Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1161 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1161: Can you stand it? (1 more)


"Master Mu Liang." Xiao Zi knocked on the study door.

In the study, Mu Liang looked up and said, "Come in.

Xiao Zi pushed in and said respectfully: "Mr Mu Liang, Miss Luo will send someone to invite you to come."

"Because of what?" Mu Liang asked calmly.

Xiao Zi said softly: "It's related to the small transport spacecraft."

"I see, I'll go later." Mu Liang casually replied.

He is ordering some documents.

"Okay." Xiao Zijiao nodded her head, stood aside obediently, raising her eyes from time to time and secretly looking at Mu Liang.

She bit her lower lip, she was amazed in her heart, Master Mu Liang is so handsome!!

Ten minutes later.

"Is it on my face?" Mu Liang asked with a smile.

"No...Little Zi Qiao flushed, and quickly lowered her head.

"Let's go." Mu Liang smiled and stood up and walked out of "Nine-Seven".

"Yes." Xiao Zi nodded obediently.

The two left the palace and went to the spirit tool workshop.

In the small shipbuilding workshop on the seventh floor of the high ground, Gallo is inspecting the newly built small transport spacecraft.

It took her less than five days to build the first-generation small transport spacecraft, only one-eighth the size of the giant transport spacecraft.

Mu Liang walked into the shipbuilding workshop and looked at the small transport flight, his mouth slightly raised.

"It's faster than I thought." He said gently.

Luo looked back at Mu Liang, shrugged and said, "I know you don't like procrastination."

Mu Liang stepped forward and looked at the small transport spacecraft up close.

He raised his eyebrows and turned his head in surprise: "This small transport spacecraft is also smaller than I thought."

Luo explained in a crisp voice: "This is the smallest transport spacecraft. The medium transport spacecraft you want will have to wait for half a month to be built."

The transport spacecraft will be divided into three types: large, medium and small, and the focus of different models will be different.

"Okay." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

He turned his head and asked, "Have you tested it?"

"Not yet." Galo shook his head and said warmly: "But you can fly now."

Mu Liang said with interest: "Then I will test flight."

"Let's go together, then." Gallo said as he boarded the small transport spacecraft.

Mu Liang and Xiao Zi followed, and the hatch closed slowly.

Although a small transport spacecraft is only one-eighth the size of a large transport spacecraft, the cabin space can accommodate hundreds of people and can transport tens of thousands of catties of cargo.

Gallo came to the control room, and there were already two junior magicians overhauling the steam engine.

"Alright?" Gallo asked indifferently.

The junior psychic master respectfully said: "My lord, it has been overhauled and can be tested."

"Then fly." Galo ordered coldly.

"Yes." The two junior psychic masters started to operate.


The small transport spacecraft vibrated faster and faster, and then flew off the ground.

The junior psychic tool master operated and let the small transport spacecraft fly at a constant speed until it left the psychic tool workshop and came outside.

"Speed ​​up." Gallo ordered again.

"Yes!" The junior psychic master responded and asked the steam engine to increase its power.


There was a faint golden light on the small transport spacecraft, the speed suddenly Ascension, and it flew ten meters away in the blink of an eye.

Mu Liang stood by the window, looking at the scenery passing by outside, and said with satisfaction: "The speed is much faster than that of a large transport spacecraft."

Gallo said gracefully: "The transport spacecraft is small and has not yet carried any cargo, so the speed is naturally much faster.

The small transport spacecraft also uses the feathers of the running duck, which can be regarded as a high-level magic weapon.

Mu Liang nodded and said, "Well, we can prepare for mass production.

The small transport spacecraft can not only be used to carry people and cargo, but it can become a fortress of war as long as it is equipped with an attacking weapon.

Ruluo shrugged and said helplessly: "With insufficient manpower, mass production is difficult.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand and rubbed his chin, and said softly, "I will ask Qin Lan to recruit people for you."

The transport spacecraft Black Tortoise is very important to the city, and it is the basis for future development and to earn Magical Beasts spar in the New World.

"That's good." Gallo smiled and nodded.

"Go back." Mu Liang said clearly.

"Yes!" Under the control of the junior psychic master, the transport spacecraft turned and flew back to the high ground.

The transport spacecraft landed slowly, the hatch opened, and Mu Liang and others returned to the shipbuilding workshop.

Luo turned his head and asked, "Sir, when will we reach the New World?"

Mu Liang shook his head and said, "You will be able to leave the Misty Sea in five days. As for when you can reach the land, I'm not sure."

It has been five days since the rock turtle entered the Misty Sea.

Calculating based on the current forward speed, it will take about five days to leave the misty sea, and the eight-tailed ghost beast will be able to open the channel of the misty sea.

Luo elegantly nodded: "So..."

"Go ahead, I have something else... Mu Liang left a word and turned around with the little maid to leave.

"Then I won't send it to Lord City Lord." Galo smiled and saluted like a flower.

Mu Liang raised his right hand to swing, and walked away.

He returned to the palace study, where the fox fairy was already sitting.

The fox fairy stood up, reached out to help take off Mu Liang's robe, and asked in a charming voice, "What did you do?"

Mu Liang explained in a clear voice: "The small transport spacecraft has been built, I will check it out.

"Success?" The Fox Fairy stretched his hand around Mu Liang's neck.

Mu Liang put his hand on the back of the foxtail woman's hand and said warmly, "Well, it was a success.

Little Ziyan watched her nose and nose, and took the cold Star Tea and left the study.

Mu Liang reached out to play with the foxtail woman's tail, which felt surprisingly good.

"Don't pinch~~~" Fox Fairy's slender eyelashes trembled, and her rose-red eyes were a little more misty.

"... Mu Liang's throat rolled,

"Ticket.. Does it look good?" The Fox Fairy smiled sweetly, his eyes seemed to be attractive.

"It looks good." Mu Liang nodded slowly, and reached out to tease the long red lips of the foxtail woman.


Fox fairy pressed his lips, beautiful eyes faintly.

Mu Liang's throat rolled again, and he hugged the foxtail woman in his waist and strode towards the lounge connected to the study.

"In broad daylight~~~" Fox Fairy Mei laughed.

Xiao Zi brought hot tea, but there was no one in the study.

2.3 She hesitated, and then left the study quietly.

Wei Youlan walked over, looked at the hot tea in Xiao Zi's hand, and asked in confusion, "Is Mr. Mu Liang away?"

"Yes, Master Fox Immortal is also here." Xiao Zi explained.

Suddenly, Wei Youlan took Xiao Zi's hand and walked out, and said, "Bring tea in two hours."

"Will it take so long?" Xiao Zi blinked her purple eyes, her beautiful eyes full of ignorance.

Master Fox Fairy can bear it?

"Well, it's always like this in the past." Wei Youlan said daintyly.

"I understand." Xiao Zi nodded obediently.

Wei Youlan said earnestly, "You have a lot to learn, I'll talk to you slowly."

"I will learn it seriously." Xiao Zi replied with a serious face.

"Very good." Wei Youlan laughed out two dimples.

ps: (1 update): the second update for the positive code.

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