Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1119 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1119: Faster than expected. (1 more)

"Sister, Lord City Lord is here."

In the spirit tool workshop, Lixue heard the excited voice of Little Sister before she saw anyone.

Ta Ta Ta

A Liya rushed into the spirit tool workshop, and Mu Liang and others followed behind and walked to the empty place.

Before everyone approached, they first saw a behemoth. A Lixue was standing beside him, holding a linen cloth in his hand, and a bucket of water at his feet, which seemed to be wiping ashes.

"My Lord City Lord!" A Lixue respectfully saluted.

"Yeah." Mu Liang nodded, and looked up at the locomotive.

The locomotive is very large, with a height of four meters and a width of more than three meters.

The shape of the locomotive is like a rectangular parallelepiped, and the outer shell is spliced ​​by several pieces of colored glass to cover the internal structure and play a protective role.

In front of the locomotive, there is also a kilometer-long track, part of which has extended beyond the spirit tool workshop.

Mu Liang raised his brows lightly, and said, "It looks decent, can I move it?"

"Yes, the experiment has been done." A Lixue nodded earnestly.

"Then let it move." Mu Liang said with interest.

"Okay." A Lixue and A Liya looked at each other, and turned around excitedly to face the locomotive.

The two opened the glass cover in the middle of the locomotive. It turned out that it was a door with the cockpit inside.

"This is the locomotive!!" Fox Fairy and others gathered together, looking curiously.

Xibeiqi whispered: "It looks so cumbersome, can 303 really move?

"It should be possible... Yue Qinlan responded uncertainly, and there was a suspicious look on Qiao's face.

"I'll find out later." Mu Liang said calmly.

A Liya and A Lixue have already been seated in the cockpit.

There are only two positions in the cockpit, and only three joysticks in front of it.

The left joystick is used to start the locomotive, the middle joystick is used to control the backward or forward direction, and the right joystick is used to control the speed.

"Sister." A Liya glanced at Big Sis.

"Well, let's start." A Lixue nodded, and stretched out her hand to gently press the left rocker.


With an ear-piercing sound, the locomotive vibrated slightly, and then there was the sound of boiling water.

Boom boom boom~~~

The vibration frequency of the locomotive slowly became faster and the sound became louder.

"Okay." A Lixue said earnestly.

"Let's go!" After hearing the words, A Liya moved the middle rocker to move it upwards, while using the other hand to control the right rocker at the same time, moving it upwards at the same time.


In the horrified eyes of everyone, the locomotive began to move forward, not fast at first, only faster than people walking.

After more than ten seconds, the speed of the locomotive began to Ascension, which is equivalent to a person changing from a trot to a sprint, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

"Send to send, it's really moving~~~" Yue Feiyan exhaled, her red eyes gleaming.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "It's quite fast.

"The speed is almost as fast as the carriage." The Fox Fairy was surprised.

As soon as she finished speaking, the locomotive speeded up again, more than twice as fast as before.

"This is too fast!" The Fox Fairy opened her red lips slightly, even more surprised.

"It's amazing, how can this be done?" Mino's blue eyes were shining, and he wanted to go up and touch the locomotive.

Liyue exclaimed, "The speed is comparable to that of Moon Wolf."

Mu Liang grinned and said with satisfaction: "Very good, faster than expected."

It only takes about an hour to travel from the inner city to the outer city Wengcheng at the speed of a locomotive.

The speed of the locomotive slowed down only because the track was coming to an end.

The locomotive began to back up and returned to the exit position.


The door opened, and A Liya and A Lixue got down from the cockpit one after another.

A Liya said crisply, "My Lord, the track is too short, so I can only drive so fast."

"Do you mean it can drive faster?" Mu Liang asked in surprise.

Aliya explained: "It should be possible, but I haven't tried it either."

"Then try now." Mu Liang said calmly.

"But the track is too short." A Lixue said softly.

This track was built overnight by calling the staff to help, and it took a whole night.

"(Bfcd) This is not a problem." Mu Liang responded casually.

He raised his foot and walked forward to the end of the track and leaned over to calculate the distance between the two glazed tracks.

Mu Liang knew in his heart, and put his hands on the two left and right colored glaze tracks. With a movement of his mind, the colored glaze track began to spread forward.

In the end, the track made a full circle around the seventh floor of the high ground.

Mu Liang stood up, clapped his hands and said, "Okay, try again."

"Good." A Liya and A Lixue looked eager to try.

The two sat in the cockpit of the locomotive again, and started the locomotive once and again.

Mu Liang followed this time and stood on the locomotive.

The speed of the locomotive began to Ascension, and soon reached the highest speed just now, and it is still getting faster.


The wind blows Mu Liang's hair flutters, and the speed is already three times faster than the carriage.

After a few minutes, the speed of the locomotive no longer Ascension.

"It should have been the highest speed just now." Mu Liang whispered softly.

The locomotive made a circle around the seventh floor of the high ground, and finally drove back to the Spirit Tool Workshop.

The locomotive no longer vibrated. Sister Aliya got down from the cockpit, her pretty face flushed a little, not knowing whether it was because of excitement or fear.

"The speed is much faster than I thought." A Lixue took a few deep breaths.

Ali Ya looked at Mu Liang and asked with a smile, "My Lord, is this okay?"

"Well, very good." Mu Liang praised.

"Is there a five-day holiday?" A Liya blinked her gray eyes.

With "." Mu Liang laughed dumbly, raised his hand and knocked the gray-haired girl on the head.

A Liya didn't mind, and said with a playful smile: "Finally, I can have a good rest for a few days."

Mu Liang's next sentence made her depressed again.

Mu Liang floated and said: "Before taking a break, make the carriage first."

"Car?" A Lixue asked with interest.

"Well, it's like a carriage, it just needs to be connected to a locomotive and can carry people and things... Mu Liang briefly explained it.

"Okay, this is not difficult." A Lixue nodded in response.

Mu Liang said gently: "Well, I will work hard for a few more days."

"This is part of the job." A Lixue respectfully said.

Her pretty face was still flushing, her eyes peeked at Mu Liang.

Mu Liang looked at the blue eyes of the two sisters, and his tone was serious: "Today you should rest first, don't exhaust your body."

"Okay." Aliya breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly nodded in agreement.

"After finishing the drawings, they will be given to me in a few days." Mu Liang left a sentence.

He also has to go back to draw the track map of Black Tortoise, and then he can arrange for people to start laying the track.

ps: (1 update): the second update for the positive code.

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