted him after landing.

"Well, I will inspect the air-raid shelter and see how you are going by the way." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

Mino smiled and said softly, "Don't worry, I'm fine here."

"That's good." Yue Qinlan relaxed.

She came to see Mino because she was worried that she was being bullied by unknown people in the air-raid shelter. People from the entire inner city are here. There are all kinds of people.

Minor took Yue Qinlan's hand and asked: "Sister Qinlan, how is Mu Liang and everyone?"

"Don't worry, everything is fine." Yue Qinlan smiled and rubbed the head of the girl with rabbit ears.

"That's good." Mino breathed a sigh of relief.

Yue Qinlan asked softly: "Do you want to follow me back to the palace?"

No matter how good a bomb shelter is, there is no palace as good.

Mino shook his head and said obediently: "I won't go back for the time being, I will stay with Big sis for a while."

"Well then, come to me as soon as you have something to do." Yue Qinlan exclaimed gracefully.

She has finished patrolling the air-raid shelter and is going back to the palace to deal with the matter.

"Yeah, Sister Qinlan, just go to work." Mino waved 2.1 hands sensibly.

Yue Qinlan smiled, squeezed the soft and tender face of the earless girl before turning around and leaving with an elegant gait.

She left the air-raid shelter, got on the carriage and drove to the high ground. The streets along the way were empty.

"I hope it will end soon." Yue Qinlan lowered her eyes, praying in her heart for the end of the virtual ghost tide as soon as possible.

Twenty minutes later, she returned to the high ground. As soon as she stepped into the palace, she was stopped by Wei Youlan.

"Master Qinlan, there is news coming from the oasis." Wei Youlan said anxiously.

Ten minutes ago, she received a call from Oasis.

"What news?" Yue Qinlan paused.

There are a few more speculations in her heart, and Oasis has also encountered a virtual ghost attack, who came to ask for help?

Wei Youlan speeded up his speech and said, "The big city of Beihai was broken by a ghost.

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization.

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