Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1166 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1166: You are a black shop. (1 more)

The third floor of the Samsung Building.


Ye Fu stood in front of the first guest room, raised his hand to knock on the door, and asked with his throat: "Boss, haven't you washed it yet?"

He and the pirates temporarily moved into the Samsung Building, washed away the greasiness, and were planning to go out to find something to eat.


The door was slammed open.

Reid's hair was damp, and he said with a dark face: "What is the hurry, are you in a hurry to reincarnate?"

"Boss, aren't you hungry?" Ye Fu said with a dry smile.


"I'm not Reid twitched at the corner of my mouth, but my stomach betrayed him first.

Ye Fu's face was teasing, and he joked: "Boss, your stomach is screaming, are you hungry?"

"Go away." Reid raised his hand and knocked on the head of Xia Ye Fu, laughing angrily.

"Hey...Boss, go out to find something to eat." Ye Fu was not annoyed, still accompanied by a smiling face.

"Walk around." Reid pursed his mouth, reminiscing about the scents he smelled in the commercial "April 13" area.

He scratched his hair, closed the door and left.


The two went down to the first floor, and the other pirates were already waiting.

Ye Fu Zhang looked around and asked doubtfully: "Send? Where is that beautiful woman?"

After the reception desk, Xiao Pei said clearly: "Your clerk has something to do. You have already left. Just go out by yourself.

"That's it, it's okay... Reid didn't feel annoyed, and turned around and strode out.

Everyone left the Samsung Building and walked to the noodle restaurant looking for the fragrance.

The staff of the noodle restaurant was taken aback, a group of people walked in mightily, and the first floor of the noodle restaurant was full.

"Well, there are places on the second and third floors. Don't stand here.

The staff politely said: "You will share some people up, and I will show you the menu."

During the upgrading and renovation of the commercial area, the pavement was enlarged a lot, and both the second and third floors were put into use.

Reid waved his hand and said loudly: "Okay, you all go up, don't stand here."


The pirates responded and pushed upstairs.

Reid, Ye Fu and several other powerful pirates stayed on the first floor, looking through the menu in their hands.

"Looking at the name, they all seem to be delicious... Ye Fu hesitated.

There are too many options on the menu, which is dazzling.

"Let's have one for each." Reid said with a grin.

The staff smiled and asked seriously: "Guest, are you sure? Does everyone order a copy of the dishes on the menu?"

"Of course, no nonsense, hurry up." Reid closed the menu impatiently.


The staff was stunned, nodded, and turned around and shouted: "Come a bowl of each and make 60 servings."

"What?" The staff in the kitchen probed out, his face was full of astonishment.

"What the guest strongly requests, you just do." The staff said calmly.

"okay, I get it."

The chef grinned and urged: "You come in and help, there are too many, I can't finish it.

Wait a while, I ask the clerk next to me to help. "The female staff waved her hand and hurriedly left the noodle shop.

After a while, she brought back the staff from the delicious sweet potato shop next door.

"You are crazy, why do you order so many, can you finish eating?"

"Maybe very rich, just do it."

The staff communicated in a low voice, but the speed of the noodles was not slow.

"Aren't they going to go wrong?" The chef looked worried.

The female staff member said angrily: "If they dare to fall back on the bill, they can't do without the business district. I've already sent someone to contact Master Fox Fairy."

"That's good." The chef felt relieved.

"It smells so good." Reid moved his nose and smelled hot and sour powder.

"The first bowl is hot and sour noodles." The staff brought out the cooked hot and sour noodles and placed them in front of the pirates.

It seemed "just delicious." Ye Fu's eyes glowed.


Reid picked up the chopsticks, he was already screaming, and the movements of his hands and mouth couldn't stop at all.

"Hehe is so delicious." He rolled up and down his Adam's apple, swallowing vermicelli.

Smell ~~~

In the noodle restaurant, the sound of sucking noodles resounded.

After eating the first bowl of hot and sour noodles, the second bowl of vegetable noodles was served.

Reid still did not finish saying: "It looks delicious too!!"

Smell ~~~

The noise of noodles sounded again.

After eating the second bowl of vegetable noodles, the third bowl of tomato noodles was served.

The fourth bowl is dumplings.

The fifth bowl is red oil.

The sixth bowl is dry noodles.


"Ah, I can't eat anymore." Reid burped full, his mouth full of spiciness.

His stomach is already bulging, he ate seven bowls of pasta in one go, and he will eat no matter how big his appetite is.

The staff smiled and said, "Everyone has seven bowls left, all of which have been cooked.

"There are still seven bowls?" Reid opened his mouth wide, and there was half a dumpling in his mouth that he didn't swallow.

Ye Chuan said with a bitter face, "Boss, these are delicious, but I really can't eat it..."

He ate five bowls and couldn't eat it anymore. There were two bowls of noodles in front of him...

"Boss, we can't eat it anymore." The other pirates spoke one after another, some with noodles hanging on the corners of their mouths.

"Can you go back?" Reid's eyes twitched, and he looked at the staff with a dry smile.

"No, it's all cooked, it can't be returned." The female staff gestured to the food preparation table behind her, which was filled with large bowls.

"Then don't eat it." Reid said with regret.

The staff earnestly said: "I can help you pack it, you can take it back to eat, don't waste it."

"Also." Reid waved his hand indifferently.

"Pack it." The staff shouted back.

She turned around and gestured to the bill in her hand: "Take off the fraction, everyone has consumed a total of 5,000 second-order Magical Beasts.

"What!?" Reid exclaimed, half of the dumpling in his mouth fell off.

Ye Fu was confused, and said in astonishment: "How many bowls of noodles, 5,000 second-order Magical Beasts?"

"A bowl of noodles is made up of seven second-order Magical Beasts, some of which are more expensive.

The staff took out an abacus and counted it up: "You have a total of sixty people, and each of you ordered 14 bowls of noodles, so the price is correct."

The abacus naturally comes from Mu Liang's hands, so that you can quickly calculate the accounts when you have large transactions.

Reid glared angrily and said loudly: "This, you guys are too dark!"

Ye Fu said with a black face, "That is, why is a bowl of noodles so expensive?"

"Guests, you can't say that. The 2.3 menu has price points and clearly marked prices." The staff explained patiently.

The current noodles are improved, and the meat and soup used in it are not cheap.

After all, the New World is different from the Old World. Vegetables in the New World are precious, but the Old World is very cheap, so the ingredients have changed.

For example, the meat stuffed in dumplings contains meat from Tier 3 fierce beasts and even Tier 5 fierce beasts.

With the addition of flour and other raw materials, it has been spawned through the envelope of life Realm, and eating it often can strengthen the blood.

So, none of the shops in Black Tortoise City are cheap.

After hearing this, Ye Fu picked up the menu, and indeed found the price behind the dishes.

Hot and sour powder; seven second-order Magical Beasts spar or seven primary middle-level beast spars.

Ye Fu turned his head in embarrassment and said, "Boss, there really is a price."

ps: (1 update): the second update for the positive code.

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