Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1180 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1180: to be a beast or a scumbag tonight? (3 more)

Mu Liang looked at the magical potion in the glass bottle, and said calmly: "The side effects are acceptable, and it can save lives in critical situations."

Imagine that you are fighting against the enemy, and the opponent is stronger than you. You can double your strength by drinking the magic potion and successfully reverse the outcome.

Although he would become weak afterwards, he survived after all.

"That's true." Yu Fei'er nodded slightly.

She secretly looked at Mu Liang and could feel his strong heartbeat, which made her blush more and more.

Mu Liang looked at the magic potion, hesitated, and was still going to test the potion himself to see what effect it would have.

He drank the potion in the glass bottle. The mouth of the liquid was sticky and it slowly flowed down from his throat.

Mu Liang's brows were slightly straightened, and the taste of this potion was really disgusting, like drinking a bowl of glue.

Youfei'er watched nervously, observing the changes in Mu Liang.

"It's terrible." Mu Liang smiled bitterly.

"Then I will add some honey next time, it should taste better." Yu Feier said crisply.

"... Mu Liang Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, does adding honey affect the finished medicine?

He raised his hand and knocked on the head of the blond girl, amused, "This is not cooking, so how can I add stuff."

"Actually, there is not much difference between refining potions and cooking, they are almost the same." Yufeier whispered.

Mu Liang nodded funny, the confused girl was right.

He wanted to say something, but his body reacted, a warm air appeared in his abdomen, and then it flowed to the limbs.

Mu Liang raised his brows lightly, feeling that his strength was rising.

Well, shreds of hair.

Mu Liang said calmly, "This magical potion has absolutely no effect on me.

"You are too strong, the magic potion is not suitable for you." Yu Fei'er analyzed.

"Well, it should be." Mu Liang meditated.

Yu Feier continued to analyze: "You can change the medicinal materials in it, or increase the age of the medicinal materials, and use high-grade angel tears as the main medicine. It should be effective."

Among the magical potions, the most important thing is the tears of angels.

And the pharmacists of the New World could not find the tears of angels, and they have not been able to refine magical potions.

Maybe "Well, you can try." Mu Liang said gently.

He felt his body weakened slightly, and the strength he had just increased out of thin air was falling.

Mu Liang said warmly: "This magical potion is suitable for powerful people below the sixth rank and can fully exert its effects.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaoman brought freshly brewed hot tea.

Mu Liang drank three cups of hot tea in a row to dilute the strange taste in his mouth.

Should "can be improved a little bit." Yu Fei Er thoughtfully said.

She was thinking about how to improve the taste of the magic potion and weaken its side effects by the way.

"Resting for a few days, don't worry about this." Mu Liang recruited Yu Fei'er's soft face.

"Okay~~~" Yu Fei'er's pretty face showed a blush.

Mu Liang let go and urged softly, "Go, it's getting late, go back to sleep.

"Well, how about you?" Yu Feier reluctantly got out of Mu Liang's arms.

"I will sleep later." Mu Liang answered casually.

"Okay," Euphel bit her lower lip and hesitated.

Mu Liang asked puzzledly: "What's the matter?"

"Huh~~~" The blonde girl with two ponytails took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind.

She closed her eyes, leaned closer to Mu Liang, leaving a touch of moisture on his face, and then blushed and quickly ran out of the study.

"Huh?" Mu Liang was stunned, there was still warmth on the lips of the blond girl with ponytail.

He blinked his black eyes, and Yu Fei'er became more and more courageous.



The next moment, there was the sound of heavy objects falling from the corridor outside the study, and the painful cry of the girl.

"Miss Mayfair, are you okay?" Xiaomi's panicked voice sounded.

"I'm fine!" Yu Feier's painful voice sounded.

The corner of Mu Liang's eyes jumped.Couldn't it be the confused girl who fell on the ground again?

He hurriedly got up and walked out of the study, only to see Yu Fei'er get up on his own, and left as if to escape.

Mu Liang frowned and asked, "What happened to her?"

"Um.... Left foot tripped and right foot fell." Xiaomi looked uncontrollable.

Sure enough, "." Mu Liang Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Yu Fei'er is as confused as before. Could it be that he has eaten too much poison and eaten his brain badly?

He exhorted: "Send some angel tears over.

"Okay." Xiao Mi answered obediently.

She turned around to leave.

Forget it, "I'll go take a look." Mu Liang stopped Xiao Mi and walked to the side hall where Yu Fei'er lived.

Yu Fei'er still lives in the eighth-floor palace. Although the Liuli Palace on the Tree of Life also has her room, she rarely lives in it because the eighth-floor palace is closer to the institute.

...For flowers...

Mu Liang came to Yu Fei'er's side hall and stood still. There was an inhalation sound in the room.

He Lu Lu Lu raised his hand and knocked on the dll door.

"Who?" Yu Fei Er's nervous voice sounded.

"I, are you okay?" Mu Liang asked aloud.

"Mu Liang!!"

Yu Fei'er exclaimed in a low voice, and a noisy noise came from the room again, as if someone was cleaning up something.

Mu Liang couldn't hold back, worried that the confused girl would hurt him, so he pushed the door open.

Inside, Yu Fei Er was holding a pile of clothes in his arms, and was about to stuff it into the laundry basket.

"Ah, why did you come in." She blushed and put down her clothes quickly.

"Let me see you, does the fall hurt?" Mu Liang smiled helplessly.

Obviously I was injured, and I was still taking care of the image of the room.

"I'm okay." Yu Fei'er held his hands behind his back, a pair of golden eyes fluttering around! Obviously guilty.

Mu Liang stepped forward and said softly, "Let me look at my hands."

"I'm really fine." Yu Feier took a step back subconsciously, flapping her slender eyelashes.

Mu Liang didn't respond, and reached out to grab the hands of the blonde girl with ponytails, revealing her scratched palms.

"Is this okay?" Mu Liang raised his brows, and reached out his hand to flick the bewildered girl's forehead.

"It will be healed later." Yu Feier said with a guilty conscience.

"Don't move." Mu Liang squeezed her hand, and the life element enveloped the wound, allowing the broken skin to heal quickly and quickly become as good as ever.

Yu Fei'er seems to be unable to feel the pain, and has been looking at Mu Liang.

Mu Liang inspected Yu Fei'er's body to see if there were any other wounds.

He glanced at her, and the blonde girl's eyes dodged again.

Mu Liang laughed and said: "If you want to see it, just look at it with integrity. I won't eat you again."

"That, Euphel bit her lower lip.

"Just say something." Mu Liang's eyes were smiling, and the confused girl liked to bit her lip every time she had a request and she was embarrassed to speak.

"Can you stay?" Yu Fei'er mustered up the courage.

Mu Liang was stunned, and a sentence appeared in his mind.

Will you be a beast or a scumbag tonight?

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization. again,

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