Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1148 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1148: There is a ghost. (3 more)


In the grey and misty sea, three large ships moved forward at parallel speeds.

On the lookout platform, Kodola was dozing off, his head lit like a chicken pecking at rice.

Under the barrel of the gun, Da Qi was also sleeping soundly.

The other crew members also slept in a daze, and the surrounding environment remained unchanged, which made it difficult for people to be interested.

"Are you all asleep?" Miuda came out of the cabin and glared at the sleeping team members.

He came to the bow and watched the current under the boat, unchanged as usual.

"There are still three days to leave here." Miuda said with a sullen face.

He looked back at his teammates, sleeping, lying down, and some were still in a daze.

In the cabin, Xue Ji had been quiet for more than an hour listening to the movement outside.

"Are all asleep?" Xue Ji whispered.


She screamed, and she was hungry again.

She turned her head and looked behind her. She was tired of the boxes of dried sweet potatoes and biscuits.

No, "I want to eat something different today." Xue Ji frowned.

She hesitated, stretched out her hand to open the door a bit, and watched the movement outside.

After a while, no one approached, she widened the gap in the hatch so that she could get out.

She moved carefully and slowly closed the hatch.

The Variety Witch stepped lightly and walked to the cabin next to her.

It was the dining room kitchen. She had been there before and heard Muda and their conversation.

She came to the dining room again, there was no one inside at this time.

That's great. "Xue Ji's eyes were joyful, and she turned and closed the kitchen door.

She came to the stove and flipped the lid of the pot, which was empty.

"I didn't eat it?" Xue Ji grinds her silver teeth and rummaged through the shelf next to her, only to find hot and sour noodles on the bottom shelf.

Her beautiful eyes were shining, but she hesitated in her heart.Now she cooks hot and sour noodles, will she be discovered by the adventure team?


Her stomach screamed again.

"It doesn't matter, let's cook it first." Xue Ji gritted her teeth.

She skillfully washes the pot and makes a fire, then adds water and boiled powder.


The water in the pot boiled quickly, and the powder was tumbling in the boiling water.

The Variety Witch watched for a while, and the powder had to be boiled for a few minutes.

Her heart was beating fast, and she was watching the movement outside the cabin while she was cooking the noodles.


The water was boiling, and the sound was obvious in the quiet cabin.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

The sound of footsteps came from outside the cabin, which made the Variety Witch's heart start.

"It won't be so unlucky, right?" Xue Ji's eyes widened and her body immediately went invisible.

Only after a while, the cabin door was not pushed open, and the sound of footsteps went away again?

Xue Ji breathed a sigh of relief, but did not release her invisibility.

She hesitated and continued to pick up the pot to cook the noodles.

"It's almost done." Xue Ji muttered, pour the prepared bag into the pot, and then stir evenly.

The smell of hot and sour powder wafted out, and she couldn't help swallowing her saliva, her eyes were amazingly bright.

She turned off the fire, brought the pot to the dining table, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

At this time, footsteps came from outside the cabin again.

Xue Ji shook her hand, and before the chopsticks were put into the pot, the sound of footsteps had already reached the door.

Her angry teeth itchy, put down her chopsticks and got up to hide.


The hatch was pushed open, and Miuda walked into the restaurant, which made the invisible Variety Witch's heart raise her throat, should she be discovered?

She regrets in her heart and shouldn't be so rash just to take a bite.

Xue Ji's heart beat quickly, and she was ready to escape.

"Eh, who cooked the hot and sour noodles?" Miuda's eyes lit up, strode forward, staring at the hot and sour noodles in the pot.

He raised his eyes and looked around. He didn't see anyone, and the corners of his mouth began to rise.

"Does anyone dare to eat alone on my boat?" Miuda snorted, his face changing quickly.

"Who made it?"

He glanced around suspiciously, but found no figures.

"Strange, how about people?"

Miuda held the pot, picked up the chopsticks, and waited for the noodle cooker to appear.

It's impossible for a person to be invisible to cook noodles, right?

Or is there a ghost? Ah...

"...The invisible Xue Ji twitched at the corner of her mouth, her face was speechless.

She watched Miuda eat a big mouthful and couldn't help swallowing her saliva. She was even hungry when she smelled the hot and sour noodles.

The Variety Witch was depressed, and the hot and sour powder that reached her mouth flew away, but Miuda did not suspect that there was anyone on the boat, which was a false alarm.

After more than ten minutes, Miuda put down the pot in his hand contentedly, and even the soup and powder were eaten cleanly.

"It's delicious." Miuda stood up, patted his stomach contentedly, dropped his chopsticks and got up and left.

Five minutes after he left, the Variety Witch dared to move.

She came to the table, looked at the empty pot with a bitter expression in her eyes, and hesitated whether to re-cook the hot and sour noodles.

"...Xue Ji was very depressed.

She hesitated, turned and left the restaurant, not wanting to take a risk for a bite of hot and sour noodles.

The Variety Witch came to the deck, her eyes were still grey.

She saw Miuda, and kicked Daqi's ass to wake him from a deep sleep.

","Oh, why are you kicking me?" Da Qi stood up cursingly, and rubbed his butt.

Miuda widened his eyes and said hoarsely: "It's your turn to be on duty, I'll sleep.

So "fast?" Da Qi stretched out his hand and rubbed his bald head, watching his captain lay down.

He moved his nose and leaned over to Bianda.

"What are you doing?" Miuda, who had just closed his eyes, opened his eyes abruptly and looked at the facial features close at hand. He was so frightened that he stretched out his hand and pushed Da Qi away, with a look of horror on his face.

Da Qi asked, "Have you eaten hot and sour noodles?"

"...Eat it." Da was speechless for a moment.

"Okay, eat alone." Da Qi's eyes widened.

"Cut, I want to eat and cook by myself." Miuda rolled his eyes and closed his eyes again.

Da Qi curled his lips, turned and walked angrily to the kitchen.

"... Xue Ji who was watching all this was speechless.

She came to the side of the boat depressed, staring at the fog in the distance, stretched out her hand and scratched (Li's), as if she could catch it, and as if she could not catch anything.


Suddenly, there was a sound from under the ship, which attracted the attention of the Variety Witch.

She looked down and saw that there was a creature on the boat, which looked like a frog with a tail. It was two meters in size and was gray-brown.

Xue Ji frowned, what kind of sea monster is this?

She hesitated, without making a sound, watching the fierce sea beast slowly climbing upwards.

Xue Ji retreated two steps to test whether the Sea Fierce Beast can see herself.

After trying a few times, I realized that the Sea Fierce Beast couldn't find itself, so he was relieved.


At this time, there were a few more sea beasts on the boat, and they also began to climb up.

The Variety Witch furrowed her brows and looked back at Miuda and others who were still sleeping.

Da Qi had already entered the cabin, no one was on duty at all, and he knew nothing about what was happening before him.

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization.

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