Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1243 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1243: I have no objection at all. (1 more)

In the meeting room.

Yan Bing looked calm, watching the restless slaves.

There are five slaves sitting in the drawing room, all of whom are relatively special in strength and status.

Among them is the fifth-order knight Yutian.

He sat upright, with his hands on his thighs, and his waist and thighs were at a right angle of ninety degrees.

Sitting to the left of the knight is a young girl. She has emerald green wavy hair, slender ears, and delicate features, especially her emerald-like eyes, which seem to be talking.

But the most striking thing is the pair of transparent golden wings behind her.

Yan Bing's eyes fell on her half of the time, and he was particularly curious about the wings behind her.

"Are you an elf?" she asked coldly.

"Yes, yes." Sallefin nodded weakly.

Yan Bing's eyes flickered. This was the second elf she saw. The first one was Ling'er, although she didn't know the difference between the elf in front of her and the Ling'er born from the Tree of Life.

Sitting on the other side of the elf is the girl siren Veria. She is only seventeen years old, two years older than the elf girl.

Sitting on the other side of Yutian is a female orc. She has a fluffy cat head, but a human body, as well as a thin and long black cat tail.

The last slave was ordinary in appearance, but was a Tier 2 magician, and he was able to use space magic, but his strength was too weak, so he was caught as a slave, unable to use magic to escape.

Among the five people, Yutian is the most calm, and the other four are a little scared, and their hearts are extremely tense.

Sallefin raised his head and secretly looked at the living room.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

A few footsteps came from outside the meeting room, which made the hearts of the five slaves lifted.

Mu Liang, Yueqinlan and Liyue walked into the living room and went straight to the main seat and sat down.

Mu Liang appeared, and the slaves' hearts were raised.

"These are the few special slaves you are talking about?" Mu Liang looked at the five people and turned his head to Yan Bing.

"Yes." Yan Bing nodded seriously.

Mu Liang looked at the slave, his eyes flashed one by one, and he quickly fixed his eyes on Sallefin. Her pair of golden transparent wings were really eye-catching.

"Elf?" Mu Liang thought of what Yan Bing said, and quickly guessed her identity.

"My lord, I am." Sallefin nodded timidly.

Yue Qinlan said in surprise: "It turns out that the elves look like this, and they look a bit like Ling'er, but the number and shape of their wings are also different."

Mu Liang asked with interest: "Interesting, apart from having wings, is it different from ordinary people?

"I'm good at archery, and I'm very talented...Salofen said in a low voice, but he was confident when he raised the archery.

Mu Liang asked in surprise, "Are you elves good at shooting arrows?"

"Yeah." Salophan nodded.

"Well, compare you with Liyue and see who is better." Mu Liang said and glanced at the silver-haired girl.

The silver-haired girl's bow is also very strong. Although she can't achieve a hundred shots and a hundred hits, it is easy to shoot ninety arrows out of a hundred arrows.

"Good." Liyue nodded in response.

Salofen was stunned, but did not refuse.

"Go out?" Liyue asked softly.

Mu Liang raised his hand to press Liyue's hand, and said gently, "Don't worry, I'll compare it later."

"Good." The corners of Liyue's lips raised slightly.

Mu Liang looked at Siren Vilia and said calmly, "Meet again.

"My lord!! Veria" had bright eyes, stood up and saluted Mu Liang, which is what she learned to say.

Mu Liang tapped his finger on the handrail lightly, and asked interestedly: "Listening to Liyue, can you find the invisible person through sound waves?"

"Yes, this is our Kraken's ability! Veria" nodded earnestly.

An idea flashed in Mu Liang's mind, is this sonar detection?

His eyes flickered, and he asked calmly: "Want to stay in Black Tortoise City?"

Veria blinked beautiful eyes and asked uncertainly: "What does this mean, is it your lord still willing to let me go?"

"You can leave at any time, but if you are caught again, don't mention Black Tortoise City." Mu Liang raised his hand and shook his five fingers.

Yue Qinlan's legs overlapped and said gracefully: "You leave now. If you are caught again, you should have no good luck and be rescued again.

"..." Vilia bit her lower lip and understood what Yue Qinlan meant.

Mu Liang said clearly: "You can stay, find a job in Black Tortoise City, or enter the ghost tactical assassination team."

Veria's ability is very special, can detect invisible people, which can make up for the lack of ghost tactical assassination team.

Villia asked curiously: "What is a ghost tactical assassination team?

Mu Liang motioned to Bing and Liyue, and said calmly, "They are members of the special ghost assassination team."

Veria's beautiful eyes widened, and her heart moved a little.

"After joining the special ghost assassination team, advanced magic equipment is standard, and it is also sheltered by Black Tortoise."

Mu Liang lured! Confused: "If you encounter other Krakens who are caught in the future, you can use the power of Black Tortoise to save them."

All five slaves were shocked. After joining the ghost tactical assassination team, advanced magic equipment is standard. This condition is more attractive than anything else.

High-level magic equipment, that is something that a daughter can hardly find.

However, for Veria, the second condition is more tempting. Using the power of Black Tortoise City to rescue those people who are also imprisoned, how can he not be moved.

,"What do I need to do after joining?" She asked cautiously.

"Participate in training, become a qualified ghost tactical assassination team member, and then perform various tasks." Mu Liang said calmly.

Veria's eyes flickered, but he hesitated for a while, and said seriously, "I'll join.

Mu Liang said gently: "Okay, follow Yan Bing from now on, and be her deputy first.

"Yes." Veria nodded.

Mu Liang's thoughts diverged, and a different set of armor should be made out, suitable for the sea monster to use underwater.

"My lord, I also want to join the ghost tactical assassination team!!" Yu Tian couldn't wait to say.

He was completely attracted by the advanced magic equipment, and his eyes were extremely hot.

"Has the poison in his body been detoxified?" Mu Liang asked, turning his head to the side.

Liyue explained: "I have already drunk Star tea, and there are residual poisons in my body, but it is no longer a life-threatening thing. Drinking Star tea a few more times should be able to completely detoxify."

"Well, then go to the military camp (Zhao De's), or become a patrolman." Mu Liang said calmly.

"Will there be advanced magic equipment?" Yu Tian stared at Mu Liang expectantly.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "No, but basic magic equipment will be available. If you do well, you will have intermediate magic equipment. As for advanced magic equipment, it depends on your military skills."

Military crossbows, shields, and most inefficient are the primary spiritual weapons.

"Okay, I'll go." Yutian sighed depressed, knowing that he was thinking too much.

Of course he is a little unbalanced in his heart, but it is better than nothing at all.

"Have an opinion?" Yue Qinlan glanced at her.

"Otherwise, send it to mine." Liyue said lightly.

Yutian's expression changed, and he quickly said with a serious face: "I have no opinion at all, I am very satisfied with the cold.

Dare I have an opinion?

Or if there is an opinion, will it also be resolved by the person who made the opinion?

ps: [1 more); Seek customization.

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