Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1138 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1138: Eat up all. (2 more)

Xue Ji stepped lightly, standing at the door of the cabin, fighting the emperor's outside environment.

The fog is getting thicker and thicker, which means that the ship is heading toward the depths of the misty sea.

She turned her head back and saw the light that could be capable of lightning, but after a few breaths, the lightning disappeared and the surrounding became quiet.

Xue Ji pursed her mouth, slowed her breath and walked out. There was still water on the deck. She took every step very carefully.

The visibility has dropped now, and she will not be spotted as long as she is careful.

The fog was heavy and the surroundings were hazy.

"Come in, it's safe." Kodola got down from the observation deck and stretched out her hand to take off her clothes.


He pulled his hands to wring out the water from his clothes.

Xue Ji's eyes condensed, and when Kodola approached, he noticed the wound on his waist and the scarlet pattern of the person.

Da Qi asked concerned: "Kodora, is your waist injury okay?"

Kodola waved his hand and sighed: "Fortunately, it doesn't hurt anymore.

Da Qi nodded and said, "Well, go back and find the potion to cure it.

Kodola sighed: "I hope I can find it.

"Yes." Miuda patted Kodola on the shoulder.

He turned around and shouted: "Be wary of all.

"Yes." The crew responded in unison.

They spread out, guarding the four corners of the big ship, paying attention to the surrounding movement.

Xue Ji stood still on the spot, until the crew's figure was swallowed by the mist, and she continued to move forward when she couldn't see the truth.

She looked at her surroundings, and only the voice of the crew members was left in her ears.

Da Qi touched his bald head and guessed: "It should take five days to leave the misty sea."

"Well, it's no accident." Miuda yawned, his tight spirit relaxed, and the whole person was a little tired.

"You guard." He waved his hand and stepped into the cabin.

"Got it." Da Qi yawned as well, leaning on the guardrail and looking around.

Xue Ji stayed on the deck for more than two hours and found nothing else. The surroundings were always grey.

There was no more water on the deck, so she stepped lightly back to the cabin.

In the cargo hold, the box with the cargo was fixed in advance. Although the position was still offset, it did not fall over.

There was no one in the cargo hold at this time, which allowed Xue Ji to relax.

She came to the depths of the cargo hold and turned into the corner where a few wooden boxes were stacked. There was a blind spot where she could not see from the cabin door.


Xue Ji patted the armor in front of her, revealing her figure.

She untied the animal skin bag around her waist, and placed a small cage inside, where the resonance bug stayed quietly.

"Shhh, quietly" Owe. Xue Ji lowered her voice and took the Resonant Worm out of the cage.


Resonant insects vibrate their wings, and because they are too fast, they will soon lose sight of their wings.

"Hey, is anyone there?" Xue Ji said in a low voice.

After a short while, no reply was received.

She frowned, and said in surprise, "Could it be that the resonant insects can't be heard in the sea of ​​mist?"

After a while, Wei Youlan's voice came out: "Yes, Sister Xue Ji?

Xue Ji's beautiful eyes lit up, and she breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought I couldn't get it."

Wei Youlan said embarrassedly: "I just went to send tea to Mr. Mu Liang, and left for a while."

There was about five seconds between the two people's words, but their voices were still clear.

"I'm already in the misty sea. There is mist everywhere in it. The visibility is only four or five meters, and it's very quiet. Xue Ji didn't talk nonsense anymore, and explained everything he saw and heard before and after entering the misty sea.

"Okay, I recorded them all." Wei Youlan said crisply.

"Ah That's good."

Xue Ji glanced at the hatch, no one came in, and then continued to ask, "Xiao Lan, has anything happened to Black Tortoise recently?"

"No, everything is fine." Wei Youlan said softly.

Xue Ji muttered, "That's good, nothing else."

Wei Youlan said softly: "Okay, Miss Xue Ji, pay attention to safety."

"Yes." Xue Ji responded and stretched out her hand to press the wings of the resonance bug to stop it from flying.

She carefully put the resonance bug away and put it back in the cage to hide it.


The stomach protested, and the voice was louder than the voice of the Variety Witch just talking.

"...Xue Ji pursed her lips, opened the wooden box on the side, took out the dried sweet potatoes and started eating.

By the time someone entered the cargo hold, she had eaten five or six dried sweet potatoes, and the hunger dissipated.

Da Qi patted the wooden box beside him and said with satisfaction: "Fortunately, the goods are well protected.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

At this time, seven or eight crew members came in, standing behind Daqi in a nervous state.

"Huh!" Da Qi snorted coldly, looking at everyone present, looking badly.

"Deputy Captain, I didn't steal it. I also bought dried sweet potatoes in the commercial area, and there was still a big bag of it."

Some crew members can't wait to justify themselves.

"I didn't steal it either." Someone said weakly.

Da Qi glared at him, and said, "Just your courage, give you ten people who dare not to steal it."

"Cut." Xue Ji couldn't help but cut.

She saw with her own eyes that the timid man grabbed a handful of dried sweet potatoes and left in the cargo hold a few days ago.

"Who made the noise?" Da Qi frowned, his face gloomy.

"No, no one speaks...the crew are all face to face.

Xue Ji covered her mouth, spitting in her heart.

Da Qi obviously didn't believe it, and snorted coldly: "Pretend, continue to pretend!"

"...The crew all calmed down, as if they were beating or scolding.

Da Qi curled his lips and said hoarsely: "I don't care if any of you eats something, but next time, I will personally throw him into the sea to feed Magical Beasts.

"The crew closed their mouths, no one dared to speak.

"Are you all dumb?" Da Qi's face was black and he raised his hand and patted the wooden box hard.


Sawdust flew up and the whole wooden box burst open.

The crew shook their bodies and replied with a trembling voice: "Yes, we know...

"Very well, don't let me down. (Good Li's)" Da Qi sneered, turned and left the cargo hold.

The crew looked at each other, and their faces were not pretty.

"Huh, I don't know who held it for so long." The timid crew snorted and left the cargo hold.

"...Xue Ji is speechless, that coward will really sue the wicked first.

The others followed and left, and then the door of the cargo hold was locked from the outside.

?" Xue Ji was stunned when she heard the sound.

"No way, how can I go out?" The corner of her eyes jumped.

Not long after the crew left, she did not dare to go forward and inspect the cabin door now, for fear that someone outside the door would not leave and it would attract attention.

Xue Ji sat down boredly, opened the wooden box and continued to eat dried sweet potatoes.

The posture of biting the dried sweet potato seemed to retaliate against them for locking the hatch.

"I'll eat it all." Xue Ji whispered to herself viciously.


ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization.

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