Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1240 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1240: Mu Liang's good family style. (1 more)

Yan said that Bing's finger vvy was on the trigger, her purple eyes were as cold as frost, and the magician's eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person.

"I'll go back with you... The magician sneered.

"Haha." The knight, who had been pretending to sleep with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and saw the magician's eyes full of mockery.

"What are you laughing at?" The magician glared.

The knight Yutian sneered, and mocked: "I just think you are ridiculous. Lord Yan Bing gave you the antidote, and you threatened her."

He looks down on the magician, he can leave here, and he can get rid of the poison. He only needs to work for others for five years to get freedom. This deal is very worthwhile.

The magician snorted coldly and said with cold eyes: "Humph, you'd better shut up, otherwise I will kill you."

He is surrounded by magical elements, and there is a great possibility that he will shoot if he doesn't agree.


The next moment, the invisible Realm enveloped the surrounding five meters, and all the sounds disappeared.

The knight's pupils contracted and the muscles of his body tightened, as if he was facing great fear.

He opened his mouth and yelled, but no sound came out.

Yan Bing glanced at him sideways, her purple eyes were glowing with cold.

Yutian closed his mouth subconsciously.

The magician's face was as pale as snow, and he could not hear the sound of breathing or heartbeat, as if he was already dead.

He raised his eyes to look at the woman in front of him, and the other's fingers moved.

In silence, the sniper rifle in Yan Bing's hand shook, and the bullet pierced the muzzle, accurately piercing the magician's forehead.

The magician's pupils dilated, and the blood hole on his forehead robbed him of vitality. The corpse fell backwards weakly, but was hugged by chains and did not fall to the ground.

He didn't understand to his death why Yan Bing would do it.


Yan Bing turned off the muffler and the sound returned again.


Yutian was breathing heavily, and his clothes were wet with cold sweat.

He stiffly turned his head to look at the dead magician, with fear in his heart, and his face was full of fear.

Yan Bing put away the sniper rifle, looked at the knight and asked in a cold voice, "Are you going back with me?

The reason why she killed the magician was that such a person was not suitable for staying in Black Tortoise City, even if he was a sixth-order magician.

Yutian's throat moved, and he asked in a astringent voice, "Will you give me an antidote?"

Yan Bing nodded calmly and said, "Of course, after working for five years, you will be able to regain freedom."

"Okay, I'll go back with you." Yutian nodded quickly without hesitation.

Yan Bing looked better, took out the key to unlock the knight's cuffs, and let him out.

"You wait here," she exclaimed in a cold voice.

"Okay." Yutian stood there honestly, watching the purple-haired girl go to lobby other people.

On the second floor, Liyue rescued the sea monster and opened the chains on other slaves. Some slaves who did not cooperate were left in the cage.

After doing this, the silver-haired girl went to the third floor again.

She and Yan Bing are adhering to the Black Tortoise city's "good family style, and take away all the valuable things here, leaving nothing behind."

"Are there any good things?" Yan Bing looked at the silver-haired girl coming downstairs.

"No, it's all here." Liyue shook her head and motioned to the bulging animal skin bags on the slaves behind her.

"Then let's go." Yan Bing's eyes showed a smile.

"Well, go back." The corners of Liyue's lips rose, and this time out was full of rewards.

Yutian turned around and looked at the slaves who were unwilling to cooperate, and whispered: "Your Excellency, the people here have seen you, and keep their lives, are you afraid of being discovered by the Duke?

Yan Bing's eyes flickered, and she turned her head to look at Liyue and said, "That's right, or stop talking, don't trouble adults.

"Yeah, yes." Liyue drew out the sniper rifle, opened the silencer, and fell into deathly silence around her.

The slaves who were still in the cage stared in horror and opened their mouths begging for mercy, but no words came out.

Seeing that the purpose of intimidation had been achieved, Liyue turned off the muffler, and the frightened begging for mercy penetrated into her ears.

"Don't kill me, I will leave with you.

"Please, I won't say, I won't say a word."

The slave in the iron cage kept begging for mercy, and almost knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"Then follow me." Liyue said coldly.

After she decided to go back to Black Tortoise, let the slaves in the cage behind go digging for a while.

In the end, the entire slave shop was evacuated, and the slaves lined up to leave.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

Outside the slave market, there are already many slaves, guarded by highland guards.

"Go back." Liyue whispered to herself.

...For flowers...

"There are too many people, how do we go back?" Yu Tian asked solemnly.

When he came out of the slave shop, he was taken aback by the number of people on the street.

He thought that only the slave shop of the Duke was spotted, but he did not expect the entire slave street to be taken in one go.

"Sit back on Xiaocai." Liyue raised her hand and snapped her fingers.


Yan Bing looked up at the sky with some awareness, and under the night, the fire feather eagle fluttered and hovered high in the sky.

Behind it, the ghost spider spit out silk, causing the invisible nine-color lizard to drop from the sky and land in the slave market.

Yutian and the group of slaves have been watching, what kind of operation is this?

Yan Bing urged in a low voice: "Don't be in a daze, the movement is not small, go up soon, let's leave here."


Yutian looked at the huge Jiucai lizard and couldn't help swallowing his saliva. The breath emanating from its body made his legs soft.

"Hurry up," Liyue whispered.

Under the urging of the highland guards, the slaves climbed up the back of the Jiucai Lizard in fear.

"Xiao Cai, let's go." Liyue patted Jiucai Lizard's head lightly.

The body color of the nine'color' 222 lizard changed, and The next moment disappeared in place out of thin air.

The fire feather eagle flapped its wings and flew high, and the ghost spider also began to gather the silk, pulling the nine-color lizard up.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

Liyue and others left for a while.

Hearing the movement, the Duke rushed over immediately.

On his old face, the clouds were overcast at this time, and the whole slave market was quiet and terribly quiet, which made him have a bad premonition.

The Duke went to the end of the street and saw the open wooden door of the slave shop, his face changed.

When he entered the slave shop, only empty iron cages greeted him.

"Who did it?" The Duke's eyes were wide, and his angry roar spread throughout the slave market.

He exudes the breath of a rank nine powerhouse, causing the entire wooden building to vibrate.

Some people who observed secretly were shocked. It turned out that the real strength of the Duke was Tier Nine, and it wasn't that the outside world said that it was only Tier 8 powerhouses.

Owners of other slave shops rushed to hear the news and saw the empty slave shops. They were equally angry.

This night, the slave market is destined to not be peaceful.

ps: [1 more]: the second more positive code. ten thousand,

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