Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1237 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1237: People in a trance. (1 more)

Ta Ta Ta~~~

Six octagonal fangs pulled two cars and parked outside the suspended pavilion.

Xue Ji got out of the car and turned around and said, "Get down all, ready to enter the city."

"Okay." Susu got out of the car, followed by the slum dwellers who came to visit Black Tortoise.

"Is this the Black Tortoise city?"

It looks like "It's so big, the end of the city wall can't be seen."

These poorly-clothed people stood together in a subconscious manner and looked at the surrounding environment curiously.

"Before entering the city, I want to remind you of a few points, hoping to remember." Xue Ji looked at the thirty people in front of her, speaking seriously.

Everyone became serious when they heard the words, and looked at the Variety Witch.

"First, don't run around after entering the city, follow my pace.

"Second, don't make trouble after entering the city, otherwise you may be arrested."


Xue Ji said fifteen points for attention in a row, making everyone in the slums nervous.

"Okay, now follow me into the city." Xue Ji's tone eased, and Step and Susu walked in front.

Everyone looked at each other, curiosity triumphed over timidity, and everyone followed.

On both sides and at the end of the team, there are guards from the city defense army, which is to avoid accidents.

With Xue Ji led the team, everyone skipped the steps of customs clearance and passed through the hanging pavilion and Shanhaiguan pass, and entered the commercial area smoothly.

"This is the commercial area of ​​Black Tortoise City that is open to the outside world. You can buy a lot of good things here. You can come and visit if you have the opportunity in the future." Xue Ji introduced as she walked.

"Wow, it's so prosperous, and the house is beautiful. It's much more beautiful than the one in Saroner City."

"I like it here. Although there are many people, it is not dirty at all.

Everyone was amazed again and again, and when they looked at their clothes, many people felt uncomfortable.

Speaking of this, I would like to remind you that littering is forbidden in Black Tortoise. All garbage can only be thrown into the trash can on the side of the road. Xue Ji pointed to several large wooden barrels on the side of the street.

"What if you want to shit?" a bald man asked with a grin.

..."" Xue Ji's eyes twitched.

She pointed her finger in the direction of the toilet and said, "There is a toilet there. It is a convenient place for you."

The Variety Witch moved her lips, but she chose to explain it with the "civilization word" taught by Mu Liang.

"Send, is it free?" Everyone was surprised.

"Yes, it's free." Xue Ji explained patiently.

"It's great, no wonder I didn't see anyone taking off their pants on the side of the road after I came in." Someone was amazed.

"In Black Tortoise City, you dare to take off your pants at will on the side of the road. That is a fine. If you are serious, you must close the small black house." Xue Ji said lightly.

It turns out that "I will still be fined!?"

"It's so strict, so troublesome..."

Everyone whispered to make comments.

Xue Ji didn't hear anything, and led everyone through Urn City and formally entered Black Tortoise City.

Everyone looked around curiously and saw green plants everywhere, but few buildings.

Outside Wengcheng, the octagonal and fangs animal cart has been prepared. The carriage is larger and longer than ordinary animal carts, and one car can seat forty people.

Xue Ji clapped her hands and shouted: "Now, let's all get in the car, first go to the nearby villages and towns, and then go to the Acropolis.

Susu took the lead and got into the car, and the others followed, vying to sit by the window.

"Go to Yutai Town." Xue Ji said coldly.

Yutai Town is the first village outside the city of Black Tortoise, formerly known as Yutai City in the Old Continent.

Half an hour later, the octagonal fang beast slowly drove into Yutai Town, pulling the car, and one could see neat houses from a distance.

"Stop." Xue Ji called out.

Hearing the words, the coachman pulled the reins and slowly stopped the octagonal tusk beast.


The door opened and Xue Ji got out of the car first.

She turned her head and shouted, "All come down, Yutai Town has arrived."

Everyone in the car just got out of the car, habitually looking at the surrounding environment, and giving an evaluation in their hearts.

"This is Yutai Town. There are more than 3,400 people living here..." Xue Ji briefly introduced Yutai Town, mainly about history.

The people in the slums listened carefully. When they heard that the people who lived here were all outsiders," but they are all going well here, and they don't have to worry about food or clothes, their eyes become fiery.

Xue Ji said clearly: "If you come to Black Tortoise, you can also live here. You can plant the land or work in the workshop. As long as you are not lazy, the monthly salary is enough to feed you, and there is even a balance. ."

"Really?" Many people moved and asked some details.

"Of course it is true." Xue Ji lifted her chin slightly, and said proudly: "When you stay for a few days, you will know how good Black Tortoise City is."

"Somewhat looking forward to..."

Everyone talked again, and many people were already moved.

"Don't worry, go see another place." Xue Ji smiled slightly.

She took everyone to spare Yutai Town for about two hours.

Yutai Town is not small, it is divided into several villages, surrounded by farmland.

"Get in the car, now go to the workshop area, and then go to the No. 1 Acropolis." Xue Ji said clearly.

Everyone got into the car excitedly.

An hour later, the octagonal tusk pulled the car and stopped outside the workshop area.

"When you enter the workshop, you don't want to walk around, follow me closely." Xue Ji motioned.

She raised her hand and walked ahead to lead the way, and everyone in the slum followed.

This time I am going to visit the furniture workshop, which is a relatively low-density workshop in the workshop area, suitable for outsiders to visit.

Walking into the furniture workshop, you see piles of wood.

A staff member is processing wood. 710 will process irregular round wood into regular long strips to facilitate subsequent processing.

Xue Ji called the person in charge of the furniture workshop and asked him to introduce the work of the furniture workshop to the people in the slum.

The person in charge didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the subject: "The work here is not difficult, with drawings and samples, just follow the steps to make the furniture.

Everyone listened quietly, and their hearts began to move again. Working here is obviously better than living in a slum.

Half an hour later, Xue Ji left the workshop area with the tranced people, and went to Acropolis No. 1 again.

The Acropolis is more prosperous than Yutai Town, with better buildings and roads, making everyone in the slums look forward to.

"If you come to Black Tortoise City, you will live in the village first, and when you have earned enough Black Tortoise coins, you can come to the Acropolis to buy or rent a house," Xue Ji said crisply.

"I'm coming to Black Tortoise City, I'm tomorrow... No, I'm going back to pack my things now, and I'll be here at night." The seventeen-year-old shouted excitedly.

"I want to come too.

"Stay here is better than staying in a slum, I don't want to be a waste of money anymore."

"..." everyone shouted in high spirits, and they couldn't wait to come to Black Tortoise City.

The corners of Xue Ji's lips rose, and the task was half completed.

ps: [1 more]: the second more positive code.

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