Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1210 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1210: Seize the opportunity to make a fortune. (3 more)

Outside the city of Sayon, at the port.

The people who fled back came back, because there was news from the palace that Hai Magical Beasts would not attack the city of Sayon. It also said that there was a city on Hai Magical Beasts with an area for foreign trade.

Really "Someone will build the city on Magical Beasts of the sea?"

"In my opinion, it's better for everyone to leave here quickly. If Magical Beasts of such a big sea becomes angry, Saron's Domain will be destroyed."

"It is said that the big city on Hai Magical Beasts is called Xuan-Wucheng...

Some people believe it, and naturally others suspect that all kinds of news spread all over the city of Saroner at an alarming speed.

In the Yuzheng Commercial Bank, Yuzheng received the news from the butler Ahuang. He was stunned when he saw the three words Black Tortoise City.

"Black Tortoise City!" Yuzheng thought of what Xue Ji said. She came from Black Tortoise City, and Star Tea is also available in Black Tortoise City.

He raised his head and quickly asked, "Ahuang, where is Master Xueji?"

The steward replied: "The master went out very early and has not returned yet."

"Is it back to Black Tortoise?" Yuzheng frowned.

He walked back and forth in the room, feeling uneasy.

He only understood what the Variety Witch had said at the beginning. It turned out that Black Tortoise was built on the body of Magical Beasts of the sea and could be moved.

"Prepare the car, I'm going to Black Tortoise City." Yuzheng raised his head and said.

The butler's expression changed, and he persuaded: "My lord, there are too many unknowns in Black Tortoise. It is too dangerous for you to go personally."

"Prepare the car!" Yuzheng said firmly.

"Yes." The butler sighed secretly and turned to prepare the animal cart.

The animal cart is similar to the horse cart in Black Tortoise, except that the cart is the domesticated herbivorous Magical Beasts.

Yu Zheng's eyes flickered, and there was a bold idea in his heart, that is, to buy all Star tea in Black Tortoise City, which is to buy out Star tea.

He understands the value of Star tea and dares to take this risk.

"It takes a lot of gold coins and Magical Beasts spar... Yuzheng tapped the arm of the wooden chair with his fingers, and it was rhythmic.

With the magical effects of Star tea, the price will naturally not be low. He wants to buy all Star tea, which requires a huge sum of money.

The corners of Yuzheng's lips were slightly raised, and he said confidently: "With the wealth of Yuzheng Commercial Bank, you should be able to buy all Star tea.

It didn't take long for the butler to return and inform him that the animal cart was ready, and he could set off for Black Tortoise at any time.

"Let's go, go to Black Tortoise City now." Yuzheng stood up.

"Father, I want to go too." Yu Feier rushed into the room happily.

Her complexion at this time had returned to normal, and apart from her body being a little bit angry, she had no other symptoms.

Yu Zheng softly persuaded: Fei'er, "You are not completely well, so don't go.

Yu Feier said weakly: "Father, I have been at home for a few months, and I am about to get moldy. I want to go out and have a look."

Yuzheng looked serious, and continued to persuade: "Fei Er, Black Tortoise is unknown, it may be dangerous, you still don't go."

"Father, do you go if you are in danger?" Yu Feier asked, tilting his head.

"This... Yuzheng's face was embarrassed.

It is precisely because there are so many unknowns in Black Tortoise that he has to go up and see before others in order to seize the opportunity and earn wealth.

Yu Feier took her father's hand and said coquettishly: "Father, let's go together~~~

"Hey, let's go together." Yuzheng smiled helplessly, and rubbed his daughter's head with his hand.

He thinks that he is strong and it is no problem to protect his daughter's safety.

"Then father, let's go quickly." Yu Feier took her father's hand and walked out excitedly.

Yu Zheng let his daughter get into the carriage, and under the protection of six guards, the animal carriage drove towards the port.

The cart is a horned beast, a herbivorous Magical Beasts, known for its smooth temperament.

He looks like an earth cow, but only has a single horn on his head, and his body is more robust.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

More than half an hour later, the car came to the port, and the guards looked at the rock tortoise in the distance and involuntarily exclaimed.

Yuzheng and Yufeier probed out of the carriage and saw the giant rock turtle, their expressions changed involuntarily.

"Father, what a big sea Magical Beasts." Yu Feier was amazed, her eyes lit up.

Yuzheng twitched his mouth and looked at his excited daughter. He didn't know whether to comfort her boldness or envy her innocence.

The guard swallowed his saliva and asked in a harsh voice, "My lord, do you really want to go there?"

"Stop talking nonsense, go quickly." Yu Zheng said solemnly.

"Yes." The guard stubbornly replied, and drove the horn beast to pull the car up the Cloud Avenue and head straight to the rock turtle.

At the port, the people looked at the animal carts driving onto Yunwu Avenue and couldn't help but exclaim.

"That's the animal cart of Yuzheng Commercial Co., Ltd. Why did it go up?"

...For flowers...

"Everyone from Yuzheng Commercial Bank has gone up. There should be a big city on Hai Magical Beasts. I want to see it.

The people exclaimed again and again, but some bold people followed.

There are one or two. More and more people are walking up Yunwu Avenue, wanting to see what the opposite side is like.

"Father, we are running in the sky!!" Yu Feier looked out of the car window, blushing, obviously more excited.

"Be careful, don't stick your head out." Yu Zheng grabbed her daughter's hand, lest she jumped out too excited.

"Father, it's okay." Yu Feier was so courageous, half of her body stuck out of the car window, her hair messed up by the wind.

Yu Zheng trembled, and pulled his daughter back: "Fei'er, don't make trouble.


Yu'er was seated, but Meihui still stared outside.

More than ten minutes later, Zeng car approached the hanging pavilion, and the guards of Yuzheng Commercial also saw the heavily armed city defense forces.

"My lord, there is someone in front." the guard said loudly.


The car door opened and Yu Zheng looked forward and saw the city defense forces.

The speed of the animal car slowed down, and Yu Zheng saw that the city defense army did not move and did not stop them from approaching, feeling puzzled.

He hesitated, but still ordered: "Go on.

"Yes!" The guard gritted his teeth, biting his scalp and moving on.

The animal car slowly drove down the Yunwu Avenue, and finally stopped on the square in front of the Hanging Pavilion.


Yu Zheng and Yu Feier got out of the car.

Dianes stared at the two people who got in and out of the car, her expression still indifferent.

She took two steps forward and asked quietly, "You want to enter Black Tortoise?"

!!" Yu Zheng was looking at Dianes, recognizing that the armor on her body was a high-level magic tool, and he was shocked.

He looked at the other city defense forces and recognized the armor on his body, the last being the basic magic equipment.

"Yes." He nodded solemnly in response.

Diance raised her chin slightly, and said calmly, "Black Tortoise is forbidden to bring weapons into it. You can choose to store it or leave."

Yuzheng frowned, thought for a moment, and turned around and said: "Leave the two to take care of the weapons, and the rest will put down their weapons and follow me into the city."

ps; (3 more); Seek customization. again,

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