Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1213 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1213: People rely on clothes, horses and saddles. (3 more)

Highlands, palaces.

Fox fairy came out of the liaison room in the side hall, and walked towards the study.


"Mu Liang, are you busy?" She knocked on the study door.

"Don't come in." Mu Liang's gentle voice sounded.


Fox fairy opened the door and walked into the study, and walked to Mu Liang who was sitting behind his desk.

"What's the matter?" Mu Liang raised his eyes and asked.

The Fox Fairy sat sideways on Mu Liang's lap, wrapped his hands around his neck, and said in a charming voice: "There is news from the treasure building that someone wants to buy all the Star tea leaves there and has already given a deposit."

"Buy it all?" Mu Liang looked surprised.

"Yes." The Fox Fairy nodded.

Mu Liang raised his brows and asked curiously, "Who is that guest?"

The Fox Fairy said in a charming voice: "I don't know, but it has been checked. It may be a member of the royal family."

"Well, it is possible." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

The gift he gave to the King of Haihe included Star tea. It does not rule out that he wanted to buy more Star tea after drinking Star tea.

"It doesn't matter who it is, it's good to be able to sell it." The Fox Fairy said indifferently.

"That's right." Mu Liang smiled.

The Fox Fairy smiled and said, "Fortunately, there are still a lot of Star tea leaves in the inner city warehouse.

"With the tree of life, there are as many low-level Star tea leaves." Mu Liang gently rubbed the foxtail woman's waist with his hand.

The tree of life is already ten first-level. Just a leaf on a branch can make a thousand catties of fifth-level Star tea.

"This will make many people jealous." The Fox Fairy stretched out his hand and gently pinched Mu Liang's earlobe.

"I like it as long as they are jealous, but they can't help it." Mu Liang said with a clear laugh.

Slightly "Slightly~~~" The Fox Fairy smiled again and again.

The two laughed, and the fox fairy charmingly asked, "Are you going to a banquet?"

Mu Liang said that he looked at the swinging clock on the wall. It was already four o'clock in the afternoon. It would take at least three hours to drive from the high ground to the palace in Saroner City. It was time to set off.

At this time, Lu Lu Lu, the door of the uz study room! happened to be knocked.

The next moment the door was pushed open.

Yue Qinlan walked into the study and urged softly: "Mu Liang, the carriage is ready, and it's time to change clothes and set off." Qi. "

"Then change clothes." Mu Liang smiled and stood up.

"Master Mu Liang, we are waiting for you to change your clothes." Buff and Yunsuo walked into the study, holding the ironed robe and lining in their hands.

Mu Liang raised his hand skillfully, letting the two maids fiddle with him, took off his top and robe, put on a new coat and a more elegant new outer robe.

The new outer robe is black, with nine five-claw golden dragons embroidered on it, and the collar is a purple auspicious cloud pattern. This robe was made in half a month, just for today.

"It's so beautiful." Fox Fairy Mei's red eyes lit up, and Mu Liang, who put on her new robe, became more handsome and noble.

Yue Qinlan also praised: "The clothes that are made with care are different."

"You can make a few more clothes like this, change the color and pattern." The Fox Fairy smiled and groaned.

"Well, I think so too." Yue Qinlan nodded in agreement.

Mu Liang raised his hands and looked at the two women amusedly.

The little maid is helping him comb his hair and tidy up his messy long hair.

When he came into this world, he hadn't cut his hair before, and his hair had grown to his waist.

This is related to the high strength of his body's four-dimensional properties, and his hair grows faster.

Go get "camera, take a picture of Mu Liang." Foxxian suggested.

"Yes." Yue Qinlan turned and left the study upon hearing this.

"Really... Mu Liang Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, does he really look so good in his new robe?

It didn't take long for Yueqinlan to return, holding a camera half a meter long and wide.

Yue Qinlan operated the camera and smiled gracefully: "Mu Liang, take a pose."

Mu Liang thought for a while, and decided to cooperate.

He stretched out the back of his left hand, picked up the book on the table with the other hand, turned two pages at random, posing as if he was reading a book.


With a flash of light, Yue Qinlan pressed the fierce beast spar on the camera and took pictures of Mu Liang's appearance.

"How is it?" The Fox Fairy asked with a smile.

Yue Qinlan turned on the camera and took out the color photo.

Mu Liang in the photo lowered his head slightly and focused on the book in his hand. It looked like he had been captured by accident, but it was natural.

"It's so beautiful." Yue Qinlan praised without hesitation.

The Fox Fairy looked at Mu Liang in the photo, and his mouth made a squirting noise.

Mu Liang stepped forward curiously and looked at himself in the photo. He couldn't help but raise his brow, and there was a lot of smile on his face.

He sighed: "As the saying goes, people rely on clothes, horses and saddles. The ancients don't deceive me."

"What and what?" Yue Qinlan rolled her beautiful eyes, and Mu Liang was saying something she couldn't understand again.

"You can hang it up, just hang it in the main hall." Fox fairy suggested.

"It's up to you." Mu Liang smiled carelessly.

"Mu Liang, can we leave?" The study door was pushed open again, and Liyue walked into the study.

The silver-haired girl was stunned when she saw Mu Liang, her silver-white eyes lit up visible to the naked eye.

Hu Xianjiao smiled and asked, "Liyue, is the current Mu Liang good-looking?"

"Mu Liang has always looked good." Liyue's pretty face flushed slightly, but her words were serious.

"Liyue is right." The fox fairy looked at Mu Liang with a wry expression.

Mu Liang Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, his fingers flicked the foxtail woman’s forehead lightly, and he said clearly: "Okay, it's getting late, let's go."

Let's go". The fox fairy naturally took Mu Liang's hand.

A few people left the palace, and the moon wolf cart was already ready on the square, and Alina was already waiting.

In addition to the twelve highland guards who went to the banquet with Mu Liang this time, there were also Fox Fairy, Liyue, Alina, Yun Ting, and Yao Er who can see through lies.

"Mu Liang is so handsome today." Yao Er opened her pink lips slightly and looked at Mu Liang in amazement.

"Master Mu Liang has always been pretty [Mano's]." Yun heard the same words as Liyue.

Mu Liang shook his head and stepped into the carriage.

"Pay attention to safety and contact Gaodi as soon as possible." Yue Qinlan urged.

"Yes." Mu Liang opened the car window and nodded slightly towards Yue Qinlan.

"With me here, there will be nothing wrong with Black Tortoise." Yue Qinlan raised her hand and held her horned long hair.

Fox fairy and Riyue also got on the carriage, and Alina and the two maids were sitting outside the carriage.

"Let's go, it's late." Yue Qinlan waved her hands elegantly.

"Well, let's go." Mu Liang gave an order.

Tender woooo~~~

The moon wolves looked up to the sky and howled neatly, pulling the carriage away and galloping away.

"Hope it goes well." Yueqin's blue eyes flashed with blue water.

She watched the moon wolves leave until they couldn't see them.

. . . . . . :military.

ps: [3 more]: Ask for customization.

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