Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1159 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1159: Ghost ship. (2 more)


The sea breeze is slowly, and the fog is overseas. There are two 50-meter-long boats parked. There are black flags hung on the tips of the masts and white skulls are painted on them.

These are two pirate ships belonging to the Reid Pirates.

Leide is the pirate leader, a seventh-order powerhouse of body refining.

There are sixty-five members in the Reid Pirate Group, which was newly formed after the great sailing was popular.

In the cabin of the main ship, his subordinates looked at Reid who was sitting and asked, "Boss, Fengda didn't chase after them. When will we leave?"

"Hey, the Fengda Pirates are scared, so they don't dare to provoke us." The other person said with a grin.

Reid opened his eyes, the fatigue in his eyes was still very strong.

He has a strong body, explosive muscles are very exaggerated, giving people the feeling that a punch can penetrate a rock wall.

"Hmph, it's near the sea of ​​mist, and it's normal for them to dare not chase.

Someone curled his lips, an expression that you don't put gold on your face.

"Shut up." Reid's face was fierce, and his voice was not loud, but it weakened the dispute among his subordinates.

He was very depressed, and even more aggrieved.

The Reid pirate group was defeated when competing with the Fonda pirate group for prey, and was chased and killed by the other side for two days before getting rid of the Fonda pirate group by approaching the sea of ​​mist aggrievedly.

The Fengda pirate group is very strong, with three pirate ships, and the members are up to 150 people. The leader Fengda is still an eighth-level master, and the overall strength is much stronger than the Red pirate group.

Ye Fu frowned and said, "Boss, don't you go?"

He is the think tank of the pirate group, 397 is recognized as the person with the highest IQ.

He came to the Misty Sea to escape the hunt and kill of the Fonda Pirates, which he mentioned.

Reid asked in a deep voice, "Do you think it's a good time to leave now?"

"No, I think it's better to hide for two more days." Ye Fu said seriously.

"Reason?" Reid tapped the arm of the wooden chair lightly with his fingers.

Ye Fu explained: "I suspect that Fengda's fleet is still in ambush outside. It is easy to be overtaken by leaving now. w

He is the think tank and strategist of the Reid Pirates, and it is precisely because of his cleverness that he is particularly afraid of death, and has always pursued the concept of caution.

Reid nodded slowly and said hoarsely: "Then wait two more days."

The other pirates looked at each other and did not dare to have any opinions.

In their eyes, Boss Reid is a cruel person. If he dares to go against his wishes, it will be worse than death.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

There were hurried footsteps, and the lookout strode into the cabin, his face full of horror.

He stammered and shouted, "Boss, Boss!!"

"What's the matter?" Reid's face was unhappy.

"Is Fengda's people chasing?" Ye Fu became nervous.

The watchman pointed his finger behind him, with an unbelievable expression on his face, and squatted: "No, it's not... a ship came out of the sea of ​​fog."

"Impossible!!" Ye Fu Teng stood up with a cry.

Leiden said confidently: "No one can go in and come out of the sea of ​​mist."

The watchman blushed and defended: "Boss, I saw it with my own eyes. Those three ships are still in the storm and will be out soon."

"You are dazzled," Ye Fu said mockingly.

The lookout blushed and said anxiously: "Impossible, there are still many people on the deck who have seen it, not just me."

Really "?" Reid stood up slowly.

"You can see it now when you go out." The lookout hurriedly said.

"Go out and have a look." Reid stood up, strode out of the cabin and came to the deck.


The direction of the stern is the sea of ​​fog, the storm is still there, and the lightning is thundering.

In the turbulent wind and rain, the three big ships swayed forward, and every time people thought they would capsize, the danger was finally resolved.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

Reid, Ye Fu and others followed the watchman to the stern, and they also saw the three big ships in the storm.

Really "come from the sea of ​​fog?" Reid frowned and looked at the other pirates who were on the deck.

The pirate nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, I watched these ships come out through the fog.

Ye Fu opened his mouth wide and whispered softly: "We have been hiding here for three days and we haven't seen a boat going in.

Another pirate said in amazement: "There is a ship coming out of the foggy sea, this...I think it's impossible to think about it.

"But it's happening now." Reid grinned, and there was a flash of light under his eyes.

A pirate suggested: "Boss, do you want to grab them?"

"No, be cautious." Ye Fu objected almost instantly.

(bfcd) Reid looked at Ye Fu with the attitude you explained to me.

"Boss, since these ships can come out of the misty sea, it means that they have absolute strength, otherwise they would have died in the misty sea a long time ago." Ye Chuan said with a serious face.

He took a deep breath and continued: "I'm afraid they are the second Funda, we can't afford it."

"...Reid's face was gloomy, as if being poked into a sore spot.

He glared at Ye Fu, but he also echoed: "It makes sense."

Ye Fu remembered something and whispered: "Or maybe these three ships are ghost ships, and there are no living people on them.

"Ghost Ship!!" Everyone exclaimed in an uproar.

Ye Fu said frankly: "This is just my guess."

The watchman thought and said weakly: "I think it's a ghost ship, so it's reasonable, because no one can leave the misty sea alive."

Ye Fu snorted coldly and said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, you'll know when they come out."

"Good." Everyone was eagerly looking forward to it.

In the storm, on the foremost ship, Kodola had already spotted the two big ships outside the storm. The eye-catching black pirate flag changed his expression.

He bowed his head and shouted: "Captain, there is a pirate ship outside the storm!!"

"What!!" Miuda's face was difficult to look.

They had just left the sea of ​​mists, and they were shocked by the news before they were too excited.

"How unlucky!!" Da Qi gritted his teeth.

"What should I do now?" Kodola turned pale, and was wet from the rain.

Xue Ji listened to the movement outside, and she immediately cheered up when she heard the word pirate.

What happened?

She left the cabin in stealth, paying attention to the situation outside.

"Fight with them!!" Da Qi gritted his teeth.

Miuda shook his head and said with a black face: "No, there are so many cargo on the ship. If it is destroyed, we will have nothing."

In order to purchase goods, they have spent their savings in Black Tortoise.

Annoyed, "What should I do, go around?"

"We are in the storm, how do we get around?" Kodola whispered.


There was a thunder in the sky, and lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating everyone's pale faces.

Da Qi made another silly idea: "Then go back to the Misty Sea?"

"No, let's go out, but don't show up." Miuda said suddenly.

"What is this going to do?" Kodola was puzzled.

"If the other party has a smart person, you can scare them." Miuda's eyes flickered.

He explained: "We came out of the sea of ​​fog, and the other party would not dare to act directly on us without absolute certainty."

Of course, if the other party didn't think about it too much, they would be dead.

Bluffing is just a forced attempt.

ps: [2nd update]: The third update for the positive code.

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