Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1122 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1122: The cause of the disaster on the mainland. (1 more)

In the living room, Bellian and the four Elders were sitting in a row, the tea in front of them was still steaming.

"The two sit for a while, and Mu Liang is almost finished." Yue Qinlan walked into the living room with an elegant gait, Shi Shiran sat next to the main seat.

She lifted the tea cup and took a sip, her long eyelashes lifted, and she looked at Bellian and the four Elders, and the heat blocked her sight.

Bellian looked down and said nothing, and Elder was also silent. The two didn't know what they were thinking.

Yue Qinlan asked gracefully: "Why didn't the big Elder and the second Elder come?"

Bellian was unmoved and remained silent.

Oasis Four Elder squeezed his face a few times, and responded dryly, "They are busy."

"That's it." The corners of Yue Qinlan's lips rose, making it hard to see what she was thinking.

Sifeng Elder curled his lips and gave Elder a sideways glance.

Bellian raised his head blankly, and met the fourth Elder.

"...Four Elder looked away wittily.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

There were steady footsteps, and Mu Liang and Yao Er walked into the living room.

"Long waiting." Mu Liang said clearly.

"Soon." Bellian raised his head, and his face was complicated.

Mu Liang asked 15 curiously: "What are you two coming for?"

"...Bellian twitched at the corner of her mouth, and Mu Liang in front of her looked like a scheming fox.

She said blankly: "We are here to talk about Oasis joining Black Tortoise."

A gleam of light flashed under Mu Liang's eyes, and he asked in astonishment, "Have you discussed it?"

Bellian shook her head and said seriously: "Our decision depends on your sincerity."

"Black Tortoise City has always been sincere." Mu Liang shrugged.

He leaned back and drew up Yueqinlan's aqua-blue hair smoothly, and said calmly: "Join Black Tortoise, the oasis can develop very well."

"These are all unknowns." Bellian shook his head.

"What do you mean by your excellency?" Qinlan raised her brows lightly.

"Sorry, I am... Bell chuckled twice, his face a little unnatural.

Don't know how to bargain.

"I discovered a new continent, I don't know if you are not interested in the oasis." Mu Liang said suddenly.

"New World!!" Bellian and the four Elder were both startled.

"Hey, New World. Mu Liang nodded.

"What do you mean?" Four Elder asked quickly.

Mu Liang said calmly: "Literally, it means a piece of land that we have never set foot on. It is bigger than the continent we are in now. There are green plants over there, and there is no shortage of water or food."

"It's impossible!" Four Elder denied aloud.

Mu Liang chuckled a few times, and said in a joking tone: "In fact, everything I'm talking about exists.

Yue Qinlan glanced suspiciously at Mu Liang, not knowing what his plans were, why he wanted to tell the people in Oasis about the New World.

She didn't understand, but she trusted Mu Liang. Just listen quietly.

"Is there a new world?" Bellian stared at Mu Liang's eyes, trying to see if he was lying.

Mu Liang didn't care: "I don't have to lie to you. In half a month, Black Tortoise will go to the New World.

"To the New World?" Bellian's pupils dilated.

She couldn't see through whether Mu Liang was telling the truth or not, but based on her knowledge of Mu Liang, she should be disdainful of deceiving people.

Is it true?

She couldn't help asking: "Where is the New World?"

"Only the people of Black Tortoise City can know." Mu Liang shook his head, unwilling to say more.

"Fake, it must be fake. Our oasis has been flying in the air for more than a hundred years and has never seen the New World." Four Elder said with a certain tone.

Mu Liang warned for four. Elder glanced at him and uttered two words lightly: "Scarce and weird."

"You... Oasis Four Elder don't blush, but don't know how to refute.

Mu Liang leaned forward and said calmly: "New World also has blood moons, but there are no virtual ghosts. It should be more interesting than you."

"There are no ghosts!" Bellian said again in astonishment.

"There are people from the New World in Black Tortoise. They told me that Yao'er has confirmed this." Mu Liang stretched out his hand and gestured to the little maid beside him.

Bell even knew it, and also knew her ability to awaken.

"On the New World, there may be the secret of ghosts, the cause of the disaster on this continent.

Mu Liang's voice was calm and unwavering, but it seemed to be magical, causing both Bellian and Si Elder's hearts to make waves.

"I need to think about it." Bellian's voice was hoarse, and he lowered his head.

Mu Liang tapped the armrest of the seat lightly with his fingers, and said calmly: "It's okay, you can think about it, don't worry."

Four Elder's face changed. If the New World really exists, as Mu Liang said, it would be of great research value.

There are no ghosts in the New World, is it possible to send all the people from this continent to the New World?

The two of them thought about it for a long time, and they actually had a decision in their hearts, but the shock brought by the New World still made them unable to recover.

"No wonder, no wonder there hasn't been any progress in the investigation for so many years." Bellian laughed bitterly.

"This is just my guess." Mu Liang glanced at Beilian, and it was necessary to remind her, lest she went to the New World and felt that she was fooled.

"My Big sis is in the New World, and she is also investigating the reasons for the change in the mainland." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

"How do you know that your Big sis is in the New World?" Bellian collapsed.

It's just that she regained her senses as soon as she asked, and murmured: "Yes, you said that there are people from the New World in Black Tortoise. They should have told you."

"" Yue Qinlan shut up and didn't explain too much.

Bell 303 Lotus took a deep breath, raised her eyes and stared at Mu Liang seriously, and asked seriously: "Your Excellency, you won't lie to us, will you?"

Of course "." Mu Liang smiled and nodded.

Four Elder's brows trembled, and the verbal promise alone was not reliable, even if the opponent was the Lord of Black Tortoise.

Belda said seriously: "Okay, Oasis can join Black Tortoise City, but the people in my oasis can't force them, you have to voluntarily choose whether to join or not."

"Of course, I didn't force you, did I?" Mu Liang chuckled.

"...Four Elder choked silently, the word forcing was almost written on his face.

Yue Qinlan asked doubtfully: "Don't ask about your Elder's decision?"

"No, he is old, now I'm in charge." Bellian looked complacent and couldn't see that he was joking.

"... Yue Qinlan is speechless, is this seeking power to usurp the throne?

"That's good." Mu Liang smiled indifferently.

He didn't care who was in charge of Oasis, as long as he signed the Fengwang contract, it would be the same.

"Let's go back first." Bellian stood up, saluted respectfully, and turned and walked out.

"Wait for me." Four Elder also hurriedly got up, nodded to Mu Liang, and then walked away quickly.

ps: (1 update): the second update for the positive code.

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