Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1163 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1163: Leave the foggy sea. (1 more)


Yun Ting raised his hand and knocked on the study door,

She opened the door and entered, blinking her beautiful eyes and said: "Mr Mu Liang, you can have breakfast~~~

"Yeah, I see." Mu Liang replied with a gentle voice.

He pressed down the document in his hand, got up and walked out.

When the two came to the kitchen, Yueqinlan, Minuo and others were already seated.

"Mr Mu Liang." Wei Youlan and other maids said hello in unison.

"Yeah." Mu Liang nodded lightly and sat in the first place.

The Fox Fairy said, "You are getting busier and busier, and you don't remember the breakfast time."

Minuo put the peeled three-color eggs in the Mu Liang bowl and said angrily: "Mu Liang has always been very busy.

"It's okay." Mu Liang smiled, and rubbed the well-behaved girl with rabbit ears.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand and said gently, "Go ahead."


The girls responded in unison, a pair of chopsticks stretched out, and the sound of chewing sounded in the dining room.

The fox fairy swallowed the food in his mouth, and asked in a charming voice, "Mu Liang, I heard that the meat of Magical Beasts from the sea was delivered from Tianmenlou, what are you going to do?"

"Normal cooking is good, or it can be made into a dry pot." Mu Liang said clearly.

When Tianmenlou sent Magical Beasts to the sea, Mu Liang happened to be in the palace and personally inspected the meat of Magical Beasts in the sea, and found that it was very similar to the bullfrog meat in the previous life. It was non-toxic, harmless and edible.

Buff obediently said: "We have learned that we will have Magical Beasts meat in Ganguohai for dinner."

"It's really looking forward to it." The beautiful eyes of the girls lit up, and Mu Liang said delicious food would definitely be very delicious.

Yue Qinlan tilted her head and said gracefully: "Mu Liang, should I leave the misty sea today?"

"Well, it is estimated to be able to leave in the afternoon." Mu Liang nodded warmly.

"Great, I don't know what's fun in New World?" Mino's blue eyes lit up, looking forward to entering New World Life.

Waiting until "Haiting Kingdom, I will take you to play." Mu Liang touched the rabbit-eared girl's ear.

"Yeah." Mino nodded excitedly.

The fox fairy raised her eyebrows and said delicately, "Then we have to take us with her." "

"Okay." Mu Liang smiled.

Breakfast ended in half an hour, and all the girls got busy.

Mu Liang walked to the study, Yue Qinlan was half a step behind.

The two returned to the study, Mu Liang continued to deal with the affairs, and Yue Qinlan accompanied him, approving the various data reported by the Inner City Administration and the Acropolis Administration.


The little maid knocked on the study door.

"Come in." Mu Liang answered without lifting his head.

Xiaomi opened the door and walked into the study, and said in a weak voice: "Mr Mu Liang, Xue Ji Miss has sent another news back."

"Say." Mu Liang kept the pencil in his hand, raising his head slightly to signal.

"Muda's fleet encountered a pirate attack again. This time it was lucky. The pirates encountered were not strong enough and successfully repelled them...Xiaomi said seriously.

"Meet the pirate again!?" Mu Liang raised his head slightly surprised.

After Miuda's fleet left the sea of ​​fog, they had already encountered four waves of pirates, and the frequency was not low.

Xiaomi nodded and said, "That's what Xue Ji Miss said...

The pencil in Mu Liang's hand tapped the tabletop lightly, and he whispered, "The New World is not flatter than imagined."

Yue Qinlan frowned slightly, and said gracefully: "It has only been a few days away from the Misty Sea. They encountered four waves of pirates, can they reach the land safely?"

"It's not important, as Xue Ji can arrive." Mu Liang said calmly.

Yue Qinlan agreed: "That's right, with Xue Ji's strength and those empowering pearls, it is not difficult to escape the attack of pirates."

Mu Liang thought for a while, and said, "Remind Shanhaiguan that pirates in the New World are prevalent, and let them pay attention to the surrounding situation.

"Okay." Xiaoman nodded obediently, turned and left the study.

Yue Qinlan whispered: "Mu Liang, there are so many pirates in the New World, do you want to refuse them to enter the city in the future?"

"No, pirates are also very rich." Mu Liang smiled and shook his head.

"It makes sense." Yue Qinlan blinked her blue eyes.

Mu Liang said calmly: "Pirates dared to make trouble in the commercial area, so they were all arrested. It just happened that the salt mines were not sufficiently manpowered."

"I understand." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully.

She remembered something and suggested: "Speaking of salt mines, Ten Thousand Demons City has been on fire, and the salt mines over there can take over.

Mu Liang thought for a while, nodded and said, "I will let Mu Cava run around.

Ten Thousand Demons City is closer to Wanbolin, just enough to let the wooden clone of the transit base in Flying Bird City pass by.

The salt mine reserves in Ten Thousand Demons City have been enough for Black Tortoise City for hundreds of years.

Yue Qinlan said in a crisp voice: "Well, you can also send someone to garrison and dig out the mine before taking it away."

"No, just let the Mu clone move away." There was a glimmer of light in Mu Liang's eyes.

Yue Qinlan stretched out her hands and closed her long blue hair: "That's fine too."

Mu Liang closed his eyes, communicated with the wooden clone in Asuka City, and passed the news.

After a few minutes, he opened his eyes again.

","The passage is almost ready, I will plant the mist flower. "Mu Liang stood up and said.

He had just received the news from the rock turtle that he was approaching the exit of the Misty Sea, and the eight-tailed monster had also completed the passage.

"I want to go too." Yue Qinlan followed and stood up.

"Okay." Mu Liang walked out of the study, and the two came outside the palace.

With a move of his mind, he took Yueqinlan into the air and flew in the direction of the rock tortoise.

Ten minutes later, thunder could be heard in their ears.

"Just here." Mu Liang stopped.

Yue Qinlan loosened Mu Liang's hand and asked gracefully, "Do you need my help?"

"No, it will be done soon." Mu Liang shook his head and fell to the surface of the sea.

He landed on the sea, and the water separated automatically. The sand and soil on the bottom of the sea gathered and stacked into a small island with the tip of the island tens of meters above the water.


Life Realm is shrouded on a small island and begins to remove salt and toxic substances from the soil.

This process continued (Haonuo Zhao took half an hour before the island became suitable for planting.

Mu Liang took out the seeds of Misty Flower, buried them in the center of the island, and continued to use Realm, skillfully spawning Misty Flower seeds.

Under the alternate use of life element and life Realm, the mist flower quickly grew to a height of 120 meters, becoming an eighth-level mist flower.

"The last step." Mu Liang stretched out his hand and clenched his fist, using the crystal control ability, covering the island with a glass barrier.

The eighth-level mist flower swayed, and the huge flower secreted seven-colored mist, covering the surrounding area of ​​kilometers.


"Finished." Mu Liang clapped his hands and nodded in satisfaction.

He returned to Yue Qinlan's side and stretched out his hand to wrap her waist.

"That's it?" Yue Qinlan looked at Mu Liang, her pretty face flushed slightly.

"Well, let's go back." Mu Liang flew back with Yue Qinlan.

ps: [1 more]: Ask for customization.

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