Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1101 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1101: Serious injury. (3 more)

Mu Liang flew in the air and flew towards the inner city.

The situation is "better than expected." He looked down at the city and muttered to himself.

Looking over, the green vegetation of the outer city was destroyed by ghosts, but most of them were still intact.

After all, the outer city is so big, the virtual ghost can't ‘shape’ the land again.

Mu Liang used his mind to contact the spirit of life element, and wanted it to use the Realm of life to help those green plants rejuvenate.


He frowned, feeling the weakness of the life element spirit, temporarily unable to display his life Realm.

Mu Liang was not at ease, so he speeded up and went straight to the tree of life.

In less than a while, he came to the back garden of his high ground and stretched out his hand to caress the trunk of the tree of life.

The next moment, the weak life element spirit appeared, and the breath was lying on Mu Liang's body.

"Eh... the life element elves swelled" Erqizhi was acting like a baby.

Mu Liang reached out his hand and hugged the spirit of life element, and asked concerned, "Are you out of strength?"

"Eh~~~" The Life Element Elf nodded, and the wings on his back were pulled down.

"It's okay, it will be okay." Mu Liang breathed a sigh of relief. The life element elves didn't seem to be in a good state, but there was no danger.

He stretched out his hand, the life elements gathered into a group, enveloped Linger, and helped it recover.


The spirit of the life element was shocked, and there was more brilliance in the emerald green eyes.

Go, "Thanks for your hard work, but I have a good rest." Mu Liang reached out and held it up, letting the spirit of life element approach the tree of life.

"Wait for three days for me." Linger nodded obediently, turned reluctantly, and sank into the tree of life.

"Three days, don't worry... Mu Liang said softly.

He turned and left the back garden and returned to the palace.

Step on...

"Mu Liang, you really are back." Yue Qinlan's excited voice came.

She ran in from outside the palace, and the elegance she had maintained during her daily life was gone, only care and worries were left.

"Hey, it's okay." Mu Liang stretched out his hand and took Yueqinlan into his arms.

"Mu Liang, Yue Qinlan's body became stiff, and then he relaxed and leaned gently in Mu Liang's arms.

Mu Liang patted Yueqinlan's back and released his hand: "The ghost tide is over. Next is the finishing touch, and Black Tortoise will soon be back on track."

"It's really over?" Yue Qinlan's face showed joy.

"Well, the blood moon has disappeared." Mu Liang nodded.

Yue Qinlan opened her mouth, sighed and said: "It's great, I always feel unreal.

"I said that with me here, Black Tortoise City will be fine." Mu Liang chuckled a few times, stretched out his hands and flicked the soft pink forehead of the next month.

"Yeah." Yueqinlan glanced strangely at Mu Liang.

"Well, let's arrange the aftermath work, and get rid of the corpse of the virtual ghost as soon as possible." Mu Liang smiled.

Yue Qinlan nodded, and said gracefully: "I'll arrange it, you go and rest."

"I'm fine, no need to rest." Mu Liang shook his head.

Yue Qinlan frowned her pretty brows, and said concerned: "Your face is a bit pale, are you really okay?"

Really "It's okay, it's just a bit expensive, but it doesn't interfere with anything."

Mu Liang shook his head, and said in a relaxed tone: "Don't worry."

"Well.... If you feel uncomfortable, go to rest. Don't hold on. With me, you can leave the rest to me." Yue Qinlan said seriously.

"Okay, the finishing work is up to you." Mu Liang laughed blankly.

"Then you go to rest." Yue Qinlan said as she stretched out her hand to tidy up Mu Liang's clothes.

Mu Liang shook his head and explained, "Xiao Yu, they are injured, I have to deal with it."

"That's it, then you go quickly." Yue Qin's blue eyes were shocked.

"Well, I've already asked the gluttonous beast to help clean up the dead ghosts in the city.

Mu Liang said gently: "After making sure that there are no ghosts in the city, let the city people come out and let them help with the repair work."

"Okay, that's what I planned." Yue Qinlan's lips raised.

She planned to let the city residents come out after the ghosts in the city were cleaned up and let them take a look at the situation in the inner city, so that they would have a stronger sense of belonging and admire Mu Liang and the city defense army more.

"Just arrange for you." Mu Liang nodded and turned to leave the palace.

The virtual ghost tide lasted for four days, and his domesticated beasts and domesticated plants persisted for four days, and many of them were injured.

Mu Liang flew to the outer city and first looked for the Fire Feather Eagle. It was in an empty area of ​​the outer city, and the ground around several kilometers was scorched black.

More and more~~~

The Fire Feather Eagle felt the master's breath and raised his head and cried weakly.

"Thanks for your hard work." Mu Liang landed next to the fire feather eagle's head, checking its injuries.

The fire feather eagle's injury is not light, the feather of its wing is bald, the bones can already be seen, and the wound is still a bit scorched...

More and more~~~

The Fire Feather Eagle raised his head and gently touched Mu Liang, as if acting like a baby.

"Hey, you will be cured soon." Mu Liang stretched out his hand and gently stroked the beak of the fire feather eagle.

As he said, he stretched out his hand and first fed the Fire Feather Eagle one hundred thousand evolution points, which had worked hard for it these days.

Mu Liang stretched out his other hand, and the life elements condensed, covering the wound on the fire feather eagle.

Life elements covered the wound, the charred tissue on the wings began to fall off, and the exposed bones grew granulation at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Within ten seconds, the missing flesh has grown back, and fluff can be seen on the surface, which will grow into feathers in a while.

More and more~~~

The fire feather eagle flapped its wings, and its mental state seemed to be much better. Once again, it kindly gifted Mu Liang's body.

Mu Liang patted the fire feather eagle, waved and smiled: "Go and rest."

More and more~~~

The fire feather flapped its wings with force, and the body rose into the air. After circling a circle above Mu Liang's head, he flew towards the canopy of the tree of life.

Mu Liang no longer stayed, feeling the position of the magma dragon, and hurriedly set off and flew over.

When he found the magma dragon, half of its body was soaked in water, and its injuries were more serious than fire feathers. There was a terrible wound on its neck, which seemed to be almost torn in half by a virtual ghost.

Mu Liang was taken aback and quickly used gravity control to lift the magma dragon.

In order to relieve its pain, a soft cloud platform was specially made to let it lie on it.

Ho Ho Ho~~~

The magma dragon raised one eye, and made a 2.3 hoarse roar from its throat.

"I'm here, it's okay." Mu Liang's face was stern, and he also fed the magma dragon one hundred thousand evolution points, and then began to treat.

This treatment process took nearly half an hour to recover the magma dragon's injury seven or eighty-eight.

Ho Ho Ho~~~

The magma dragon stood up, flapped its wings vigorously, and felt its body.

Mu Liang breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and said, "It's okay."

The magma dragon seemed to be very excited, and he was about to greet Mu Liang with his huge tongue.

"This will be avoided. Go back and rest." Mu Liang jumped around the corner of his eyes and quickly avoided, but he didn't want to be sticky.


The magma dragon gave a long roar and fluttered away with regret.

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization.

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