Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1208 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1208: Super Magic. (1 more)

Hoarfrost's purple and golden eyes lit up, and he was surprised: "Mu Liang gave Star tea!?"

The Fox Fairy said in a crisp voice: "Yes, Star tea of ​​three catties and ten grades.

"What is Star tea?" the king asked, turning his head.

Hoarfrost's beautiful eyes shone, and she introduced: "Father, Star tea is a good thing. Drinking it can prolong your life and increase your mental energy..."

The king became serious when he heard the words. If what his daughter said is true, then this Star tea is a very precious treasure.

He put down the ceramic tea set in his hand, picked up the glass box containing Star tea, and took a closer look.

The fox fairy folded his hands in front of him and said gracefully: "Your Majesty, I am here to represent our Lord of the City this time. I want to establish diplomatic relations with your kingdom and conduct trade cooperation...

She was talking about what Mu Liang taught her, but she just polished it up a bit.

King Haiding thought about what the fox fairy said, although the words sounded weird, the overall meaning was clear.

Bai Shuang suggested: "Father, let's invite His Excellency Mu Liang to come to the dinner, and then sit down and talk in detail.

The king nodded thoughtfully, "Well, you can."

He raised his eyes to look at the fox fairy, and said calmly: "Thank you City Lord for me. I invite him to the palace dinner and hope he can come.

The fox said gracefully: "Okay, I will repeat what your Majesty means.

The king smiled and nodded, and his attention once again fell on the ceramic vase and tea set.

The fox fairy shook the fox's tail, and said clearly, "Your Majesty, then we will go back first.

The king raised his head and said calmly: "Okay, Yue is afraid that you will give one to Lord Fox Fairy."

"Okay." Yue Qinyi bent her knees slightly.

She took Fox Xian and Yao Er out of the main hall, and walked outside the same way.

In the main hall, only Hoarfrost and the king remained.

The king took his daughter by the hand and asked earnestly: "Shuang'er, tell the truth, where did you go after you left the palace?"

He still didn't believe in the claims of another continent in Black Tortoise, and suspected that his daughter was blinded.

"Father, what I just said is true!" Bai Shuang's beautiful purple-gold eyes widened, looking sad.

"It's all true?" The king frowned slightly.

"Of course it is true. After I left the palace, I joined an adventure team and went to sea with them...

Bai Shuang said angrily: "I encountered a storm later and accidentally went to the other side of the misty sea. These are all true.

Really "?" The king frowned deeper, and his deep eyes stared at his daughter without blinking.

"It's true." Bai Shuang nodded calmly.

"...The king leaned back slowly, remembering that there was another continent, and all the ceramic vases at hand lost its appeal.

Bai Shuang said with a stern face and serious: "Father, don't hit Black Tortoise City's idea."

The king gave a wry smile and asked, "Shuang'er, do you know what father is thinking?"

"Of course I know." Bai Shuang exclaimed, an expression that I had already seen through you.

Before her father could speak, she became serious, and said in a serious tone: "Father, don't provoke Black Tortoise. We can't beat them."

"Are you sure?" The king was surprised, why would his daughter say such a thing?

"I'm pretty sure." Hoarshuang nodded vigorously.

She earnestly said, "Father, Mu Liang is a strong saint."

"Holy Step!?" The king's pupils suddenly enlarged, and his voice increased a little.

The strength of the New World is divided into the king, the holy, and the supreme after the first to the ninth.

Bai Shuang said solemnly: "Yes, not only Mu Liang, but also the little Black Tortoise is also Saint-tier Magical Beasts. There are many ninth-tier and king-tier Magical Beasts in Black Tortoise, all of which I have seen with my own eyes.

"Shuang'er, don't lie to father." The king's tone also became serious.

Bai Shuang stomped her feet and raised her voice: "Father, what I said is true!!"

"...The king twitched the corner of his mouth, thinking.

Baishuang said with her arms on her hips and said softly: "Father, if you don't believe me, please ask your mother to come over and let her perform truthful magic."

Her mother, who is also the queen of Haiting Kingdom, is only Tier 6 in strength, but she can use truth magic.

Truth magic, as its name suggests, is magic that allows people to tell the truth, a super magic that is extremely difficult to learn.

This kind of magic is special and talented. It has nothing to do with the strength of power, and corresponds to the strength of the soul.

Of course, due to its characteristics, the damage is much worse than that of ordinary elemental super magic.

Magic is also divided into levels, from strong to weak, they are forbidden magic, celestial magic, super magic, high rank magic, mid rank magic, and elementary magic.

"No, I still believe what Shuang'er said." The king embarrassed.

"You don't believe it." Hoarshuang rolled her eyes, she didn't look like a princess at all.

"Hahahaha, I believe it, I really believe it." The king laughed, and he was in a much better mood.

When he decided to wait for the dinner, he would first test the depth of the Black Tortoise City Lord, and then decide what to do later.

Hoarfrost took the king's hand, shook it back and forth, and groaned: "Father, I really didn't lie to you, Black Tortoise really can't afford it, it's too strong."

"I see." The king patted his daughter's hand to soothe her emotions.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

There were hurried footsteps outside the main hall.

"Shuang'er, is my Shuang'er back?" Before anyone arrived, the anxious voice came into the main hall first.

"Mother!!" Hoarfrost stood up.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

Fu Lingna walked quickly into the main hall, and she saw Hoarfrost at a glance, and her purple-golden eyes turned red in an instant.

"Mother, I miss you so much." Bai Shuang flew over and hugged Fu Lingna.

Fu Lingna's tears fell down, holding her daughter into tears: Shuang'er "Ah, you are finally back."

She is the queen of Haiting Kingdom and the mother of Baishuang. She has long golden hair and is pinned behind her head by a hairpin. Her appearance is similar to that of Baishuang.

"Mother, I'm sorry, I shouldn't run out willfully, and I worry about you.

Bai saw crying and admitted his mistakes, tears falling down like no money.

"Shuang'er, you are about to die and I will be fine now. It's okay... Fu Lingna patted her daughter's back lightly and said something to comfort her.

"Okay, don't cry anymore), let others see it is not good." The king sighed.

"Huh, who can see?" Linna glared at the king.

"Lina." The king said a little more helplessly.

"Shuang'er, follow me to the apse and let me take a good look at you." Fu Lingna took her daughter's hand and turned to leave.

"Mother, wait, I haven't got my perfume yet. Hoarfrost" smiled on her teary face.

"Did you buy perfume again?" Fu Lingna asked in surprise.

Hoarfrost said with interest: "Yes, I bought it from Black Tortoise. It is better than the perfume of our Haiding Kingdom. You will love it, mother."

"What perfume can be better than those perfumes in your collection?" Fu Lingna was surprised.

"You'll know later." Baishuang carried the wooden box and was dragged away by the queen.

Sitting in the main hall, the king looked at the ceramic vase at hand, once again lost in thought.

ps: [1 update: the second update of the correct code. military,

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