Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1250 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1250: Do I look like a fool? (2 more)

Turan opened her mouth, her face calmed down, and Dan Feng's eyes lost light.

She sighed and sat down, looking at the empty wine bottle on the table in a daze.

Yu Tu suddenly asked: "Where are you from?"

Black Tortoise "Cityman." Mu Liang said calmly.

"From Black Tortoise!!" Yutu's expression was shocked.

He naturally knows Black Tortoise, but he hasn't been there yet, but he has heard a lot of news from his staff.

Mu Liang ignored his surprised look, turned his head to look at Turan, who was looking lonely, and said calmly, "Do you like making wine?"

Turan raised his face and said proudly: "Of course, I want to make the best wine in the world."

"It's difficult, no one knows what the best wine in the world is like." Mu Liang said indifferently.

Turan shook his head and whispered: "Baijiu is very good, better than my Lanjiu. I can't make such a wine, and it's even harder to surpass it."

"Are you interested in cooperating?" Mu Liang asked suddenly.

"How do you say?" Turan looked at Mu Liang in confusion.

"If you are interested in my wine, take this to Black Tortoise City and find me later." Mu Liang stood up and handed Turan a glass token.

Turan was shocked with the token.

Let's go". Mu Liang glanced at Liyue and the others, and took a step to leave.

"Wait!!" Yu Tu hurriedly stood up and shouted.

"Are you still doing something?" Mu Liang looked back at him, his black eyes were as deep as the night sky.

Yu Tu lifted his chin and said seriously: "Don't be nervous, I just want to make friends."

"Not interested." Mu Liang said lightly, no longer interested in having fun.

"You...Matu's eyes widened.

His face turned gloomy, and he said coldly: "I have a dignified viscount to make friends with you, you should feel honored."

"I don't think so." Mu Liang's eyes flashed coldly.

He turned and continued to walk downstairs, Liyue Alina and the others followed, preparing to leave without looking back.

"Stop, give your face not wanting face." Yu Tu shouted angrily, with magical elements condensed in his hands, which were scorching fire elements.

"Do you want to die?" Mu Liang looked back at Yu Tu coldly.

Yu Tu's body shook, the fire element in his hand dissipated, his body was like an ice cellar, and Death's creeps came.

Ta Ta Ta~~~

Mu Liang stopped staying and stepped downstairs.

Turan came back to his senses, her face was also ugly, but this time it was because of Yu Tu.

She raised her hand and grabbed the collar of the Viscount, and said coldly: "Viscount Yutu, you are very courageous. Did you just want to do it in my place?

"Me" Yutu opened his mouth, his face even more ugly.

Turan is not a viscount, but her father is a marquis.

Although he is a marquis in the royal line, his status and status are there, and he can't provoke him.

"I, I dare not." Yu Tu gritted his teeth.

Turan glared: "Get out of here, don't come to my Turan Tavern again, otherwise I will hit you once."

"Huh, I'm not uncommon." Yu followed Tu back a few steps, gave Tulan an annoyed look, and then ran downstairs as if he was fleeing.

Turan, hands on hips, stepped to overtake him and beat him.

Upon seeing this, Yu Tu ran faster, and disappeared behind a small alley not far away in embarrassment.

"Trash, the Viscount bought a fart?" Turan spit on the ground.

She clenched the token in her hand, turned around thoughtfully and returned to the tavern, planning to visit Black Tortoise in the afternoon.

On the other side, Mu Liang and others continued along the main street towards the trading market.

"Mu Liang, do you want to work with Turan?" Liyue asked softly, turning her head.

Mu Liang smiled at the corner of his lips and said, "She has a ready-made tavern here. Let her help us sell wine."

"It turned out to be so, I thought you really wanted to tell her how to make wine." Alina said suddenly.

"Do I look like a fool?" Mu Liang said with a dumb smile.

Alina shook her head and said angrily: "Unlike, Mr. Mu Liang is the smartest."

Mu Liang smiled lightly, raised his hand and gently tapped the pink-haired girl on the head.

Alina gave a playful smile, her red lips slightly raised under the veil.

Everyone talked and laughed and walked forward, and they were still eye-catching along the way.

Jieyue took the herdsmen's hand and said softly, "It's almost the trading market.

"There are a lot of people." Mu Liang raised his eyes and looked forward, already seeing the entrance of the trading market.

The trading market is similar to the slave market, except that there are more people, and besides the shops, there are many vendors on the street selling all kinds of things.

Passing by, "Let by and take a look, the good Magical Beasts bone is a good material for making magic equipment."

"The rare golden blood grass is sold cheaply. One plant only costs a thousand gold coins...

Seeking flowers...

"Let's take a look at the elementary magic equipment..."

Before Mu Liang and others entered the trading market, they heard a row of noisy shouts.

"There should be many thieves here." Alina's eyes flashed.

"Yeah." Mu Liang responded.

Often the more people there are, the more paradise those holding hands are, where you can fish in troubled waters.

Mu Liang and others entered the trading market and quickly attracted the attention of many people.

"Go over there and take a look." Mu Liang walked forward and came to the first booth first.

The stall owner was an old man with a gray beard. In front of him was a four-meter-long and two-meter-wide animal skin covered with many gadgets, including herbs and bottles.

Many people stepped forward to take a look, but basically they turned around and left after seeing them. No one asked, let alone picked up the items on the booth to check.

Mu Liang felt curious and stepped forward to take a look at the object on the animal skin.

The stall owner glanced at Mu Liang, and his voice was kind: "Anyone who is interested can take a look."

"Okay." Mu Liang knelt down and reached out and picked up a red stone.

The stone is the size of a fist, it is warm at first, and feels very comfortable.

"This is the rainbow blood stone, the main material of many potions." The stall owner said calmly.

"For example?" Mu Liang asked casually.

The stall owner took another look at Mu Liang and said in a low voice: "Blood Demon Medicine, Sanhe Magic Medicine, Body Refining Magic Medicine...all use rainbow blood stones.

Mu Liang took a deep look at the old man and made sure that he was not lying.

He threw the red blood stone in her hand and asked, "Your Excellency is a pharmacist?"

"It used to be." The stall owner's expression remained unchanged, and he slowly lowered his head.

"What level of alchemist?" Mu Liang asked in surprise.

The stall owner smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Ah, it's not important anymore, I can't make medicine anymore."

"Why? Alina" asked suspiciously.

"Because I hurt my soul, and refining medicine requires a powerful soul, it is difficult for me to concentrate, so I can no longer refining medicine." The vendor's mouth was bitter.

Yu Fei'er said innocently: "If you hurt your soul, you can cure it.

The stall owner glanced at the blonde girl with two ponytails, and said patiently: "It hurts the soul, this is not good for cure."

"How can it be cured?" Yu Fei'er pursed his lips.

ps: [2 more]: Ask for customization. ten thousand,

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