Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1221 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1221: The dark Life moves towards the light. (2 more)

Outside the city of Sayon, in front of the port.

Xue Ji showed her figure behind the wall with Susu in her arms.

Susu looked behind him and whispered, "Big sis, they don't seem to be chasing."

"Well, it should be all right." Xue Ji breathed a sigh of relief, and the effect of the energizing pearl in her body just disappeared.

Susu heard the words and looked at the forehead of the Variety Witch, and said in surprise: "Big sis, your snow luck is gone.

"That's good." Xue Ji smiled, believing the girl could see a person's luck.

Susu knelt down, blinked her beautiful eyes and stared at the Variety Witch, and asked enthusiastically, "Big sis, are you a dual-system magician?"

"I am not." Xue Ji replied casually.

Su Su was stunned, tilted his head in doubt and asked: "Send, not a magician, what happened to the water magic and earth magic just now?"

Xue Ji let out a sigh, and said mysteriously: "That's a secret, but I really don't "May 20" be a magician.

"Well... Susu was sensible and didn't ask.

Let's go, "It's safe to go back to Black Tortoise City." Xue Ji stood up and took the girl's hand and walked out.

Susu only saw the rock turtle in the distance, with huge beautiful eyes. When he was about to exclaim, he was covered by the Variety Witch, and the scream was blocked in his throat.

"Calm." Xue Ji curled her lips and said.

Susu's slender and curled eyelashes fluttered, the shock in her eyes remained unchanged, and she nodded stiffly.

Xue Ji put down her hand and took the girl to continue walking towards the port.

The girl stared at the huge behemoth in the distance, her heart beating faster and faster.

"It's called Little Black Tortoise, and Black Tortoise City is behind it." Xue Ji introduced.

"Oh... Susu swallowed hard, and his slender legs became soft.

Xue Ji turned around and asked, "Are you afraid?"

Not afraid"... Susu bit his lower lip and shook his head.

"It's okay, it's fun." Xue Ji smiled, holding the girl's hand and walking down the Cloud Avenue.

"Yeah." Susu's mouth was flat and followed her on Microsoft's Cloud Avenue.

There are many people in front of them, all of whom are going to Black Tortoise.

"Big sis, are they all going to Black Tortoise, too?" Susu asked weakly.

"Hey, Black Tortoise has a business district that is open to the outside world. There are many good things there." Xue Ji's tone became more proud.

Susu's eyes showed a look of yearning, and the fear in his heart diminished a lot.

The sky was getting brighter, and a bell rang in their ears.

"What sound is this?" Su's spirit was shocked.

"That's the bell." Xue Ji listened, the bell rang six times, which meant it was six o'clock in the morning.

Her eyes lit up, and she urged: "It's six o'clock, go hurry, you should be able to hurry back to the high ground for breakfast."

Susu didn't know, so he just ran with the Variety Witch.

She turned her head to look at the sparkling sea in the distance, then looked back at the city of Saroner, her heart became clear, as if she had gone from the dark life to the light.

The girl knew that her life would be different in the future.

She yearns for a new life and has aspirations in her heart.

Twenty minutes later, the two stepped onto the square in front of the Hanging Pavilion.

In front of the Hanging Pavilion, there were already people queuing into the city.

Xue Ji took the girl and walked straight to the rapid entrance to the city. Before the city defense army could speak, she took out a token made of colored glass from her waist.

After taking it, the city defense army carefully checked and confirmed that it was true, before allowing Xue Ji and the girl to pass through the hanging pavilion.

Susu didn't dare to speak the whole time, but followed the Variety Witch, looking around with inquiring eyes.

The two stepped up the long stairs, came to Shanhaiguan, showed the token again, and entered the commercial area smoothly.

"It's so clean." Susu powder opened her lips slightly, and looked around blankly.

She lives in a slum. Dirty and chaos is the norm there. Even in Saroner City, it is not clean here, and there is not even any unpleasant smell here.

Xue Ji led the girl forward and said clearly: "Go to the high ground first, and then take you around the commercial area when you are free.

"Okay." Susu responded cleverly.

The two passed through the commercial area and walked into the city of Weng.

The Variety Witch took off her black robe, revealing the colorful ghost armor.

"Come with me." Xue Ji walked out of Weng City, with a carriage parked beside the city gate and two Tier 6 worker bees.

She showed the token again and said coldly: "I want to use the worker bee."

The city defense army guarding the worker bees checked the token and quickly and respectfully asked, "Where are you going, your lord?"

"Go to the high ground." Xue Ji said calmly.

"Okay. The city defense" army turned around to prepare the worker bees and recorded it.

Susu looked curiously, standing beside the Variety Witch timidly, expecting something.

Five minutes later, Xue Ji took her to sit on Gong Feng, the girl still hadn't recovered...

"Sit down." Xue Ji turned around and patted the girl's pretty face lightly.

"Ah? Good." Susu came back to his senses, her pretty face slowly turning white.

"It's okay, hug." Xue Ji exclaimed.

She pulled the joystick of the flying saddle, Gongfeng flapped her wings and took off. After flying at an altitude of 100 meters, she flew at full speed toward the high ground.


Susu exclaimed and hugged the Variety Witch's waist tightly with both hands.

Xue Ji smiled like a flower and said: "Hahaha, it's fun, don't be afraid."

Susu remained unmoved and closed her eyes all the way, until Xue Ji reminded her that she was about to reach the high ground, and she opened her eyes.


The worker bee hovered in the air and finally landed outside the high ground gate.

Susu's expression was dull, and his attention was attracted by the huge canopy above his head.

"This is the sacred tree of Black Tortoise." Xue Ji introduced.

She got down from the worker bee, and hugged the girl in a daze.


The worker bee flapped its wings and flew in the direction it came.

Xue Ji pulled the girl's hand and urged: "Don't be shocked. If you don't go faster, you won't be able to eat breakfast."

"Okay." Susu came back to his senses, and after checking by the highland guards, followed the Variety Witch into the highland.

When returning to the palace, the maids were bringing breakfast into the dining room.

"I'm back." Xue Ji shouted.

"Send, Miss Xue Ji is back!" Buff looked back, and a 2.3 happy smile suddenly appeared on his small face.

"Welcome back." Xiaoman came out of the kitchen and said hello in a soft voice.

Xue Ji said hello one by one before asking, "Where is Lord Mu Liang?"

"Master Mu Liang is still in the study," Buff said softly.

Xiao Mi asked curiously: "Miss Xue Ji, is she Susu?"

"Well, she can see bad luck, so she can help you see it." Xue Ji said with a smile.

Really "Is it?" Buff, Xiaomi and others were all energetic, and looked at the girl expectantly.

Susu nodded weakly, and looked at the little maids curiously.

"What are you doing?" An elegant voice sounded.

Yueqinlan walked into the palace hall gracefully, followed by Bu Weier.

ps: (2 more): ask for customization.

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