Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1156 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1156: It's like dreaming. (2 more)

Black Tortoise city, high ground.

Yueqinlan and Foxxian looked into the distance. Outside the canopy of the tree of life, there was a vast expanse of whiteness, and the sky was no longer visible.

"It's calmer than expected." Fox fairy reached out and took Yue Qinlan's hand.

Yueqin's blue eyes flickered and said gracefully: "Because of the tree of life."

The rock tortoise entered the storm, and a heavy rain fell on the turtle's back, which lasted less than ten minutes, and the rain stopped.

Fox Fairy smiled and said, "In this case, there is no need to suspend work or class."

Yue Qinlan laughed crisply: "Just in case, but it stopped all the time, so let's resume work and class tomorrow."

The fox fairy leaned his head and exhaled, and asked charmingly, "By the way, don't you tell the citizens, are we going to the New World this time?"

Yueqinlan’s ears became hot, and blushed, “No, for them, it doesn’t make a big difference whether they are in the New World.”

The fox fairy raised her red lips slightly, and said from "Nine-Seven": "That's true, I don't think New World will be better than our Black Tortoise city.

Yue Qinlan nodded in agreement, and said gracefully: "Listen to Muda and Baishuang and they say that Haiting Kingdom is indeed not as good as our Black Tortoise city."

Baishuang personally admitted that Black Tortoise is better than Haiting Kingdom, which can be seen from the life of the city residents.

What else did the Fox Fairy want to say, from the corner of his eye, he noticed the three figures of Mu Liang in the sky.

She smiled and said, "Mu Liang is back.

"Where?" Yue Qinlan looked back.

As soon as her voice fell, Mu Liang, Liyue, and Baishuang fell from the sky and landed beside the two women.

Mu Liang asked calmly, "There is no trouble in the city, right?"

"No, everything is as usual." Yue Qinlan shook his head gracefully.

"Well, that's good." Mu Liang nodded.

He urged: "Remind Shanhaiguan and Qianji Pass to pay attention to the situation in the sea of ​​mist. There is no safety as imagined here."

Yue Qinlan nodded and said, "Okay, I see."

"Mu Liang Lord!!" There was an excited voice from the palace, and Alina ran out with her hair full of powder.

"What's the matter?" Mu Liang's face was controversial.

Alina said with a serious face: "Master Mu Liang, I want to see the Misty Sea, so I can write it in the adventure travel journal."

If you want to write an adventurous travel note, it is best to experience it in person.

Suddenly, Mu Liang smiled gently and said, "Go, let you have a day off today.

"Thank you, Mr. Mu Liang!! Alina's beautiful pink eyes shined, and she turned away excitedly.

Yue Qinlan followed Mu Liang into the palace and asked sideways: "At our speed, can we catch up with Xue Ji?"

"It should not be possible. We have to stay in the misty sea for nearly ten days." Mu Liang shook his head.

The eight-tailed monster wants to build a passage, and the fog it produces every day is limited.

It took six days for Myuda's fleet to traverse the Misty Sea for the first time. Based on speed calculations, the Eight-Tailed Ghost Beast wanted to get through the Misty Sea. At its current speed, I am afraid that it would not be completed in ten days.

"Ten days!!" Hoarshuang bit her lower lip.

Mu Liang turned his head and asked, "Is there a problem?"

"No...Hoarfrost" shook his head dumbly.

Liyue patted the purple-haired girl on the shoulder, soothing: "Don't worry for a while."

Hoarfrost twitched the corner of her mouth and said against her will: "I'm not in a hurry."

"That's good." Mu Liang smiled slightly and turned back to the study.

Bai Shuangzhang pulled his head and sighed back to the temporary palace.

Fox Fairy and Yue Qinlan looked at each other, and they all smiled.

Fairy Fox smiled and said, "I'm going to the commercial area."

Several new stores are going to be opened in the business district these days, so she has to stare at them.

Yue Qinlan waved her hand elegantly: "Go, I have to go to the bureau.

"Let's go." Foxxian replied, twisting and leaving the palace one step at a time.

As soon as Yueqinlan was about to leave, she ran into Bellian and Elder from the transportation ladder.

Bellian asked seriously: "Your Excellency Yueqinlan, has Black Tortoise entered the New World?"

As soon as she woke up, she saw the fog above her head, guessing in her heart that it had something to do with the New World, so she hurried to ask.

Yue Qinlan shook his head and explained: "It's just entering the sea of ​​mist. It will take a few days to reach the New World.

"It turns out that it's all true...Berlian looked in a daze.

Until now, she fully believed in the existence of the New World.

Oasis Four Elder gaped: "The Sea of ​​Mist, New World, it's like a dream.

He has lived for decades, and it is still hard to imagine that there really is a new world in this world, just like a dream.

Bellian raised her eyes and asked, "I want to see the Misty Sea, can I?"

She is very interested in Misty Sea and New World, which are places that have never been in contact before.

Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully: "Yes, you can go to Shanhaiguan, where you can see the sea of ​​mist.

Bellian is already from Black Tortoise, and there is no problem going to Shanhaiguan...

Bellian asked in surprise: "Aren't you going with me?"

"I have something to do, just go in the carriage on the high ground." Yue Qinlan waved her hand and left a word.

"...Bellian looked dazed, a little uncomfortable.

Oasis Four Elder squinted at Bellian, and said quietly: "Three Elder, we are already a member of Black Tortoise."

"Of course I know, it's just a little uncomfortable." Bellian looked indifferent and turned to leave the palace.

Oasis Four Elder made a grimace and followed up with his lips curled.

The two left the high ground and rode a carriage straight to Shanhaiguan Pass in the outer city.

After more than three hours, the carriage stopped outside Wengcheng, and the two got off the carriage and went through Wengcheng and the commercial area to Shanhaiguan.

The on-duty city defense army looked ahead and did not stop the two of them.

Oasis Four Elder murmured: "No one really stopped us.

Bellian was silent, and took the internal transportation ladder of Shanhaiguan straight to the top of the city wall.

When the two came to the city wall, they happened to see Alina standing on the wall, holding a telescope in her hand to observe the sea of ​​mist.

Dianes walked out of the Shanhaiguan Pass and asked calmly: "The two of you are here to appreciate the fog of the Misty Sea?"

"Yes." Bellian pulled the corner of his mouth.

Diane spread her hands and said crisply: "It's all gray and nothing to look at."

Bellian smiled awkwardly and politely, stepped to the side of the city wall, leaped slightly and stood 2.3 on the wall.

She looked at it, her eyes were white, and her head was also white.

The city wall of Black Tortoise is several hundred meters high. With this height and fog, the sea is no longer visible on the top of the city wall.

Bellian turned her head and asked, "Illana Miss, have you found anything?"

"No, I can't see anything." Alina sighed and put down the telescope in her hand.

Bellian raised his hand when he heard the words, and controlled the wind to blow away the mist in front of him.


When the wind stopped, the fog came again and filled the vacancy.

"Nothing to look at, I'm going back." Alina turned and jumped off the walls.

Beliann didn't leave, and sat down on the wall, quietly looking at the fog in front of him, not knowing what he was thinking.

ps; (2 more): ask for customization.

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