Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1195 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1195: Will blood also become fragrant? (3 more)


The melodious bell rang seven times, the night completely faded, and the city of Black Tortoise became lively again.

In the restaurant, Mu Liang and others are having a meal.

In the restaurant today, Baishuang, Yueyi, and Bouvier are all here.

Yue Qinyi chewed the fried eggs and said with envy: "Little Sister, your life is so happy, you can eat such delicious things every day.

Yue Qin's blue eyes were smiling, and she said with horror: "Sister, as long as you stay, you will eat it every day from now on."

"Pick up, I'm still here!" Bai Shuang's eyes widened.

Yue Qinyi is now a member of the Hai Ting Kingdom, how can she dig a wall in front of the Princess of Hai Ting Kingdom?

"Ah, forget it." Yue Qinlan poked out her tongue pretending to be embarrassed.

Yue Qinyi laughed helplessly. She was a savior on one side and a family member on the other. It was difficult to make a choice.

The Fox Fairy smiled like a flower and said: "Baishuang, there is a perfume shop in the commercial area. If you are interested, you can have breakfast and have a look."

Yue Qinlan looked at the foxtail woman in surprise, this perfume has only been out for two days, and the store has been opened?

"Perfume shop?!" Hoarfrost's beautiful eyes lit up.

The Fox Fairy's eyes flickered, and he smiled and said, "Yes, it's a trial operation today, and a limited number of perfumes are on sale."

Baishuang's beautiful eyes glowed, and she said without hesitation: "I'm going!!"

Yue Qinyi glanced at Little Sister, and said with interest: "Black Tortoise also has perfumes, so let's take a look."

She spent a few years in the Kingdom of Hai Ting, and naturally she knew perfume as well.

The corners of Mu Liang's lips rose up. He had already visited the perfume shop yesterday. If aristocratic women go in, they are guaranteed to like it very much.

"Perfume, can you eat it?" Hibbeck blinked her golden eyes.

Yue Feiyan rolled her good-looking eyes, and said with no good air: "Of course not, perfume can only make your body fragrant."

She has seen perfume in her mother's bedroom.

"It makes the body fragrant, and does the blood fragrant?" Sibeqi said, licking the tiger teeth at the corner of her mouth.

Mu Liang Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, shook his head and said: "No."

"Then I'm not interested." Hibeck curled her lips, buried her head and continued to eat.

"Has the blood in your body been absorbed?" Mu Liang asked thoughtfully.

"No, there are many more." Sibeqi hurriedly shook her head.

She remembered the last time she absorbed Mu Liang's blood and almost killed herself.

No, he was on the verge of death to be precise, he was saved by the fountain of life.

There is still half a drop of blood in the vampire girl's body that has not been digested and absorbed, and it will take at least a long time.

Mu Liang nodded and said, "Hey, talk to me after you have absorbed it."

"Okay." Sibeqi's golden eyes gleamed, and she liked Mu Liang even more in her heart.

She hurriedly lowered her head, fearing that Own's eyes would be too straightforward and let Mu Liang find out.

Breakfast ended soon.

Baishuang pulled Yueqin Yixing out of the palace rushingly, got on the carriage after getting off the high ground, and went straight to the outer city business district.

This time there were only two women travelling together. Yue Qinlan and Bu Weier were still busy and had no time to accompany them to the business district.

The carriage galloped on the main street, leaving the inner city and heading straight to the outer city business district.

Yue Qinyi looked out the car window. The train track was not far away. Workers were planting green trees next to the track and building glass fences to separate the tracks.

Hoarfrost looked at the straight track, turned her head and asked, "Great Mage, isn't Black Tortoise very good?

"Yes, it's better than Sarr City." Yue Qinyi nodded seriously.

Hoarfrost touched her pink lips, and smiled, "I feel so too."

She saw too many novel things here, none of them in Haiding Kingdom, even if there were, they were not as good as Black Tortoise City.

"Right." Yue Qinyi smiled, her eyes could not restrain her liking for Black Tortoise.

Bai Shuang's face was exposed and said: "It turns out that the Great Magician Yueyi came from the other side of the sea of ​​mist, no wonder it's different from other magicians in the palace."

In the past few days she lived in the palace, she already knew that Yue Qinyi was not called Yueyi.

"Princess, you probably don't know what the continent of my previous life was like?" Yue Qinyi asked suddenly.

Baishuang said truthfully: "I only know one thing, from the adventure travel notes.

In the adventure travels written by Alina, there are not many descriptions of the urban environment of the old continent.

"Let me talk to you." Yue Qinyi's eyes were filled with memories.

Bai Shuang put on a listening gesture and listened quietly.

"My hometown is called Yuetan Tribe, it is a medium-sized tribe, at least when I left." Yue Xinyi recalled.

"There is no source of water in the tribe. I only rely on Qinlan and I to make water for the people in the tribe to drink..."

"In addition to the lack of water, there is also a lack of food, and there are very few green plants. Because the plants are not alive, many people starve to death and die of thirst every day...

...For flowers...

"..." Bai Shuang stared at her beautiful eyes, filling the picture in her mind.

Our "Yuetan tribe is pretty good, and other tribes are even more miserable. They also don't have a source of water. They can only trade water with those black-hearted merchants, otherwise they will die of thirst."

Yue Qinyi said in a calm tone: "We still have a wave of virtual ghosts over there, you should have seen it.

Bai Shuang nodded slowly, recalling the scene of resisting the wave of virtual ghosts at Shanhaiguan, the overwhelming virtual ghosts made her skin bumps all over her body.

Yue Qinyi asked seriously, "Under such an environment, how incredible it is to have a city like Black Tortoise, do you understand?"

It can be said that it was a miracle.

"I... should understand." Bai Shuang opened her pink lips.

Yue Qinyi smiled and did not continue.



Sure enough, human grief cannot be shared.

Hoarfrost bit her lower lip and remained silent for a long time.

Yue Qinyi didn't speak any more, and continued to look out of the window. The large green areas on the side of the road greeted her, calming her heart.

Baishuang suddenly said: "Great Mage, when I return to Haiting Kingdom, I will tell my father, let him allow you to leave."

Yue Yiran raised her eyebrows and asked, "Let me leave, do you know what is happening in Hai Ting Kingdom?"

"What's the situation?" Hoarfrost blinked her purple and golden eyes.

Yue Qinyi hesitated, do you want to talk to Baishuang about the king's situation?

She hesitated, still sighed secretly, and decided to let Hoarshuang continue to be a carefree princess.

"Nothing." Yue Qinyi tugged at the corner of her mouth and turned her head to the side.

"What? Half-talking." Bai Shuang puffed up.

She proudly said: "I will tell my father, he listens to me the most."

Say "Let's not worry." Yue Qinyi waved her hand.

If she wants to leave, she has to deal with the knight commander and the duke first, and let the throne of the savior sit firmly, so that she can leave with peace of mind.

Bai Shuang curled her lips, turned around and sulked by herself.

However, Yue Qinyi's words made Baishuang leave these things behind.

Yue Qinyi looked out the car window and reminded her back: "Princess, the commercial area is here.

"Perfume, here I am!!" Hoarshuang's beautiful eyes glowed, and the depressed mood was wiped out.

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization. again,

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