Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1111 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1111: This is a bit of a Killing Intent atmosphere. (1 more)

Study room, Mu Liang just returned from the debriefing meeting, and he was relieved sitting on the chair.


The study door was pushed open, and Buff came in with the hot tea and gently placed it on the right hand side of Mu Liang.

Buff leaned over and said softly, "Ms. Mu Liang, Miss Baishuang is outside the door."

Mu Liang took his teacup hand and said calmly, "Let her come in.

"Okay." Buff replied crisply.

Outside the study, Hoarfrost was hovering, and the ghost tide had just passed. She couldn't wait to ask when Mu Liang would go to the Misty Sea.

"Should he not lie to me?" She bit her lower lip, her heart full of sorrow.


Buff came out of the study and said angrily: "Miss Baishuang, Mr. Mu Liang invites you in.

"Okay." Hoarfrost let out a sigh of relief.

She nodded to Buff and walked into the study with her head upright, but when she saw Mu Liang, she gave her "Three Zero Three" consciousness and suppressed her arrogant head.

Mu Liang looked at the purple-haired girl with a smile on the corners of his lips: "Miss Hoarfrost, please sit down."

"Okay." Bai Shuang sat opposite Mu Liang, her purple and golden eyes staring at Mu Liang, her heartbeat speeding up a little bit inexplicably.

Bhagwan brought hot tea and placed it in front of the purple-haired girl.

Mu Liang took a mouthful of hot tea and said warmly, "You seem to be nervous."

"Ha, is there any?" Bai Shuang laughed dryly.

Mu Liang smiled, probably guessing why Hoarfrost came for.

"What's the matter, let's talk about it." He leaned back and looked at the purple-haired girl calmly.

Baishuang asked earnestly: "Your Excellency Mu Liang, I want to ask when should I leave for the mist?

Mu Liang secretly said inwardly.

He calmly said: "If there is no accident, it is estimated that he will leave in fifteen days."

"Fifteen days!

Hoarfrost frowned her pretty brows and asked, "Can't you hurry up?"

Mu Liang shook his head and said calmly: "Fifteen days have already been very fast, there are too many things to be busy.

"Okay... Hoarfrost" sighed secretly, I just hope my father and mother won't worry too much.

Mu Liang calmly said, "Don't worry, the Sea of ​​Mist will definitely go, and it won't last too long.

"I believe in Your Excellency Mu Liang." Bai Shuang said, standing up and saluting solemnly.

Mu Liang smiled, if he really believes it, will he come to Zhao again?

At this time the door was knocked again.


"Mu Liang." Liyue's voice came into the room.

"Your Excellency, I'm going now." Bai Shuang nodded.

Mu Liang smiled at the corner of his lips, and stretched out his hand to indicate.


The purple-haired girl opened the door and walked out of the study, nodded to the silver-haired girl, and then left without looking back.

Liyue looked at the back of the purple-haired girl with curiosity in her heart, what is she doing?

"Why don't you come in?" Mu Liang asked with a smile.

"Come here." Liyue recovered and walked into the study.

Mu Liang looked at the beautiful eyes of the silver-haired girl and said clearly, "She is here to ask me when to go to the Misty Sea."

Liyue was startled and understood that Mu Liang was dispelling her doubts, and her heart became softer.

"Mu Liang, all the researchers in Oasis chose to stay...she sat next to Mu Liang, and said about the second floor of the high ground.

"Guess it." Mu Liang smiled confidently.

During the period of time that the researcher of Oasis lived in the highlands, he often asked people to send good things away, just to buy people's hearts and let them know how good Black Tortoise was.

As the saying goes, it is easy to change from frugality to luxury, and it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality.

"Then what happens next?" Liyue asked curiously.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand and gently pinched the chin of the silver-haired girl, and said warmly: "Find someone to talk about, and formally include them."

"Okay." Liyue responded blushing, her slender eyelashes trembling lightly, and her attention was focused on Mu Liang's face.

Mu Liang put down his hands and rolled the silver-haired girl into his arms, breathing closer.

"Mu Liang..." Liyue's face pressed against Mu Liang's chest, her voice trembling.

"Huh?" Mu Liang's Adam's apple moved, his voice a little low.

Liyue lowered her head slightly, and asked in a low voice, "Doesn't it hurt to accompany the armor?"

Except for rest and sleep, she wears ghost armor on weekdays.

"... Mu Liang's eyes twitched.

This is a bit of a Killing Intent atmosphere.

Liyue smiled and changed the subject: "One more thing, the people in Miuda are buying goods on a large scale, and they seem to be leaving.

"Well, let them go, then." Mu Liang replied indifferently.

Liyue put her hand on Mu Liang's shoulder and asked softly, "Should I send someone to follow?"

"Any good candidate?" Mu Liang stretched out his hand and gently squeezed the pretty face of the silver-haired girl.

Miuda and the others are going back to the New World, there are too many unknowns over there, and there will be many accidents if they send someone to follow.

"Xue Ji..." Liyue gently spit out a name.

Mu Liang paused, thinking of the awakening ability of the Variety Witch, hers was indeed very suitable.

Liyue said softly: "She can change into someone else's appearance, wearing a ghost armor, and be careful on the ship, she shouldn't be spotted.

"Hey, go and call her, I will tell her." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

With the strength of the Variety Witch, she is only responsible for teaching drama performances.

"Okay." Liyue nodded, getting up from Mu Liang a little bit reluctantly.

She turned and left.

More than half an hour later, the study door was knocked.

"Master Mu Liang." Xue Ji's charming voice spread into the study.

"Come in." Mu Liang raised his eyebrows lightly.


The door of the study was opened, Xue Ji walked into the study and asked curiously: "Mr Mu Liang, Liyue said you are looking for me?"

"Well, there is a task for you to do." Mu Liang nodded, and stretched out his hand for the Variety Witch to sit down.

Xue Ji sat in front of Mu Liang with doubts, but her eyes were secretly looking at him.

Mu Liang didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the subject: "There is a new continent on the other side of the Misty Sea. You should know about this, right?"

"I know." Xue Ji nodded hesitantly, and suddenly there were all kinds of guesses in her heart.

Mu Liang said calmly: "There is a group of adventurers from the New World in the commercial street. They are about to return to the New World. I want you to go with them."

"Huh?" Xue Ji's eyes widened, asking her to go to the New World??

"Not willing?" Mu Liang frowned.


"No. Xue Ji opened her mouth.

She smiled bitterly: "Mu Liang Master, it's just that I don't know the New World, what did you do in the past?"

"Just because I don't understand, people need to know about it in advance." Mu Liang said calmly.

Non-staff members of the Variety Witch Ghost Special Forces are obliged to complete this task.

Xue Ji was speechless, depressed for a while, muttering something in her mouth.

"What?" Mu Liang tapped his fingers on the tabletop lightly, watching the Variety Witch with calm eyes.

"I'll go." Xue Ji sat up straight, with a look as if I didn't enter The Underworld and whoever entered The Underworld.

Mu Liang couldn't smile, so calmly said: "Don't worry, it will give you some life-saving things, if you are in danger, you can evacuate."

"Yes." Xue Ji breathed a sigh of relief, it was almost the same.

ps: [1 update]: the second update for the positive code.

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