Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1132 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1132: He is already a useless person. (2 more)

Inner City, in Room 6, Building 2, Yisan Street.

Room No. 6 is on the third floor. It is a house with three bedrooms, one living room and one bathroom.

Three people lived in the house, a couple and their fourteen-year-old son.

In the kitchen, Saphanie was preparing lunch, with three slap-sized pieces of meat fried in the pan.

She is the hostess of this house. She left the workshop at noon and hurried back to cook for her children and husband.

"It smells so good~~~" Saphanie took a deep breath, her haggard face a little more relaxed.


The slices of meat are almost cooked, with oily bubbles on the edges, and the fragrance wafting out is very attractive.

On the other stove, a clay pot was cooking wheat porridge with a lot of sweet potatoes in it.

The price of sweet potatoes in the big market is already very low, and ordinary urban residents can eat all-you-can-eat sweet potatoes every day.

Saphanie scooped up a small spoonful of wheat and sweet potato porridge, blew the heat and put it into her mouth, and tasted it.

She nodded in satisfaction and said to herself softly: "Well, it's a bit sweet potato, not bad.

She picked up the pot and walked cautiously out of the kitchen, shouting: "Lao Han, Xiao Yong, you can eat now."

Lao Han is her husband and Xiao Yong is her son.

Quiet, no one answered.

Saphanie put the pot on the dining table, and wiped her hand on the apron.

"Huh? Old Han, Xiaoyong?" She looked at the room suspiciously.

"..." Still no one responded.

"Are you asleep?" Saphanie walked into the room, the bed was empty, as were the other two rooms.

She trembled and murmured: "Where did you go when you are not at home?"

Saphanie quickly took off her apron, her face panicked, she wanted to go out to find her husband, but just walked to the door when she heard a familiar voice.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

"Father, slow down." Zhengtai's voice came from outside the door.

"Xiaoyong!" Safini's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly reached out to open the door.

She probed out, and at the first sight, Xiaoyong was holding her husband, jumping up the stairs step by step.

"Mother, I'm back." Xiaoyong raised his head when he heard the sound, and greeted his mother with dodge eyes.

Although he is only fourteen years old, he is already 1.7 meters tall, which is much taller than other children of the same age, but he is thin and weak.

Han Tie raised his eyes to his wife, grinned and said, "Fen'er, is the meal ready?"

Han Tie is thirty-eight years old this year. He has a beard and looks a bit decadent. He has known Saphanie for eighteen years.

He only had one leg, and his left leg disappeared five centimeters from the knee.

Saphanie breathed a sigh of relief, and asked without angrily, "Where have you been?"

Xiaoyong lowered his head embarrassedly, and explained in a low voice: "Father said he wants to go out for a walk, I will accompany him...

Han Tiehan smiled and said: "Hey... I want to go out for a walk, and I have been sitting at home for seven or eight days. If I don't move, I will be really useless."

He was originally a city defense army guarding Shanhaiguan Pass. When the virtual ghost tide came, in order to protect his comrades, he was bitten off by his left leg.

Even so, he didn't regret it at all, but felt regret that he could not continue to stay in Shanhaiguan to contribute to Black Tortoise.

He also feels guilty for his wife and son. He can no longer make any money, and he has to rely on his wife to support him.

"I didn't have good legs and feet, so I went out to run around." Saphanie said in a bad mood.

Her eyes were red, her husband lost a leg, and she cried for two days.

"It's okay." Tiehan was accompanied by a smiling face, holding the handrail on the stairs to the third floor.

Xiaoyong raised his head and said, "Mother, I will follow.

Saphanie sighed, stepped forward to support her husband, and sighed: "Oh, come in for lunch, I will go to work in the workshop later.

Han Tieyu said earnestly: "You still don't run back next time, I can also go down."

Saphanie shook her head and said straightforwardly: "How can you do it, you only have one leg left, and you can't stand still, how do you cook?"

"Han Tie's face dimmed.

"Mother, don't say it." Xiao Yong's expression was also much ugly.

"Oh... Saphanie sighed again.

She shook her head and said with tears in her eyes: "Okay, I won't say anything, sit down and eat."

Han Tie's mouth moved, and was replaced by his son and sat down.

Xiaoyong took a deep breath and changed the subject: "It smells so good."

"Hurry up, you're all thinner, eat more." Saphanie managed to squeeze a smile.

"Okay." Xiaoyong forced a smile.

He took a bowl of wheat sweet potato porridge and pulled it into his mouth.

"Be careful." Saphanie said softly.

Han Tiehan smiled and said, "Hey, this meat is delicious."

Safanie felt uncomfortable and gave her husband a large piece of meat: "Then you should eat more."

"Wife is the best." Han Tie said cheeky words of praise.

Poor mouth "." Safanie's pretty face flushed, and her mood finally improved a lot.

She couldn't help asking: "Old Han, what are you going to do in the future?"

"Don't worry, I will look for a job." Han Tie said seriously.

"Will there be a workshop for you?" Saphanie bit her lower lip and didn't finish her words.

"How do you know if you don't try?" Han Tie grinned, knowing that his wife was worried that he was disabled and the workshop would not recruit him.

Saphanie took another piece and put it in the meat husband's bowl, and said seriously: "If you can't, just stay at home. The Black Tortoise coins I earn are enough to feed a family."

Han Tie shook his head and said stubbornly: "That won't work, I have to work.

"The Lord of the City is so good that he won't let his father find a job." Xiaoyong said loudly.

Saphanie said, "It's good, Lord Santos, but your father..."

Han Tie shook his head, and 333 said earnestly: "Fen'er, if it weren't for the lord of the city, our family would have died in Baili City, and now we just lost one leg, it's nothing."

The Hantie family used to be slaves of Baili City. They encountered a wave of fierce beasts attacking the city. In despair, it was Black Tortoise City who came and rescued Baili City.

Xiaoyong took his mother's hand and said earnestly: "Mother, our current life is much better than before. We have green vegetables to eat, and we can drink enough water.

Saphanie was taken aback, and slowly nodded: "I understand.

"I want to start." Hantie patted Safanie's hand.


The door was knocked suddenly.

"Is Han Tie at home?" A cold voice sounded outside the door.

Han Tie and his wife looked at each other, who would come at this point?

"Here." Saphanie stood up quickly, hurried to the door, and opened the door.

Outside the door, Qin Yuyu and Wei Geng, as well as two city defense troops standing straight, were holding a lot of things in their hands.

"You are Saphanie asking suspiciously.

She looked at the purple armor raining on Qin's body, and she had a vague answer in her heart.

In Black Tortoise, there is only one who can wear purple armor.

"Fen'er, who is it?" Han Tie's voice came out.

ps: [2 more]: Please order.

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