Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1129 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1129: Make a lot of money. (2 more)


On the endless sea, three big boats marched in an adult shape.

At the forefront is the main ship.

In the cabin where the cargo was stacked, Xue Ji stood by the wall, listening to the movement outside.


She only heard the sound of the sea beating against the hull of the ship.


The Variety Witch's belly screamed twice.

"I'm hungry, find something to eat." Xue Ji muttered.

She has been on the ship for five days. During these five days, she has been in the cargo hold. She appeared in shape when there was no one. She was in a daze. When she was hungry, she took the food in the cargo hold.

The cargo holds are filled with various cargos, such as sweet potatoes, dried sweet potatoes, and storage-resistant biscuits.

When she is hungry, she will eat everything without being noticed.

"No, I have to eat something hot today." Xue Ji looked at the boxes of dried sweet potatoes and suddenly lost interest.

She hadn't eaten hot food for five days, which made her miss Black Tortoise.

She stayed in the cargo hold all day long, no one chatted with her, and couldn't do other things. It was so boring.

"Be careful, you shouldn't be caught.

Xue Ji took a deep breath, stretched out her hand to pat the ghost armor, and went into invisibility.

She stepped lightly and cautiously came to the cargo 333 door.

She was listening, and it was quiet outside the door.

"Nobody?" Xue Ji frowned slightly, hesitated, and still stretched out her hand to gently open the cargo door.

She moved her hands for a while and continued to pay attention to the movement outside.

After a while, there was still no sound. She breathed a sigh of relief and gently opened the hatch to a gap for people to pass through.

The wooden door creaked, which made the Variety Witch nervous.

She prayed in her heart, and looked out, there was no one in the passage.

"There's really no one." Xue Ji breathed a sigh of relief again.

She discerned the direction and walked towards the other cabin.

Before she got closer, she smelled a familiar smell.

"Hot and sour noodles?" Xue Ji's eyes lit up, sure that it was her favorite hot and sour noodles.

She quickened her pace and came to another door of the cabin.

The door of the cabin was not closed, and there were seven or eight people sitting inside, among them Miuda and Daqi.

Several people gathered around the table with a large bowl in front of them, drooling while waiting for the chef to cook the hot and sour noodles.

Xue Ji pursed her lips, knowing that this cabin is their dining room and kitchen.

She smelled the hot and sour powder, couldn't help swallowing, and walked cautiously into the cabin.

"See you, are you okay?" Da Qi asked loudly, tapping the bowl with his chopsticks.

Hoi'er yelled and replied: "Don't worry, it's written in the instructions. It will take five minutes to cook before eating."

He is the head chef, and he has the final say how to cook.

Hoof stirred the hot and sour powder in the boiling water with a pot, staring at the hourglass on the table.

The hot and sour noodles are bought from noodle restaurants in the commercial area. The noodles are dried and the seasonings are also prepared.

When you buy it back, you only need to cook the noodles and use boiling water to powder the seasoning to get a bowl of steaming hot and sour noodles.

If you buy 100 servings of hot and sour noodles at a time, you will also get an hourglass for timing.

"It doesn't have to be five minutes." Miuda pouted and waited impatiently.

"That won't work. If you don't follow the instructions, what if it doesn't taste good?"

The hoof milk was stern and serious.

"Yes." Miuda waved his hand impatiently.

By the wall, the Variety Witch stared at the hot and sour powder in the pot, her beautiful eyes unblinking.


She screamed again, she was very hungry.

"Whose belly is calling?" Da Qi said with a smile.

"It's you." Dianda gave the deputy captain a look with a suspicious expression on his face.

"Impossible, if I am hungry, I will definitely be louder than this!" Da Qi grinned.

"That's true." Miuda couldn't help laughing.

"...Xue Ji was speechless, stretched out her hand and hung her belly depressed.

"Alright." Brother Ho poured the seasoning powder into the pot, the clear soup quickly turned red, and there was red oil floating on the surface.

He picked up the cauldron, came to the long table in three or two steps (bfcd), and put the cauldron on the table.

"Wow, it looks delicious!" Da Qi's eyes lighted up, and he swallowed wildly.

Everyone "don't move, I'm going to flourish first." Muda stood up, roared, and let Da Qi and the others sit down in a shameless manner.

In the dark, Xue Ji pouted her lips, as if looking at a group of hillbillies.

Miuda filled a big bowl, but not much.

He sat down contentedly, and started to slurp on the powder, his hot, black lips were all red.

"It's delicious." Miuda exclaimed.

Smell ~~~

Daqi and the others also ate very loudly. The soup was picked up by the sizzling powder and splashed everywhere.

Xue Ji bit her lower lip and forcibly resisted the sound of swallowing her saliva.

She was very depressed. Why did she come here? The more she watched, the more she wanted to eat, the more she missed Black Tortoise.

"Captain, after we go back, what are we going to resell to Black Tortoise?"

Kodola swallowed the powder in her mouth and looked at the captain who was greasy.

Da Qi raised his head and said: "Didn't they inquire about it. There is a shortage of fruits in the mainland, and it is very scarce. We only need to transport the fruits to sell, and we can make a lot of money."

These news were all inquired by people from the adventure team in the business district.

The Xue Ji in the dark almost couldn't hold back a laugh. There was a shortage of fruits in the interior, but there were Black Tortoise City and the transit base, and the adventure team might have missed the call.

Unless it is transported to remote areas to be sold, but then the cost will be high, and then the profit will not be as much as imagined.

"A bunch of fools." She opened her mouth and spit out two words silently.

"Captain, the fresh fruit can be put out soon." Kodola reminded.

It will take at least two months to buy fruit from the New World, then take a boat to the Misty Sea, and then cross the Misty Sea to the Old World. By that time, the fruit has already rotted into mud.

Miuda waved his hand and said hoarsely: "This is simple, just dry the fruits and then transport them to sell.

He buried his head and drank a big mouthful of spicy soup, feeling hot, but very refreshing.

Kodola's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Good idea, the results are dried, then it can be put on for more than half a year."

"Hey, the fruit is not expensive on our side, and you should be able to sell it if you double the price." Miuda's eyes lit up and couldn't help laughing.

Everyone put down their chopsticks and said excitedly: "As long as you succeed, you will have no worries about eating and drinking in the future."


There was a smug laugh in the cabin.

"." Xue Ji sneered again and again, and left the cabin silently, preparing to go back to the cargo hold, and relay the news she heard back to Black Tortoise.

"Fool, even if the price is doubled, I really dare to think." She curled her lips.

She went back the same way, ready to wait a little later and then go to the kitchen to find something to eat. During this time, let's eat dried sweet potatoes and top her stomach.

She sighed silently: "Oh, I still miss Black Tortoise~~~

ps[2 more]: Ask for customization. "

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