Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1202 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1202: Hit workers. (1 more)


Black Tortoise city, in the center of the business district, the Black Tortoise bell on the clock tower was ringing.


On the first floor of the three-star building, in the deepest room, Verissaya woke up from the bed with a yawn.

"It's so comfortable, I don't want to get up." Verissaya lay her eyes on the soft animal skin pillow and wanted to sleep on the bed.

After she came to the business district, she took the pearls she had on her body to the bank and exchanged it for Black Tortoise coins, which was only twenty yuan, so that she could eat and stay for one night in the Samsung Building.

The girl stayed in bed for nearly two hours, and her stomach kept screaming and protesting. She slowly got up and got out of bed until she was too hungry.

"So hungry...Verissaya flat her mouth, turned around and went to the bathroom.

The skin on her body is a little dry, and she needs to be hydrated.

The girl turned on the faucet and let the water wet her arms. The originally dull blue-purple scales returned to their original luster after encountering water.

The siren is special. It is different from human beings after all. Although they can go ashore for life, they need to soak in water every day, otherwise they will lose energy and even lose their strength.


Verissaya closed her beautiful eyes, feeling the water absorbed by the scales, and her skin became hydrated again15.

This process lasted for half an hour, and the girl turned off the faucet, her mental state was much better.


"I'm so hungry, go out and find something to eat." Velissaya wrapped her stomach, losing her energy again.

She cleaned up briefly, and then left the room.

In the reception hall, Xiao Pei, who was sitting behind the counter, raised his head and greeted politely: "Morning!"

Verissaya spoke softly: "Uh, early!"

"Did you rest last night?" Xiao Pei asked with a smile.

Verissa nodded vigorously, and praised sincerely: "Very well, I slept so comfortably for the first time.

"Do you want to continue the stay?" Xiao Pei asked crisply.

Verissaya touched her waist, blushing and embarrassed: "I don't have Black Tortoise coins anymore..."

Xiao Pei blinked her beautiful eyes, tilted her head and asked, "Where is the Magical Beasts spar?

"Neither, Verissaya clutched the corner of her clothes with her little hands, her voice getting quieter and quieter.

The little face was embarrassed: "This is difficult. Without Black Tortoise coins and Magical Beasts spar, I would be hungry in the business district."

Verizaya asked seriously, "Then how can I have Black Tortoise coins?"

She likes it very much. First, she likes the food, and second, she likes the safety and tolerance.

Xiao Pei pointedly said: "Work, or use valuable things to exchange for Black Tortoise coins at the bank."

"I don't have anything to redeem... Verissaya is lost.

Xiao Pei thought for a while and suggested: "Then you can find a job in the commercial area, provided that you are clean enough."

The prerequisite for hiring people in the business district requires the identity of the other party to be undoubtedly, not a spy of other forces, and will not do anything to harm the interests of Black Tortoise City.

"Clean? Verissaya" blinked her dark blue eyes.

Xiao Pei didn't explain too much, but said angrily: "You go to the treasure building to find Master Fox Fairy, she can decide whether you can stay in the business district and work."

"Okay." Verissaya nodded, knowing where the treasure building is.

When she went to the bank yesterday, there was Zhenbao Building behind her.

The girl left the Samsung Building, distinguished the direction, and walked to the Treasure Building hungry.

Soon after, she stood outside the treasure building, looking at the decorated and magnificent facade, hesitated to enter.

Just when Verissaya hesitated, a seductive voice came from behind.

The fox fairy twisted step by step, and the eight tails behind him swayed.

She looked at Wei Li Shaya, who was beautiful and beautiful, and said Juan: "If you like it, go in and take a look. The Treasure House will not eat people.

Verissaya turned her head, and after seeing the face of the foxtail woman, she took a breath.

"Interesting person." Fox Fairy laughed out loud, looking at the girl's dazed expression, she found it very funny.

Verizaya looked at the foxtail of the foxtail woman, and said awkwardly: "I, I'm here to find Master Fox Fairy.

She was surprised that human beings are also heterogeneous, and that hairy tail really wants to get started.

She, who left the Kraken's residence for the first time, didn't know much about the human world, let alone the existence of orcs.

"I am, what's the matter?" The fox stepped and stopped in front of Verissa.

The foxtail woman in high heels is a head taller than Velissaya with bare feet, bringing a lot of oppression.

"Ah, you are Master Fox Fairy?!" Verissaya took two steps back, trying not to make herself timid.

Xian raised his brows and asked amusedly: "Do I look scary?

"No, it's not." Verissa shook her head vigorously.

"Let's talk about it, what can I do?" The fox held his arms in front of him, and the tail behind him wrapped his body.

Verissaya whispered: "I want to work in the business district and earn Black Tortoise coins"

The girl's idea is to stay in the business district and complete three years of experience.

The clan rule of the Kraken clan is that the sixteen-year-old Kraken must go out and practice for three years, but there is no requirement on where to practice.

The Fox Fairy was surprised, and asked calmly, "Then tell me, why do you want to work in a commercial area?

"Because I want to earn Black Tortoise coins, Verissa Ya lowered her head.

"Then what?" The Fox Fairy looked at the girl amused.

"Then buy something delicious." Verissaya's little fingers entangled with each other, a little embarrassed.

"Just for this?" Fox Fairy wanted to laugh more and more.

Verissa raised her head and nodded seriously: "Yeah."

"Where are you from?" The Fox Fairy circled the girl and looked at the scales on her body.

Verissaya hesitated and told the truth: "The depths of Dadinghai..."

"How did you come to Black Tortoise?" the fox fairy asked again.

Verissaya hesitated again, and finally sighed, telling the truth embarrassingly.

"I was attacked by Magical Beasts of the sea, and then I woke up outside the hanging pavilion?" The fox fairy showed a strange look.

"What I said is true, I didn't lie to you." Verizaki hurriedly explained.

"I will verify." The Fox Fairy waved his hand, with an answer in his heart.

She looked at the girl, and then asked, "Is there anything else you want to tell me? 473

Verissaya took a deep breath and asked in a weak voice, "I am a siren, will it be dangerous if I work in a commercial area?"

"Sea-Monster?" The Fox Fairy showed a look of surprise, what is a Sea-Monster?

"Yes. Verissaya" observes the foxtail woman's expression, trying to see something in her face.

The fox fairy thought for a while, and said calmly: "As long as you don't violate the laws and regulations of Black Tortoise, you will be safe in the business district, and no one can make trouble here."

"Then I can work here?" Verissaya was energetic, her dark blue eyes full of expectation.

Fox Fairy said: "The perfume shop is just short of people. You can try it. You can stay in the three-day shift if you have no problem."

Wei Li Shaya has a beautiful face and is very suitable for working in a perfume shop and can attract customers to buy perfume.

"Yes, I will work hard." Verissaya showed excitement.

The fox fairy gasped and laughed, half jokingly said: "Don't be too happy, if you let me find out that you have other attempts, you will be more uncomfortable than death.

"No, I don't have any other thoughts. Verissaya" trembled and shook her head quickly to say no.

The Fox Fairy lifted his chin and motioned: "Go, it will be very busy this afternoon, first go to the perfume shop to adjust to the environment.

This afternoon, the rock turtle is approaching Haiting Kingdom, and the business district will be open to the public as usual.

"Yes." Verissaya nodded vigorously.

ps: (1 more): the positive code is the second more,

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